General Counsels Forum (Invite-only)

Connect with retail general counsel

The General Counsels Forum is open exclusively to the most senior legal officers among NRF's retail membership. This forum provides members with the opportunity to share strategy and ideas for addressing cutting-edge legal and management issues of concern to retail law departments.

The forum provides certificates of attendance for CLE, when applicable, to help members seeking credit from specific state bars. The forum also connects members with law firms that can offer CLE credit.

retail law summit
Join us for the California Retail Law Summit

September 16, 2024
Napa Valley, California

Get ahead of the most pressing issues impacting retailers operating in California. Join NRF and the California Retailers Association (CRA) September 16, 2024 in beautiful Napa Valley to connect with retail peers, learn tactics and share insights. Designed specifically to tackle the unique legal and regulatory challenges faced by retailers operating in California, this annual event is a must-attend for retail in-house counsel.

California Retail Law Summit


The forum meets twice a year. Meetings provide the opportunity to hear from subject matter experts, share information and best practices, and network with other GCs and industry leaders. In addition, members are welcome to join the NRF Workforce & Operations Benchmarking conference call on Mondays.


The NRF General Counsels Forum extends invitations to the most senior legal officers within NRF retail member companies, such as the senior counsel, general counsel, chief legal officer, senior executive, SVP or EVP. 

*Although this council is invite-only, we always encourage senior leaders to inquire

How to get involved:

To join the NRF General Counsel Forum or learn more about NRF’s legal-related resources contact Stephanie Martz, NRF’s chief administrative officer and general counsel.

The NRF General Counsels Forum extends invitations to the most senior legal officers within NRF retail member companies, such as the senior counsel, general counsel, chief legal officer, senior executive, SVP or EVP.

Not sure about your company membership status? Please contact to learn more.


Retail law
Understanding the impact of California’s climate disclosure laws

Log in to watch this members-only webinar featuring legal experts from Lehotsky Keller Cohn LLP. California Governor Newsom signed two climate disclosure bills passed by the California Legislature that will affect larger NRF members.


Woman takes notes at laptop
Certifying the auditors: Setting standards for independent social compliance audits

Watch this members-only webinar to learn more about the Association of Professional Social Compliance (APSCA) program. Speakers from the APSCA, the Walt Disney Company and Home Depot will discuss the importance of having certified auditors performing social compliance audits.



Retail Law Resource Center

The NRF Retail Law Resource Center is a hub for in-house retail counsel to connect with peers, track legal trends and best practices, and learn the latest strategies on guiding and advising organizations. From on-demand CLE webinars and litigation risk updates to benchmarking surveys and compliance training tools, the NRF Retail Law Resource Center offers invaluable insights and relationships for retail lawyers and legal professionals.

Learn more

Explore additional resources:

Retail Litigation Headquarters
Explore NRF's position on litigation in the retail industry.
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NRF Retail Law Summit covered top legal issues facing merchants
High-level insights on topics including AI’s impact on hiring, DE&I and litigation risks.
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Insights on employment and labor law, consumer protection and technology
The NRF Retail Law Summit is the right resource for an evolving industry.
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Retail Events
NRF produces and supports events all year long. Explore our featured events or browse through our full calendar.
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Action Center
We need your help to make sure Congress hears from retailers.
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NRF Membership

Interested in joining a council, but unsure which one is right for you or unsure of your company’s membership status? We want you to be part of our retail community. Connect with the team today at to learn more.