NUFORC UFO Sighting 2266

Occurred: 1991-06-01 13:00 Local
Reported: 1997-06-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 mins.
No of observers: 2

Location: Whitestone (Queens, over), NY, USA

Shape: Disk

Summary : A disk shape object was spotted by my Dad while he was relax ing the back yard. He called to me sveral times .I thought he was pulling my leg. So I went to investigate. When I got there he said look up so I did and I spotted what looked like something very shiny drifting in the sky. I ran upsets got my 10x50 binoculars. Came back and found the object traveling South .I looked through my binoculars and could not believe what I was seening. I kept staring at it and its details. I never have seen anything like it. It was disk shape, it had a lower compartment to it , the lower compartment was smaller than the disc itself .the lower level had like "plates" or doors or slots to it. And as it moved South it swayed or rocked slowly from side to side as though it was hitting turbulance in the air. Stranges thing I ever did see.

the object was like a disk.the top had a small dome like structure that expanded from tip to tip, the bottom had a compartment with doors or plates or slots.I COULD DRAW THE OBJECT IF NEED TO

Posted 1998-06-02

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