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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor LinkedIn News Europe, afbeelding

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    Welcome to the Wrap-Up – your summary of the day's top news and talking points, curated by LinkedIn News Europe. Check out the slideshow below and click or swipe to view the next item. 💡 Share your views on today's topics in the comments below. 👉 Heatwave engulfs Paris, London as wildfires hit Europe – Bloomberg News 👉 Pollution plunges Olympic triathlon into uncertainty – The Guardian 👉 Struggle with procrastination? Try the Pomodoro Technique – Mike Soutar 👉 Today's debate: How do you make hiring more inclusive? Kelly Gauthier weighs in 🗳️ Poll of the Week: What do you prioritise most when choosing a job? Cast your vote here and check Friday's Wrap-Up for the results: #TheWrapUp

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    Welcome to the Wrap-Up – your summary of the day's top news and talking points, curated by LinkedIn News Europe. Check out the slideshow below and click or swipe to view the next item. 💡 Share your views on today's topics in the comments below. 👉 Disruption through the weekend after French rail attack – The Guardian 👉 European Commission drops legal action on overfishing – Financial Times 👉 How to embed autonomy and trust in your workplace – Molly Johnson-Jones 👉 Today's debate: Do wealthier students perform better after the summer break? Austin Okolo weighs in 🗳️ Poll of the Week: Will you watch the Olympic Games during work? Check out the results #TheWrapUp

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor LinkedIn News Europe, afbeelding

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    Stanley Cup water bottles have seen a surge in popularity thanks to going viral on social media. But entrepreneur Rob Moore wonders whether the water bottle's high price tag (£55, €65) is teaching young people the wrong message about managing and investing their money. "On the one hand, clever how this old school brand has infiltrated the kids," Moore writes. "But when are influences and companies going to start teaching our kids the real lessons they need? … No kid needs a £55 cup and EVERY kid needs to know how to manage and invest £55." What's your take? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Profiel weergeven voor Rob Moore, afbeelding

    Entrepreneur for 20 years | Investor | 19x Bestselling Author | 200 mil/yr views of #Disruptors show

    £55 for a cup to hold water. WTF. And now Starbucks are promoting these ’Stanley’ cups. (But they won’t allow you to pay for them in cash) Yeah. Let’s teach our kids to spend £55 on a cup, instead of teaching them how to manage and invest their money. On the one hand clever how this old school brand has infiltrated the kids via Tik Tok/YouTube & influencers. But when are influencers and companies going to start teaching out kids the real lessons they need? Maybe I’m a grumpy old man but no kid needs a £55 cup and EVERY kid needs to know how to manage and invest £55

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor LinkedIn News Europe, afbeelding

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    During the summer, many work teams experience overlap of colleagues taking annual leave at the same time – especially if there are parents or caregivers on the team. For leaders or line managers, it's important to support team members who, for a number of weeks in the summertime, are juggling normal day-to-day workloads alongside caring responsibilities while school is out. Jessica Heagren, author and founder of Careers After Babies, outlines a number of ways to support caregivers during the school holidays. They include relaxing daily check-ins during the summer, offering financial support for clubs or childcare, giving them flextime or offering core hours. Most importantly, she writes, "trust them … [and] don't be another pressure!" What are the best ways to support caregivers during the school holidays? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Profiel weergeven voor Jessica Heagren, afbeelding

    Careers After Babies Founder, Author & Accreditor | Speaker & Panellist | Transformation Expert | NED, Chair & Advisor | Passionate Diversity Advocate

    Are you a line manager of someone who's children are on school holidays? Here are ten things you can do to support them through the next 6 weeks: 💡 Give them flextime so they can choose the hours and days they work. If that means they need to work from 6-9am and 7-10pm...let them do it 💡 Alternatively, offer core hours, no more than three a day, where they have to be at work. Avoid this being in the middle of the day so they can still take the kids out for a run to the park or a play date 💡 Make sure any mandatory meetings are planned way in advance so they have time to make childcare arrangements 💡 If you're an organisation that has a daily check in, consider relaxing it for summer. Maybe one or two will suffice? 💡 Offer any financial support you can for clubs, childcare, etc and remind people about childcare vouchers 💡 Talk about family! Encourage people to open up and share about their caring responsibilities - it's a cultural game changer 💡 Quash any chat about "why working parents have time off when we don't" - it's humiliating and unhelpful and the people it's coming from are likely to join the rest of the 83% of the population that have kids one day 💡 Be clear about when you need a response on something. If you need it immediately, say that. If it can wait a couple of days, say that too. 💡 Trust them! They want to do a good job for you even though they have children, but balancing the two most important things in their lives is hard 💡 Don't be another pressure! This is your chance to evidence that their wellbeing and stress levels matter to you. If you can enable them, rather than make things worse, you will undoubtedly reap the benefits later on. As line managers you are the crunch point. You will determine the experience they have in your workplace. Understand, empathise and enable! I'd love to hear how you're supporting your people through the holidays, add your comments below! #LineManagers #WorkingParents #CareersAfterBabies #WorkingFamilies

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    Desperate to start your own business but struggling to come up with the right idea? Chris Tottman, partner at Notion Capital, says that trying to force an idea will often mean you run with the worst ideas. "You'll think of bad ideas that sound plausible," he explains. "You'll waste time before realising they're no good [and] you'll fool yourself and others." Instead, he recommends relaxing, focusing on things that genuinely interest you and "let[ting] startup ideas come to you unconsciously … The best founders don't force ideas. They cultivate curiosity." When do you get your best ideas? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Profiel weergeven voor Chris Tottman, afbeelding

    Partner at Notion Capital

    The WORST way to get startup ideas: Try to think of startup ideas. Why? 1. You'll think of bad ideas that sound plausible 2. You'll waste time before realizing they're no good 3. You'll fool yourself and others Instead, do this: - Learn a lot about things that matter - Work on problems that interest you - Collaborate with people you like and respect Turn your brain into an idea-generating machine. Let startup ideas come to you unconsciously. The best founders don't force ideas. They cultivate curiosity. What are you genuinely interested in learning more about? Start there. Ideas will follow. Agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments! 👇 -- #VenchaVideosforFounders | Video #2

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    Some 3,000 dancers, musicians and actors will take to the banks of the Seine in Paris and its bridges from 19:30 on Friday, 26 July for the official opening of the #Paris2024 Olympic Games. For the first time in Games history, the opening ceremony will not take place in a stadium. Instead, it will feature a parade along a six-kilometre route up the river Seine toward the Eiffel Tower, where a stage has been erected. 👉 How many spectators will there be? How many boats will sail on the waters of the Seine? Scroll through the slides below to see the expected numbers for the event. 🎙 Will you be watching? Which events do you think European countries will excel in the most? Share your comments below. By Emilie Tôn and Solange Uwimana International Olympic Committee – IOC

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    It's easy to get caught up in the allure of a “cool” job. Whether it’s a trendy office, flashy title or the promise of exciting perks, many of us have been tempted to pursue roles that seem glamorous on the surface. But is it worth it? Chasing a job for its perceived coolness has many potential pitfalls. For one, such roles often come with high demands and long hours, which can take a toll on your personal life and wellbeing. Writing in The i Paper, journalist Sadhbh O'Sullivan shares her own "misguided chase of 'cool' jobs" in her twenties. In the end, she found that the cons she was trying to avoid tend to exist in most jobs and the best type of work "is one you can disengage from once your work hours are done". 💭 How important is a job's coolness to you? Vote in our poll and join the conversation in the comments. ✍ Jennifer Ryan 🔎 Read Sadhbh O'Sullivan's post:

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    Don't wait until the end of a job interview to ask questions, says career coach Jasmine Escalera, Ph.D. Listen for clues during the conversation and focus on asking questions that will prompt the interviewer to expound, Escalera told CNBC Make It. For example, if they mention a past project you worked on and how it relates to a company challenge, ask for more information. If they ask about where you see yourself going, provide an answer and also inquire about the career paths of past employees. Escalera says to let the interviewer lead, but make sure you join in the conversation as well. Read more here: ✍ Todd Dybas 📸 Getty Images

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    Stop asking teenagers what they want to do with their lives, says neuroscience expert Jeff McKeon. McKeon says a better question to ask is what their current plans look like.  "I know adults in their 50s that don't know what they want to do with their lives," he writes. What's your advice to younger people figuring out their careers? Read McKeon's post below and share your thoughts in the comments.

    Profiel weergeven voor Jeff McKeon, afbeelding

    Neuroscience | Leadership | Innovation | Management | Using the latest in neuroscience to help you lead better. Changing the world one brain at a time by building psychologically safe workplaces. Want to join us?

    Stop asking teenagers what they want to do with the rest of their lives and instead ask them about what their current plans look like. I know adults in their 50's that don't know what they want to do with their lives! Do your current plans align with who you are? I think a lot of adults need to ask themselves the same question!!!!! Just over 4 years ago I changed careers at 49 because what I was doing no longer aligned with who I was. It's never too late to change (unless of course you're dead) Thanks Daniel Abrahams, this image has been a powerful reminder. Stay Awesome & Stay Kind 🙏

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor LinkedIn News Europe, afbeelding

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    Welcome to the Wrap-Up – your summary of the day's top news and talking points, curated by LinkedIn News Europe. Check out the slideshow below and click or swipe to view the next item. 💡 Share your views on today's topics in the comments below. 👉 Fears of an AI bubble spur stock market decline – The Guardian 👉 Banks and airlines hit hardest by Crowdstrike outage – BBC News 👉 What being a cheerleader and a CEO have in common – Dougal Shaw 👉 Today's debate: Should you participate in an Employee Resource Group at work? david mcqueen weighs in 🗳️ Poll of the Week: Will you watch the Olympic Games during work? Cast your vote here and check Friday's Wrap-Up for the results: #TheWrapUp

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