Matthijs Collard

Matthijs Collard

Scheveningen, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
3K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


After spending 24 years in digital design, I switched to aviation. To be more precise…

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  • E-Flight Academy

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  • Prototyping iPhone Apps: Realistic Experiences on the Device

    NordiCHI '10 Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries

    In this paper we evaluate Touch Application Prototype - a tool for designers to quickly create interactive and realistic prototypes of Apple® iPhone® apps and test them on the device. We define 5 requirements such as Speed, Practicality and Realism, and evaluate the tool during the development of a mobile work tool. Users intuitively use their inherent knowledge about touch interfaces, revealing
    expectations towards the use of gestures, and testing the interface’s affordance. TAP rivals the…

    In this paper we evaluate Touch Application Prototype - a tool for designers to quickly create interactive and realistic prototypes of Apple® iPhone® apps and test them on the device. We define 5 requirements such as Speed, Practicality and Realism, and evaluate the tool during the development of a mobile work tool. Users intuitively use their inherent knowledge about touch interfaces, revealing
    expectations towards the use of gestures, and testing the interface’s affordance. TAP rivals the speed and ease of paper prototyping, yet offers a realistic look and feel, without any coding. It is offered as a public, free tool.

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  • Inzicht in Invloed - Bureau Zuidema



  • Spanish

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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