Jesper van Raaij

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
942 volgers Meer dan 500 connecties

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  • Conscious Hotels

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  • Connect Training


  • Google Analytics Training

    How en Knower

  • Green Globe Training


  • Inspirational Service Programme


  • Safety and Security Training



  • VVD - General Election Campaign


    As a Social Specialist at Pervorm i have been involved in the recent Facebook strategy of political party VVD. Taking up the banner on social media, we devised and implemented strategies to reach out to Dutch Facebook users to discuss the most important issues for the VVD. Practically, this meant curating and optimizing content, developing a comprehensive targeting strategy that defined interest and demographic groups and approaching them with the specific VVD narratives that were most likely…

    As a Social Specialist at Pervorm i have been involved in the recent Facebook strategy of political party VVD. Taking up the banner on social media, we devised and implemented strategies to reach out to Dutch Facebook users to discuss the most important issues for the VVD. Practically, this meant curating and optimizing content, developing a comprehensive targeting strategy that defined interest and demographic groups and approaching them with the specific VVD narratives that were most likely to activate them. We intended to tailor the messaging according to these attributes, whether they were demographical or linked to political affiliation.

    In addition to strategy, optimizing and setting up the campaign i've spend two weeks doing inhouse consulting work at the Binnenhof during the last weeks priar to the elections.

    Project weergeven


  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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