Northstar Advocates

Legislative Advocacy

Driving Change: Our Voice in Legislative Advocacy.

How To Advocate

Stay Informed

Stay updated on legislative issues by following reputable news sources, official government websites, and advocacy organizations. Be aware of proposed bills, policy changes, and relevant developments.

Identify Key Legislators

Identify and connect with key legislators involved in the issues you’re passionate about. Understand their positions, voting history, and committees they serve on. Establishing a relationship with legislative offices is crucial. (put link for legislators).

Join Advocacy Groups

Join advocacy organizations that align with your interests. These groups often provide resources, training, and opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals. Collective efforts amplify your impact. (Do we want to recomend any?)

Attend Hearings

Participate in public hearings, town hall meetings, and legislative sessions. Share your perspective, stories, and expertise during public comment periods. Personal experiences can have a significant impact on legislators. (should we put the WA State link?)

Communicate Effectively

Reach out to legislators through emails, phone calls, and letters. Clearly articulate your position, provide evidence-based arguments, and suggest specific actions. Personalize your message to convey the real-world impact of proposed policies. Effective communication is key to influencing legislative decisions.

The Northstar Way

At NorthStar Advocates, we actively engage in legislation because we believe that real change begins with informed and empathetic policy. By placing lived experience at the core of our advocacy, we bring a unique perspective to the legislative table. Those who have directly faced behavioral health challenges and homelessness are powerful agents for change. 


Community Residential Programs 

Coming Soon

Updates On The Way

Coming Soon

Updates On The Way


$3,000,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2025 is provided solely for a community residential program designed for young adults ages 18 to 25 exiting in an inpatient behavioral health facility with risk of unaccompanied homelessness. The funding is provided for two six to 10 bed community residential programs, one to be located east of the crest of the Cascades and one to be located west of the crest of the Cascades, with a focus on continuing the benefits of the inpatient treatment episode and identifying long-term housing and other services to reduce the chances of the young person returning to homelessness. The funding will be aligned with and coadministered by a nonprofit organization located in Seattle but serving the state through The Bridge Coalition designed to provide training and awareness to community housing and other organizations that serve unaccompanied young people and inpatient treatment behavioral health providers, managed care organizations, and young people with lived experience with the behavioral health system. The contract with a community residential program is exempt from the competitive procurement requirements in chapter 39.26 RCW.

Read Bill | HB 1929

Coming soon 

NorthStar Advocates supported legislation will be updated soon.


Coming soon 

NorthStar Advocates supported legislation will be updated soon.


Why I Advocate?

“I was involved in SB 6560 and now HB 1929. These bills prevent youth from leaving inpatient care into homelessness. Seeing a bill through to completion and success has had a profound impact on me realizing that advocacy goes a long way.”

Lived Experience Feature


Key Dates

Tuesday, Jan 16th

HB 1929 Hearing House Committee on Health care & Wellness

Monday, Jan 29th

HB 1929 Referred to Appropriations

Thursday, Feb 1

HB 1929 Referred to Appropriations