Zuzanna Zielińska

Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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On a mission to create financial incentives for regenerative agriculture transition…

Artikelen van Zuzanna


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Ervaring en opleidingen

  • Harvest Care

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Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Co-Founder

    'Young activists' - school voluntary group

    - 1 jaar 4 maanden

    Burgerrechten en maatschappelijke actie

    Self govern group on high-schoolers trying to act for their local community, by raising money, collecting physical donations, proving community service, and education.

    Our projects included: collecting food for a local animal shelter, selling home baked sweets to collect funds victims of hurricanes, creation of ‘ZEN spot’ - school garden for students and local community to relax around plants.

  • European Youth Parliament (EYP) grafisch


    European Youth Parliament (EYP)

    - 1 maand


    'Sport Respects Your Rights' by European Youth Parliament Poland.

    This project funded by European Union, gather young people wanting to expand awareness about sports discrimination because of gender, sexual orientation, race and also the problem of abuse and molestation.

    The result of the work was empowering members of the LGBT community, research and report writing, social awareness campaigns, and education and combating sexism, and working towards gender equality.

  • Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej grafisch


    Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej

    - 1 maand

    Burgerrechten en maatschappelijke actie

    Course for young activists and leaders learning about co-creation, with the outcome of 'Festiwal between Generations'.

  • European Parliament grafisch


    European Parliament

    - 1 maand


    Education project 'Future of energies' in Germany.
    The main objective of the course was a dialog and education about the future of the energy and consequences of our actions between French, German and Polish participants.

  • Food system working group / kitchen volunteer

    Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Aarhus

    - 2 jaar 8 maanden


    Non-profit cafe, donating all the profit to a cause in Global South.

    Working on an educational actions, events and campaigns within regenerative food system.
    Volunteer as kitchen help and barista.


  • English

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

  • Polish

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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