Marzia Aricò

Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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I’m a design leader with 15+ years of experience building and scaling strategic design…

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  • Design Mavericks

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  • Regeneration Practices For Community Engagement: Co-Designing Spaces And Services For Social And Territorial Cohesion

    Altralinea Edizioni

    The paper reflects on urban (re)developments aimed at generating socially and environmentally integrated, resilient urban fabrics through a service design (SD) approach. In line with participatory action research conducted in three case studies within different geographical contexts, the authors delve into how co-design and user-generated design approaches within SD can serve as a means for community engagement, the creation of community-inspired service-system designs, the coordination of…

    The paper reflects on urban (re)developments aimed at generating socially and environmentally integrated, resilient urban fabrics through a service design (SD) approach. In line with participatory action research conducted in three case studies within different geographical contexts, the authors delve into how co-design and user-generated design approaches within SD can serve as a means for community engagement, the creation of community-inspired service-system designs, the coordination of various stakeholders, and the practice of place-making. The latter represents a citizen collaborative process fostering local learning and innovation.

    The novelty of this work lies in a design approach that fully intertwines places and social practices, culminating in a coordinated strategy for interpreting culture-led regeneration of territories, and it is empirically grounded in the validation of this conceptual foundation. The paper poses two central inquiries: i) how an SD approach contributes to the transformation of urban areas into resilient environments, fostering synergies between social, environmental, and business interests where applicable, and ii) how to fortify relationships among local economic and social agents to support the purposeful endeavours and strategies.

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  • Customer centric transformation is a journey, not a destination

    Livework Studio

    Customer-centric transformation is years in the making. It can feel like a never-ending journey that’s not moving fast enough. Progress is slow and outcomes take time to surface. Yet progress is happening. This whitepaper brings you through the journeys towards a customer-centric transformation, its ups and downs, patterns of actions, and pivotal moments – as we heard from the CX leaders and practitioners engaged in this study.

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  • A Better Approach to Measure Service Performance: Creating tools for long-term, informed decision-making

    Touchpoint Vol.13 No.1

    Ever since the idea of great customer experience entered the minds of business leaders, they have been pushing their organisations to measure it. Organisations of all stripes invested heavily in the tools and skills to truly understand the experience of customers using their services. To do so, they relied on survey based CX measures such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or the Customer Effort Score (CES). The trouble is, these measures might gauge general customer sentiment, but they don’t enable…

    Ever since the idea of great customer experience entered the minds of business leaders, they have been pushing their organisations to measure it. Organisations of all stripes invested heavily in the tools and skills to truly understand the experience of customers using their services. To do so, they relied on survey based CX measures such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or the Customer Effort Score (CES). The trouble is, these measures might gauge general customer sentiment, but they don’t enable organisations to act. They are too generic to identify precisely where customers feel things are going wrong, are often based on low response rates1, and lack a clear link to operational factors or desired business outcomes, making it difficult to prioritise improvements. Companies need a new approach to measuring services; one that is more precise and comprehensive and is linked to specific journey steps across the customer lifecycle. It should be grounded in deep insights into customer needs and motivations, and connect to business and operational measurements, such as costs or efficiency. Preferably, an approach that can easily be scaled for a consistent and transparent way of monitoring service performance — unlocking an organisation-wide practice of informed prioritisation of tactical and strategic efforts. In short, an approach that allows service performance measurements to be a decision-making tool.

    In this article, we’ll present a new methodology for measuring service performance that addresses the shortcomings of the CX measurement practices that are most commonly used today. We have co-developed this methodology with several large clients in the banking, energy and retail sectors. We will showcase examples of the method that bring clarity to how it can inform decision making and lead to bottom-line business results. We end with insights on how to get started, including concrete tips to introduce ‘service performance views’ into the decision-making process.

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  • Experience Prototyping for Predictable Behavioural Outcomes

    Touchpoint Vol.11 No.2

    Service designers have long recognised the opportunities that behavioural science offers to their discipline. However, the result is often single, ad-hoc interventions that fail to meet desired business objectives. In this article, we offer some reflections and a case study demonstrating a ‘reverse design’ approach.

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  • Service Design as a Transformative Force: Introduction and Adoption in an Organizational Context

    Copenhagen Business School

    In the last decade, service design has seen a rapid diffusion, with several service design agencies established globally and commercial organizations willing to adopt it. This quick expansion is mainly due to an increasing focus of organizations on services and customer experience, building also on the need for businesses to digitalize their commercial offers and core operations. Despite the uptake of service design in practice, research has yet to deliver systematic empirical studies, rigorous…

    In the last decade, service design has seen a rapid diffusion, with several service design agencies established globally and commercial organizations willing to adopt it. This quick expansion is mainly due to an increasing focus of organizations on services and customer experience, building also on the need for businesses to digitalize their commercial offers and core operations. Despite the uptake of service design in practice, research has yet to deliver systematic empirical studies, rigorous analysis, and careful theorizing of service design and its fit within the strategies, practices, and processes of organizations (Ostrom, et al., 2015; Andreassen, et al., 2016). Service design’s theoretical foundations can be found in a wide range of academic fields that span from design to management (Kimbell, 2011; Karpen, et al., 2017), making it difficult to locate and develop a cohesive argument on the topic. The purpose of this study is to contribute to laying the foundations to systematically start investigating service design in an organizational context. I will use an institutional logics perspective, one of the key themes in institutional theory. Through this perspective, the study aims at clarifying the elements characterizing the organizational environment within which service design is introduced and the mechanisms for its adoption in such an organizational context.

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  • Micro Dynamics for Service Design Adoption


    This paper, published in the proceedings of the conference QUIS15, explores the mechanisms for the adoption of service design in a corporate context. We use an institutional logics perspective, focusing on micro-level actions. The empirical setting is the telecommunication corporation Telenor Group. Referents of the service design logic contribute to its diffusion and adoption across the organisation by evidencing customer insights, validating business concepts, and engaging organisational…

    This paper, published in the proceedings of the conference QUIS15, explores the mechanisms for the adoption of service design in a corporate context. We use an institutional logics perspective, focusing on micro-level actions. The empirical setting is the telecommunication corporation Telenor Group. Referents of the service design logic contribute to its diffusion and adoption across the organisation by evidencing customer insights, validating business concepts, and engaging organisational actors.

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  • Aligning the Organization through Customer Stories

    BIS Publishers

    This is a chapter included in the book "Strategic Design: 8 Essential Practices Every Strategic Designer Must Master" edited by Dr. Giulia Calabretta, Prof. Gerda Gemser and Dr. Ingo Karpen.

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  • Service Design in Business

    Desma Avenues

    Management and IT consulting firms, as well as large corporations, have started bringing human centred design capabilities in-house through the acquisition of design agencies and design talent. At the same time, Service Design agencies are moving into Business Design to increase the business relevance of their projects for clients. This is happening in response to a growing number of organisations struggling to find solutions to achieve digital capabilities, meet customers’…

    Management and IT consulting firms, as well as large corporations, have started bringing human centred design capabilities in-house through the acquisition of design agencies and design talent. At the same time, Service Design agencies are moving into Business Design to increase the business relevance of their projects for clients. This is happening in response to a growing number of organisations struggling to find solutions to achieve digital capabilities, meet customers’ expectations, and deliver consistent quality of service across different channels. This chapter shares a number of observations on how the Service Design Studio Livework is tackling the shift toward Business Design. It also describes the consequences of this transition in relation to the agency’s processes as well as the consequent outcomes for clients.

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  • Dynamic Brands: Shifting from Products to Customers

    Design Management Institute

    There are currently limited attempts to analyse the implementation of service design at a strategic level and its impact on the brand. Several studies have covered the relationship between branding and design management but they focus primarily on consumer goods settings (Brodie et al., 2008). In marketing, the natural inclination is to associate branding with goods. Therefore literature on branding tends to focus on the physicality of the product, its visual characteristics, and…

    There are currently limited attempts to analyse the implementation of service design at a strategic level and its impact on the brand. Several studies have covered the relationship between branding and design management but they focus primarily on consumer goods settings (Brodie et al., 2008). In marketing, the natural inclination is to associate branding with goods. Therefore literature on branding tends to focus on the physicality of the product, its visual characteristics, and the meanings it embeds. Nonetheless branding is just as relevant to services, where the lack of physicality requires a new analysis based on customer relationship, experience, and trust (Berry, 2000). A shift of focus from products to services exposes organisations to multiple opportunities to affect customer experience. Choosing to design a strong service proposition around an existing product offering, and to invest in customer experience, produces a consistent increase in customer satisfaction, sales and customer loyalty. This article, based on primary research with the largest general insurance company in Norway, makes a case for service branding as cornerstone to achieving customer orientation. The article presents six success factors to prioritising customer experience in service branding.

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  • Service Design South

    Service Design South is a two-week intense training course on the theory and practice of service design. 20 participants from all over the world, 4 mentors, 5 special guests, 5 client organisations, all of this in beautiful Syracuse.

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  • Intensive School - City as a Service


    City as a Service is a nine-day school to understand, innovate and prototype solutions for urban challenges. Thirty participants between 18 and 35 years old will get funnelled in an intensive program that will look at human-centred design as medium to tackle pressing urban problems.

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