Marco Poletto

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
449 volgers 424 connecties

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Engineering Manager with experience building and managing product-focused teams. My tasks…



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Licenties en certificaten



  • Design for the Web at Veneto Formazione srl


  • HTML and JavaScript (Essentials) at ITIS Zuccante


  • Mobile Technology of Third Generation (UMTS) at ITIS Zuccante


  • PHP and MySQL at Veneto Formazione srl



  • StoryTeq - Creative automation platform (SaaS)

    Scrum Master and Senior front-end engineer in charge of improving the company workflow introducing the Scrum framework starting from a waterfall methodology. Also helping the team in shaping the new version of the main products with new architectures, heavy refactoring and new functionalities
    Technologies used: VueJS, Canvas, Socket, Docker, Gitlab CI

    Project weergeven
  • Marco Poletto personal portfolio

    Website created for storing my portfolio

    Project weergeven
  • The Lantern Tankard

    Landing page using JS, HTML5 and CSS animations

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  • Aqua Pura

    Frontend Web Developer in charge of building websites from headless backends. Agency work with tight deadlines. Creation of html5 banners and emails
    Technologies used: ReactJS, VueJS, JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, GSAP, Gulp

    Project weergeven
  • Alumni association SSLMIT

    Website coded in PHP, HTML5 CSS, and JavaScript for the Official Alumni Association SSLMIT Trieste. Waiting for the main body from the client.

  • BBVenezia

    Responsive website built for a Bed&Breakfast in Venice using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and PHP for the booking page.

    Project weergeven
  • PolettoWebDesign

    Responsive website built one year ago for promoting my freelance job in Italy. Coded in PHP, HTML5, CSS, and jQuery

  • Surfy co-browsing (Saas)


    Front-end engineer in charge of improving and developing the main application user interface in all its aspects from user experience to performance and browser compatibility. Furthermore, in charge of gathering feedback from colleagues and client interviews as a metric for planning new development and evaluating their performance.

    Technologies used: VueJS, Sass, webRTC

    Project weergeven
  • Momice Event Software (SaaS)


    Front-end developer in charge of implementing and coding UX/UI based on the team ideas for releasing a new all-in-one software for managing events. Furthermore in charge of mentoring a more junior full-stack developer in JavaScript

    Technologies used: VueJS, Sass, GraphQL, NodeJS, Webpack, Docker

    Project weergeven
  • East Midlands Airport


    Official website East Midlands Airport
    UI Engineer in charge of maintaining and developing multiple website UIs while working in a strict CD/CI environment with tight deadlines and very high traffic. The websites include three main airports in the UK (Manchester, London and EastMidlands) and a custom eCommerce platform built with JavaScript.

    Technologies used: VueJS, Sass, Webpack, Travis

    Project weergeven
  • London Stansted Airport


    Official website London Stansted Airport
    UI Engineer in charge of maintaining and developing multiple websites UIs while working in a strict CD/CI environment with tight deadlines and very high traffic. The websites include three main airports in the UK (Manchester, London and EastMidlands) and a custom eCommerce platform built with JavaScript.

    Technologies used: VueJS, Sass, Webpack, Travis

    Project weergeven
  • Manchester Airport


    Official Manchester Airport website

    UI Engineer in charge of maintaining and developing multiple websites UIs while working in a strict CD/CI environment with tight deadlines and very high traffic. The websites include three main airports in the UK (Manchester, London and EastMidlands) and a custom eCommerce platform built with JavaScript.

    Technologies used: VueJS, Sass, Webpack, Travis

    Project weergeven
  • Mennace Website


    Frontend Software Engineer in charge of maintenance and development of various eCommerce websites. Extensive A/B testing approach. Furthermore, working closely with Junior Developers mentoring them

    Technologies used: ReactJS, VueJS Sass, Webpack, Grunt

    Project weergeven
  • Missguided Website


    Frontend Software Engineer in charge of maintenance and development of various eCommerce websites. Extensive A/B testing approach. Furthermore, working closely with Junior Developers mentoring them

    Technologies used: ReactJS, VueJS Sass, Webpack, Grunt

    Project weergeven
  • Stoves Landing Pages


    Frontend build of several new landing pages and javascript configurators throughout the entire website

    Technologies used: JS, Sass

    Project weergeven
  • Belling Homepage and Landing Pages


    Frontend build of the homepage and several new landing pages throughout the entire website

    Technologies used: JS, Sass

    Project weergeven


  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Italian

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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