Fedor van Herpen

Nederland Contactgegevens
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I love to make connections, and I genuinely believe in creating those connections by a…

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  • Social Hub

    Vanaf 1 december heeft Eneco een zichtbare social hub waar je nu zelf kunt zien wat er op social media wordt gezegd over Eneco. Op de begane grond van Eneco World zit het webcare team, samen met enthousiaste social collega's, soms ook van AgroEnergy, klaar om al je vragen over social media te beantwoorden. Of het nu over Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn of bloggen gaat, schiet ons gerust aan. #durftevragen

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  • WielerWens

    Exclusively for Eneco customers, we organized 'WielerWens' (translated CyclingWish).We made cycling wishes come trough during the Eneco Tour 2014 and 2015 editions.

    Cycling fans could opt in for meet-and-greets, ask questions during a press conference, a ride in one of the support vehicles, being the award hostess at the award ceremony or a persnal session with world renowned cycling photographer Cor Vos.

    Read the blog of one of the participants here:…

    Exclusively for Eneco customers, we organized 'WielerWens' (translated CyclingWish).We made cycling wishes come trough during the Eneco Tour 2014 and 2015 editions.

    Cycling fans could opt in for meet-and-greets, ask questions during a press conference, a ride in one of the support vehicles, being the award hostess at the award ceremony or a persnal session with world renowned cycling photographer Cor Vos.

    Read the blog of one of the participants here: http://www.kellysteenlandt.com/2014/11/24/eneco-tour-wielerwens/

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  • Eneco Social News Room

    Eneco Social Newsroom enables Eneco to expand the PR- and communication activities by leveraging the latest developments in social media newsrooms and releases. These resources provide journalists, bloggers and others who might be interested in the latest company news with a complete overview, social sharing options and new ways to directly interact with the people behind the news.

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  • Eneco "Voor duurzaam"


    With the 'Voor duurzaam' (For Sustainability) campaign on Facebook, Eneco asked the public for their ideas on the topic of sustainability for two reasons: (1) Creating awareness on sustainable energy, and let that help people decide the party to vote for during national elections and (2) To give input to politicians on sustainable energy during coalition forming so they would integrate this topic in their negotiations and final agreement.

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  • House of Anubis: The Song of Dreams


    Reality and dreams get mixed up as the 'House of Anubis’ kids set off on a brand new digital adventure. Addictive & action-packed, the game features an exclusive in-game story line, highly intertwined with the script of the TV-series.

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  • Enexis Smart Grid Master


    Master the grid and build a smart & sustainable residential area that balances out the demand and supply questions so prevalent in today's energy industries. The better the balance, the better the score.

    More info: http://www.thefwa.com/mobile/enexis-smart-grid-master
    Download the iPad app here: https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/id521104517?mt=8

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  • Winner SAN Accent 2013

    SAN - Stichting Adverteerdersjury Nederland

    "Windmolenbezorging: 'Kon de draai niet maken"
    Category: Business to Business
    Eneco + FHV BBDO

  • Esprix


    Category: Employee engagement & internal branding
    Eneco + Guilty People

  • Esprix


    Category: Business to business
    "Windmolenbezorging: 'Kon de draai niet maken'"
    Eneco Retail + FHV BBDO + OMD

  • Finalist Internal Branding Jaarprijs 2013


    De vakjury van de Internal Branding Jaarprijs heeft de beste Internal Branding praktijkcases van 2013 geselecteerd: Eneco, ONVZ en horecaonderneming Lommerrijk.

    Energieleverancier Eneco heeft met Eneco Express een plaats in de finale bemachtigd. Eneco Express is een unieke vorm van Social Media voor intern gebruik waarmee medewerkers met verhalen en ideeën hun collega’s inspireren en activeren op de strategie van Eneco. De jury waardeert dat de medewerkers zelf bepalen of en hoe ze hun…

    De vakjury van de Internal Branding Jaarprijs heeft de beste Internal Branding praktijkcases van 2013 geselecteerd: Eneco, ONVZ en horecaonderneming Lommerrijk.

    Energieleverancier Eneco heeft met Eneco Express een plaats in de finale bemachtigd. Eneco Express is een unieke vorm van Social Media voor intern gebruik waarmee medewerkers met verhalen en ideeën hun collega’s inspireren en activeren op de strategie van Eneco. De jury waardeert dat de medewerkers zelf bepalen of en hoe ze hun ‘social rol’ oppakken waardoor er door alle lagen van de organisatie heen interne ambassadeurs ontstaan. De case sluit bovendien duidelijk op de identiteit van de organisatie (samen en duurzaam).


  • Nomination SpinAwards 2013

    Stichting SpinAwards

    Nomination SpinAwards 2013
    Category: Social Media & Game
    "Sparta, de Grote Fietsenroof"
    Sparta BV + CCCP Reclame + MediaMonks

    Case video: http://jateensparta.monkapps.com/case

  • Nomination SAN Accent 2011

    SAN - Stichting Adverteerdersjury Nederland

    Nomination SAN Accent 2011
    "SISI Professortje Lekker"
    Vrumona + Doom & Dickson + MediaMonks

  • Site of the Day (September 16, 2012) at the FWA


    Site of the Day (September 16, 2012) at the FWA
    "House of Anubis: The Song of Dreams"

  • Mobile of the Day (June 5, 2012) at the FWA


    Mobile of the Day (June 5, 2012) at the FWA
    "Enexis Smart Grid Master"

  • Brandmaps - The Competitive Marketing Strategy Game

    Hogeschool Utrecht

    Winning team of The Competitive Marketing Strategy Game "Brandmaps" 2007


  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • German

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

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