Payment Systems Task Force

Connect with retail payment leaders

This task force discusses matters related to card acceptance and other issues retailers face with credit and debit card associations and card acceptance networks. This task force discusses the latest payments trends and payments from the retailers' perspective.

Task force members receive exclusive memos about upcoming legislation that could affect retail businesses and invitations to webinars and special programs hosted by NRF.



The task force convenes virtually the fourth Thursday of every month and includes calls with our consultants from CMSPI.


The NRF Payments System Task Force is open to senior directors in payments, legal, operations and technology roles within NRF retail member companies, such as senior director, director of payments and treasurer, or at NRF’s discretion.

How to get involved

To join the NRF Payments System Task Force or learn more about NRF’s financial-related resources connect with the team at


Payments System Task Force Resources

Explore data from the National Retail Federation about the current state of retail and its impact on the U.S. economy.
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State of Retail Payments
A biennial study by the NRF and Forrester that profiles US enterprise retailers’ views and decisions about payments.
Members only
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Monthly Economic Review
NRF’s chief economist Jack Kleinhenz reviews the state of the U.S. economy every month.
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Retail Sales
Monthly retail sales figures from NRF, excluding automobiles, gasoline stations and restaurants.
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NRF Forecasts
NRF forecasts that retail sales will increase in 2024 between 2.5% and 3.5% to between $5.23 trillion and $5.28 trillion
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The impact of inflation on the retail industry and what to know about the future for consumers and retailers.
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Interested in joining?

Interested in joining a council, but unsure which one is right for you or unsure of your company’s membership status? We want you to be part of our retail community. Connect with the team today at to learn more.