NUFORC UFO Sighting 181648

Occurred: 2024-05-25 12:39 Local
Reported: 2024-05-25 17:20 Pacific
Duration: 11 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: West Islip, NY, USA

Shape: Unknown
Color: Pale to darker
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 38
Closest Distance: five miles
Estimated Speed: decent : calculate using 20,000 ft in 3 seconds

Weekend of Bethpage Airshow - was looking for anything in the sky. Saw UAP.

Weekend of Bethpage Airshow - was looking for anything in the sky. From stated location above, looking very high in the sky - approximately 36,500 to 41,000 ft high. Looking Westward from my location, Tracking it going North by Northwest, by eye. Held at arms length, UAP was about the size of a slightly less than a pea, but greater than a grain of rice. Going very fast for a craft that high. No trails seen. Vividly tracked it visually for about 9 seconds. Then, saw it take an immediate and distinct 90 degree turn downward to about 18,000 feet within two to maybe 3 seconds. Distinctly able to follow it visually to that level when it simply disappeared. Not the Blue Angels (flying this weekend) . Not commercial. Appeared relatively normal until it took the 90 degree turn and accelerated downward in the same position but to a lower altitude.

Posted 2024-05-26

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