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Modern Office is an office furniture supplier in the heart of Oslo. Our 6000 sqm large showroom sets the trend in ergonomic office space.

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    In the early 2010s, Mark Zuckerberg, the renowned founder of Facebook, famously stated, The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. It's a sentiment that resounds with eerie prescience as we stand on the cusp of the AI revolution. As we embark on this exploration, let us be clear about one thing. This book is not intended to sound an alarmist warning about an imminent dystopian future where robots rule and humans are obsolete. Nor does it espouse an uncritical acceptance of AI as the panacea for all our societal and economic challenges. Instead, it navigates the middle ground, seeking to shed light on the nuanced reality of AI and its impact on the future of work. From the perspective of job redundancy, AI presents a complex challenge. While it's indisputable that AI will render certain jobs redundant, it's equally undeniable that AI will also create new jobs, ones we can scarcely imagine today. This duality forms the crux of our exploration. What jobs are on the brink of extinction, and what new professions will rise from the ashes? How can we prepare for this seismic shift in the job market? In crafting this book, we have drawn from a diverse range of voices - from technologists, economists, and sociologists to historians, futurists, and those on the front lines of the AI revolution. I hope that this book will not only inform but also provoke. Provoke thought, debate, and, importantly, action. Because, as Zuckerberg's quote underscores, inaction in the face of rapid change is the surest path to failure. Whether we are policymakers, educators, business leaders, or workers navigating the shifting landscape, we all have a stake in shaping the future of work in the AI era. And it is my earnest hope that Kiss Your Job Goodbye will serve as a valuable guide in this collective endeavor. In 1965, Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of Intel, predicted what is now known as Moore's Law: the principle that the speed and capability of computers can be expected to double approximately every two years, all factors being constant. In the decades that followed, Moore's Law has held, propelling us into an era of unprecedented technological advancement. Yet, as we stand at the precipice of the AI revolution. As we journey through the chapters of Kiss Your Job Goodbye: A Critical Examination of Job Redundancy in the AI Era, we will grapple with the profound transformations that AI promises to bring about in the job market. From sectors already undergoing rapid automation to professions that have remained seemingly impervious to technological disruption, no stone will be left unturned in our quest to understand what the future of work holds. Read more...

    Kiss Your Job Goodbye: A Critical Examination of Job Redundancy in the AI Era

    Kiss Your Job Goodbye: A Critical Examination of Job Redundancy in the AI Era

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