Randy Jagt

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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Randy is a Senior Strategy Partner in Deloitte’s Consumer Industry and is the global…

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  • University of Pittsburgh

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  • Next Stop for Convenience Stores

    Deloitte China

    As the convenience store industry continues to show steady growth with sufficient government support and capital investment, it has already become a key focus of the retail market. In order to gain deeper insights into the development of convenience stores, this report analyzes the convenience store industry from three perspectives of future development, transformation and upgrading approaches as well as potential reshaping forces. The key findings include:

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  • Africa: Tapping into Growth Opportunities

    Deloitte Consulting

    For years, growth for consumer products in Africa has been overshadowed by other markets as Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. However, despite the global impact of the Euro zone crisis, Africa came through reasonably unscathed, partly driven by the benefits they receive through close economic ties with China, and specific countries have started to impose themselves as viable investment opportunities.
    African GDP has outpaced world growth in the past and is foreseen to…

    For years, growth for consumer products in Africa has been overshadowed by other markets as Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. However, despite the global impact of the Euro zone crisis, Africa came through reasonably unscathed, partly driven by the benefits they receive through close economic ties with China, and specific countries have started to impose themselves as viable investment opportunities.
    African GDP has outpaced world growth in the past and is foreseen to continue growing at an average rate of 5.4% until 2016 2. Additionally, nine of the world’s 20 fastest-growing economies are from the African continent: The fastest growing countries Mozambique, Zambia, Niger and Ghana each have GDP growth of over 7% per annum between 2011 and 2016.

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  • Mkb verkiest export boven investeren in het buitenland

    Het Financieele Dagblad

    Consultant Randy Jagt, expert opkomende markten bij Deloitte, adviseert mkb’ers om samen te werken met een buitenlandse partner of te kiezen voor een joint venture of overname. ‘Het voordeel van een dochter is dat je volledige controle hebt, maar het kost heel veel tijd om alles zelf op te bouwen

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  • ‘Meer faillissementen verwacht in elektronicabranche’

    De Financiële Telegraaf

    Randy Jagt van Deloitte verwacht dat vooral winkels die geen goed samenspel hebben tussen online en offline de gevolgen gaan merken. “Een derde van de omzet in de elektronica komt uit webwinkels. Als je als winkel alleen maar offline bent, mis je een derde van je omzet”, aldus Jagt

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  • Securing the next level of growth - Second Tier Emerging Markets


    In their quest for new sources of profitable growth, companies are increasingly shifting their focus towards lesser known but fast growing second tier emerging markets like Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Angola or the rapidly growing second tier cities of India and China. These markets may not match the larger, tier one emerging markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China) in terms of size, but they are growing at a tremendous pace.

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  • Retail richt pijlen op opkomende markten

    Newssite: nu.nl

    Retailers zien in dat de groeimogelijkheden in eigen land beperkt zijn, zo meldt Deloitte maandag in het rapport Global Powers of Retailing 2012.

    Qua regio kijken ze naar zowel ontwikkelde, nabijgelegen landen, bijvoorbeeld Duitsland, als naar opkomende landen zoals India, Brazilië, maar ook ‘tweede tier’ landen in Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Afrika”, aldus emerging markets expert Randy Jagt

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