NUFORC UFO Sighting 2253

Occurred: 1997-06-04 21:20 Local
Reported: 1997-06-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: White Plains, NY, USA

Shape: other

Summary : Florescent UFO seen by threepassing thru clear area then thru trees at tree level. UFOwas silent and moved evenly.

Student aged 17 first saw itclearly from bedroom window:looked like Saturn at a nearedge view of rings to her andher mother. To me (father,slightly nearsighted) look morelike a blimp. However, nosound! Florescent with tinge ofblue and green. We are used toblimps in area along with helicopters (path between HPN & LGA) andplanes (landing pattern to LGAI am an amateur astronomer, andknow the sky well.After 30 minutes: called Police: no reports; called Westchesterairport: Fabrige Blimp in area! If this was a blimp it wasflying so low it must havecrashed into hill where itdisappeared OR was a very largeand GLOWING! Are there anyblimps out there glowing? My view was limited, after fiveseconds it was in the treesappearing to go along the roadbehind house. The land behindthe road rises about 100 feet. We think the UFO was on this side of the ridge, else it had to be very large BUT it seemed to be very close, about 1000 feet.

Posted 1999-01-28

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