Youssef Hounat CA

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
1K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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Excited to bring AI and Automation solutions to auditors across the world as part of…



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Ervaring en opleidingen

  • DataSnipper

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Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Childcare Supervisor

    T.A.S.K Childcare

    - 11 maanden


    I was in charge of coordinating organising and watching up to 30 children at a time. The majority of the time I was volunteering we went on expeditions or trips to facilitate development in the children.

    It was a stressfull and intense role which provided a lot of challenging circumstances to deal with and this has helped me to deal with high pressure situations.


  • President of the Year

    Bright Futures

    Award for demonstrating great leadership in the 2015/16 academic recruitment year. Received this in conjunction with my Co-President Julius and my successor Christine.

  • Society of the Year

    Bright Futures

  • Most Enthusiastic Caller & First Named Scholarship

    Strathclyde University Alumni Fund

    Received an Award for raising the most money for the Alumni Fund in my third campaign. I was also recognised for being the first caller to take in a gift which was large enough to pay for a full undergraduate scholarship.

  • Highest Intermediate Accounting Aggregate Mark in Year

    University of Strathclyde

    I achieved the highest mark in my year group across the AG207 and AG208 classes with 65% and 79% respectively

  • Finalist in MDP1 "Build An App"

    MDP Business School

    Our Video Pitch was chose out of the whole year to present to industry experts.

    I utilised my creative vision and teamworking skills to create an out of the box video pitch for our app "Timeout". because of the highly creative nature of our pitch my team was chosen as a finalist and we presented our idea to industry experts who gave us great feedback.


  • French


  • Arabic


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