NUFORC UFO Sighting 1377

Occurred: 1996-03-24 19:25 Local
Reported: 1996-03-24 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 sec.

Location: Medford, NY, USA


Man calls to report that he had been witness to six "white dots" flying over his daughter's home, which is located on Route 112 on Long Island, NY.

I called him on 25MR96 at 1402 hours. He added that the objects had been traveling from south to north, and his nephew had seen them as well. The nephew was still in shock the day after the incident.

During the second call, the caller stated that whereas he first though he was looking at six separate objects, he now believes that he had been looking at one object with 6 separate lights on it.

Posted 1999-11-02

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