Jackie's Story: Suicide Contagion is REAL

Assisted suicide laws are dangerous to vulnerable people - the highly publicized assisted suicides that proponents promote and call “heroic" are having deadly effects.

Dr. Tati's Story

"Assisted Suicide is one of the biggest threats to authentic medicine."
-Dr. Tatiana Santos

Every Single Day Is A Gift

There was a time — several months after J.J. Hanson was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, but several years before he died from it — when, he once said, he might have considered ending it all.

The Alvarez Family Story

Sylvia and Serena Alvarez share the inspiring story of Sal Alvarez -- how he fought for justice throughout his life, working for farmers' rights, advocating for access to health care for Latinos, and -- near the end of his life -- fighting against assisted suicide.

Luke’s Story

You don’t discourage suicide by assisting suicide.

“Every suicide is tragic – whether you’re old or young, healthy or sick, your life is worth living,” says Luke Maxwell, 19, who survived an attempt to take his own life.

La Historia De Cecilia

Observen ahora cómo Cecilia Sone, una enfermera profesional y voz confiable de nuestra comunidad, comparte cómo cuidar a seres queridos que se enfrentan al final de la vida.

Dr. Brescia

Dr. Brescia is a kidney doctor with decades of experience with treating life-threatening illness. He has developed breakthrough technologies that took “terminal” out of thousands of people’s diagnosis. With assisted suicide laws relying heavily on correct diagnosis and prognosis, which are so often wrong, how can we risk a person’s life on a guess?

John’s Story: Beyond Independence

Born without arms, John Foppe speaks to a way of life beyond independence, namely inter-dependence: Together we are more. Assisted suicide sells everyone short, so in times of illness or disability, he encourages us to “step into life!”

The Scooter

Because of his illness, Bill had lost his mobility and, therefore, his connection with family and community. Not being able to go to his grandson’s baseball games was more than he could bear. He no longer had the zest for life and requested assisted suicide from his doctor. His doctor, however, had an alternate solution, one that “made him fun again;” and all it took was a scooter….

Man of Steel

JJ’s family motto is “You can’t hurt steel.” When he was diagnosed with glioblastoma, the most aggressive form of brain cancer, he fights for his wife, his son, and his life.

Pulling Back the Curtain on Assisted Suicide

In 2000, when Oregon resident, Jeanette Hall, had less than a year to live, she asked her cancer doctor for the pills to commit suicide. Dr. Kenneth Stevens got to know her better and inspired her to consider treatment. The tumor just “melted away” and now — 15 years later — Jeanette says: “It’s great to be alive!”

Jeanette’s Story: 15 Years Later

In 2000, when Oregon resident, Jeanette Hall, had less than a year to live, she asked her cancer doctor for the pills to commit suicide. Dr. Kenneth Stevens got to know her better and inspired her to consider treatment. The tumor just “melted away” and now — 15 years later — Jeanette says: “It’s great to be alive!”

Barbara Wagner

Barbara was sick. She had terminal cancer and was told she had less than six months to live. Instead of providing treatment and doing everything they could to help, her HMO offered something else … they agreed to pay to kill her. Click the short video to hear Barbara’s story.

Maggie’s Story

Maggie was diagnosed with brain cancer and strongly opposes assisted suicide. Hear this story of a strong woman with much left to give to her family and society. She has a powerful story of hope and courage – and that no doctor can put a timetable on anyone’s life.

The Death Penalty

And these Barbiturates are not always a peaceful death…They have been termed “cruel and unusual” punishment by the courts for the worst criminals.

Barbiturates are the most common substances used for assisted suicide in Oregon and Washington. Overdoses of barbiturates are known to cause distress and have associated issues: extreme gasping and muscle spasms can occur, while losing consciousness, a person can vomit and then inhale the vomit, panic, feelings of terror, and assaultive behavior take place from the drug-induced confusion, failure of the drugs to induce, unconsciousness, a number of days elapsing before death occurs or death does not occur.

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