Ben Linders

Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Nederland Contactgegevens
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Er voor zorgen dat organisaties effectiever en sneller software kunnen ontwikkelen en…

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  • Ben Linders

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  • President

    SPIder (Dutch Software Process Improvement Network)

    - 4 jaar


    Chairing the SPIder board, organizing the yearly SPIder conference, contracts with Sponsors, Communication.

    SPIder is a platform for sharing experience with process improvement & quality, using for instance CMMI (Development, Services & Acquisition), Lean, Agile, Six Sigma, Scrum, People CMM, ASL/BiSL, etc. SPIder hosts workgroups on Process Deployment, Requirements, Measurements, and the People CMM (PCMM).


  • Cards on Psychological Safety and Team Morale

    Ben Linders

    A deck of coaching cards released April 2021 on psychological safety, providing a profound and extensive set of phrases that cover many aspects of psychological safety from an individual, team, and organizational perspective. Cards can be downloaded from my webshop.

    Discussions about the values, behavior, opinions, and beliefs that underlie psychological safety are essential to foster healthy collaboration and effective teamwork. Low psychological safety blocks change. If you want people…

    A deck of coaching cards released April 2021 on psychological safety, providing a profound and extensive set of phrases that cover many aspects of psychological safety from an individual, team, and organizational perspective. Cards can be downloaded from my webshop.

    Discussions about the values, behavior, opinions, and beliefs that underlie psychological safety are essential to foster healthy collaboration and effective teamwork. Low psychological safety blocks change. If you want people to take initiative and improve things, you need to work on establishing conditions where people feel psychologically safe to take the first steps.

    The Psychological Safety Cards can be used to visualize, discuss, self-assess, and improve psychological safety inside teams and increase team morale. They enable exploring factors that influence psychological safety in an engaged and safe way and can help to create a shared understanding of safety.

    Cards developed by Ben Linders and Fabio Armani, reviewed by people from the worldwide agile community.

    The cards are an Agile Coaching Tool for facilitators, Agile coaches, consultants, trainers, Scrum masters, leaders, and managers; basically anyone who is involved in helping people and organizations perform better. They can be used by teams for self-assessments and reflections and in retrospectives. Agile coaches and managers can use these cards to facilitate valuable discussions on topics related to psychological safety.

    Packages that you can download for a nominal fee consist of PDF and jpeg files with 62 numbered cards and examples and ideas for playing with the cards. Both online (remote coaching) and onsite usage is supported. There’s also an add-on package of Culture Cards that can be used to help people to discover their existing culture or define a wanted or required culture.

    The cards have been translated into the following languages:

    Italian: Carte per la Sicurezza Psicologica
    Nederlands: Psychologische Veiligheid Kaarten

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  • Problem? What Problem? - Dealing Effectively with Impediments using Agile Thinking with Problem-solving Practices

    Ben Linders Publishing

    This is the first book specifically about dealing with impediments using agile thinking with problem-solving practices. In this book, I explain why dealing with impediments matters and provide approaches to deal effectively with impediments in teams and beyond the teams. I’m also sharing experience stories from my work as a team member, Scrum master, project leader, consultant, coach, adviser, and trainer.

    It's a book for book is for agile teams, Scrum masters, tech leads, agile coaches,…

    This is the first book specifically about dealing with impediments using agile thinking with problem-solving practices. In this book, I explain why dealing with impediments matters and provide approaches to deal effectively with impediments in teams and beyond the teams. I’m also sharing experience stories from my work as a team member, Scrum master, project leader, consultant, coach, adviser, and trainer.

    It's a book for book is for agile teams, Scrum masters, tech leads, agile coaches, consultants, developers and testers, project managers, line managers, and CxOs; basically, anyone who is looking for an effective way to handle impediments or support people in doing that.

    This is a practical book with many techniques and ideas to apply in your specific situations. It aims to support professionals that want to improve their impediment handling skills.

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  • Agile Testing Coaching Cards

    Ben Linders Publishing

    The Agile Testing Coaching Cards can be used by agile teams to explore their way of testing and define actions to improve it.

    For agile teams, developers and testers, Tech leads, test consultants, Architects, Product Owners, Scrum masters, Agile coaches, and anyone involved or being responsible for testing software or delivering high-quality products.

    Format: PDF file with images for 99 cards and playing suggestion
    Language: English

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  • Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten

    De Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten kunnen door teams en organisaties worden gebruikt om zelf hun agility te beoordelen. Met deze game kunnen teams ontdekken hoe agile ze zijn en wat ze kunnen doen om hun agility te vergroten om meer waarde te leveren aan hun klanten en stakeholders.

    Agile coaches gebruiken zelfevaluaties in agile transformaties om teams te begeleiden en hen te leren wat agile is en helpen om hun eigen weg te vinden.

    De Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten van Ben Linders is de…

    De Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten kunnen door teams en organisaties worden gebruikt om zelf hun agility te beoordelen. Met deze game kunnen teams ontdekken hoe agile ze zijn en wat ze kunnen doen om hun agility te vergroten om meer waarde te leveren aan hun klanten en stakeholders.

    Agile coaches gebruiken zelfevaluaties in agile transformaties om teams te begeleiden en hen te leren wat agile is en helpen om hun eigen weg te vinden.

    De Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten van Ben Linders is de Nederlandstalige editie van het succesvolle Agile Self-assessment Game.

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  • What Drives Quality: A Deep Dive into Software Quality with Practical Solutions for Delivering High-Quality Products

    Leanpub, Amazon, ...

    With plenty of ideas, suggestions, and practical cases on software quality, this book will help you to improve the quality of your software and to deliver high-quality products to your users and satisfy the needs of your customers and stakeholders.

    Forewords by Bill Curtis and Jan van Moll

    What Drives Quality explores how quality plays a role in all of the software development activities. It takes a deep dive into quality by listing the relevant factors of development and…

    With plenty of ideas, suggestions, and practical cases on software quality, this book will help you to improve the quality of your software and to deliver high-quality products to your users and satisfy the needs of your customers and stakeholders.

    Forewords by Bill Curtis and Jan van Moll

    What Drives Quality explores how quality plays a role in all of the software development activities. It takes a deep dive into quality by listing the relevant factors of development and management activities that drive the quality of software products. It provides a lean approach to quality by analyzing the full development chain from customer requests to delivering products to users.

    I'm aiming this book at software developers and testers, architects, product owners and managers, agile coaches, Scrum masters, project managers, and operational and senior managers who consider quality to be important.

    A book on quality should be practical. It should help you, the reader of this book, to improve the quality of your software and deliver better products. It should inspire you and give you energy to persevere on your quality journey. What drives quality tries to do just that, and more.

    This book is based on my experience as a developer, tester, team leader, project manager, quality manager, process manager, consultant, coach, trainer, and adviser in Agile, Lean, Quality and Continuous Improvement. It takes a deep dive into quality with views from different perspectives and provides ideas, suggestions, practices, and experiences that will help you to improve quality of the products that your organization is delivering.

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  • Jak zvýšit přínos agilních retrospektiv

    Leanpub, ...

    Kniha „Jak zvýšit přínos agilních retrospektiv“ s řadou retrospektivních technik vám pomůže stát se zběhlejšími ve vedení retrospektiv a získat z nich více. Úvodní slovo napsali Esther Derby (spoluautorka knihy Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great), Zuzana „Zuzi“ Šochová a Jaroslav Procházka – uznávaní čeští agilní evangelisté.

    Představujeme vám novou knihu s mnohými technikami, které lze použít pro vedení agilních retrospektiv. Dočtete se o tom, „co“ a „jak“ při retrospektivách…

    Kniha „Jak zvýšit přínos agilních retrospektiv“ s řadou retrospektivních technik vám pomůže stát se zběhlejšími ve vedení retrospektiv a získat z nich více. Úvodní slovo napsali Esther Derby (spoluautorka knihy Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great), Zuzana „Zuzi“ Šochová a Jaroslav Procházka – uznávaní čeští agilní evangelisté.

    Představujeme vám novou knihu s mnohými technikami, které lze použít pro vedení agilních retrospektiv. Dočtete se o tom, „co“ a „jak“ při retrospektivách dělat, jakou hodnotu a jaké výhody organizaci přinášejí a dáme vám rady ohledně zavedení retrospektiv ve vašich týmech a jejich neustálého zlepšování.

    Tato kniha je k dostání také v angličtině: Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives.

    Tato kniha je určena pro agilní kouče, scrum mastery, projektové manažery, produktové manažery a facilitátory, kteří už mají s retrospektivami nějaké zkušenosti.

    Ukážeme vám výsledky naší půlroční práce s agilní komunitou, abychom vám i týmům po celém světě pomohli dosáhnout zlepšení v praktikování retrospektiv.

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  • Agile Self-assessment Game

    Self published

    The Agile Self-Assessment Game can be used by teams and organizations to self assess their agility. Playing the game enables teams to reflect on their own team interworking and agree upon the next steps for their agile journey. With this game they can discover how agile they are and what they can do to increase their agility to deliver more value to their customers and stakeholders.

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  • Tirer profit des rétrospectives agiles

    Avec une large panoplie d'activités, Tirer profit des rétrospectives agiles vous aidera à devenir plus efficace dans l'animation de rétrospectives et d'en retirer davantage.

    Cet ouvrage contient de nombreuses activités que vous pourrez mettre en pratique pour faciliter vos rétrospectives, en s’appuyant sur le “quoi” et le “pourquoi” des rétrospectives, la Valeur Métier (Business Value) et les bénéfices qu’ils peuvent vous apporter, ainsi que des conseils pour mettre en place et…

    Avec une large panoplie d'activités, Tirer profit des rétrospectives agiles vous aidera à devenir plus efficace dans l'animation de rétrospectives et d'en retirer davantage.

    Cet ouvrage contient de nombreuses activités que vous pourrez mettre en pratique pour faciliter vos rétrospectives, en s’appuyant sur le “quoi” et le “pourquoi” des rétrospectives, la Valeur Métier (Business Value) et les bénéfices qu’ils peuvent vous apporter, ainsi que des conseils pour mettre en place et améliorer vos rétrospectives.

    Ce livre est destiné aux coachs agiles, scrum masters, project managers, product managers et facilitateurs qui ont un minimum d'expérience avec les rétrospectives: ils connaissent l'objectif des rétrospectives, comment elles s'insèrent dans l'agilité, comment les préparer et les animer. Au cours des années, nous avons conduit beaucoup de types différents de rétrospectives. Nous pensons que cela aide lorsque l'on développe sa propre boite à outil de rétrospectives.

    Ce livre est une traduction en français de Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives par Ben Linders et Luis Gonçalves, avec d'avant-propos d'Esther Derby et Alexandre Boutin.

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  • Obteniendo valor de las Retrospectivas ágiles

    Leanpub (self published)

    Este libro es una traducción al Español de Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, que fue escrito originalmente en Inglés. Prólogo de Esther Derby y Angel Medinilla.

    Este libro contiene muchos ejercicios que puedes utilizar para facilitar retrospectivas ágiles, apoyados con el "qué" y el "por qué" de las retrospectivas, el valor para negocio y los beneficios que aportan, así como asesoramiento para introducir y mejorar las retrospectivas .

    Orientamos este libro a agile…

    Este libro es una traducción al Español de Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, que fue escrito originalmente en Inglés. Prólogo de Esther Derby y Angel Medinilla.

    Este libro contiene muchos ejercicios que puedes utilizar para facilitar retrospectivas ágiles, apoyados con el "qué" y el "por qué" de las retrospectivas, el valor para negocio y los beneficios que aportan, así como asesoramiento para introducir y mejorar las retrospectivas .

    Orientamos este libro a agile coaches, scrum masters, directores de proyecto, gerentes de producto y facilitadores que tengan por lo menos un poco de experiencia en la realización de las retrospectivas. Ellos saben la finalidad de la retrospectiva, cómo encajan en ágil y la forma de organizar y llevarlas a cabo.

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  • Quantifying the Impact of Agile Software Development Practices


    Rally Software and Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI) are researching the impact of agile software development practices using data from Rally’s Agile Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) platform.

    InfoQ interviewed Larry Maccherone, Director of Analytics at Rally, and Jim McCurley, Senior Researcher at the SEI, about the collaboration between the SEI and Rally, the measurements included in the study, conclusions from the analysis and their plans for further…

    Rally Software and Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI) are researching the impact of agile software development practices using data from Rally’s Agile Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) platform.

    InfoQ interviewed Larry Maccherone, Director of Analytics at Rally, and Jim McCurley, Senior Researcher at the SEI, about the collaboration between the SEI and Rally, the measurements included in the study, conclusions from the analysis and their plans for further research.

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  • What Drives Quality


    Understanding Software Quality to Prevent Problems.

    A book helping you to prevent software problems from happening by building an shared understanding what drives software quality. It enables you to effectively take actions, saving time and money!

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  • Waardevolle Agile Retrospectives - Een gereedschapskist met retrospective oefeningen

    Leanpub (self published)

    Dit is het 1e Nederlandstalige Agile boek voor het faciliteren van retrospectives. Met vele oefeningen, het "wat" en "waarom" van retrospectives, de business value en de voordelen die retrospectives brengen. En bovendien met tips en adviezen voor het introduceren en verbeteren van retrospectives.

    Voorwoorden van Esther Derby (Agile Retrospectives) en Arie van Bennekum (Agile Manifesto).

    Het is een boek voor agile coaches, Scrum masters, project managers, product managers en…

    Dit is het 1e Nederlandstalige Agile boek voor het faciliteren van retrospectives. Met vele oefeningen, het "wat" en "waarom" van retrospectives, de business value en de voordelen die retrospectives brengen. En bovendien met tips en adviezen voor het introduceren en verbeteren van retrospectives.

    Voorwoorden van Esther Derby (Agile Retrospectives) en Arie van Bennekum (Agile Manifesto).

    Het is een boek voor agile coaches, Scrum masters, project managers, product managers en facilitators die al enige ervaring hebben met retrospectives.

    Dit boek is een vertaling in het Nederlands van Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives.

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  • Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives – A Toolbox of Retrospective Exercises

    InfoQ, Leanpub, Amazon, ...

    A book full of exercises to facilitate retrospectives, supported with the “what” and “why” of retrospectives, the business value and benefits that they can bring you, and advice for introducing and improving retrospectives. Foreword by Esther Derby, co-author of Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great.

    With plenty of exercises for your retrospective toolbox, this book will help you to become more proficient in doing retrospectives, and to get more value out of them.

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  • Full list of all my publications

    Publications on Quality, Root Cause Analysis, Agile, Lean, Scrum, Six Sigma, Retrospectives, etc are shared on my website:

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  • Process Improvement: The Agile Way!

    Methods and Tools

    Business needs for process improvement projects are changing. Organizations expect faster results from their investments; they want their improvement projects to adapt to and follow changing business needs and be more engrained with the organizational way of working. The agile way of working, used more and more in software development, contains several mechanism that support these business needs. So the question is: Could a process
    improvement project be performed in an agile way and what…

    Business needs for process improvement projects are changing. Organizations expect faster results from their investments; they want their improvement projects to adapt to and follow changing business needs and be more engrained with the organizational way of working. The agile way of working, used more and more in software development, contains several mechanism that support these business needs. So the question is: Could a process
    improvement project be performed in an agile way and what would be the benefits?

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  • Building Process Improvement Business Cases Using Bayesian Belief Networks and Monte Carlo Simulation

    Software Engineering Institute

    Business Case voor Verbeteren van Kwaliteit, Agile Requirements

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  • CMMI Roadmaps

    Software Engineering Institute

    CMMI ?roadmaps?, which are a goal-driven approach to selecting and deploying relevant process areas from the CMMI-DEV model, can provide guidance and focus for effective CMMI adoption. The Dutch Software Process Improvement (SPIder) network convened a workshop in November 2006 to develop several CMMI roadmaps for the continuous representation, each with a specific set of improvement goals. These roadmaps combine the strengths of both the staged and the continuous representations.

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  • Local Language Editions of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives

    The book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives (20000++ ebooks downloads and in paperback on Lulu, Amazon and Barnes & Noble) has reached a worldwide community. The book is getting fantastic reviews on GoodReads, ScrumExpert, Agile Consortium, SoftwareDevelopmentBooks, Scrumage and Techwell.

    We have asked volunteers to translate our book in different languages. Translation projects are ongoing and 10 (ten!) translated editions have been published. We are proud of our self-organized…

    The book Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives (20000++ ebooks downloads and in paperback on Lulu, Amazon and Barnes & Noble) has reached a worldwide community. The book is getting fantastic reviews on GoodReads, ScrumExpert, Agile Consortium, SoftwareDevelopmentBooks, Scrumage and Techwell.

    We have asked volunteers to translate our book in different languages. Translation projects are ongoing and 10 (ten!) translated editions have been published. We are proud of our self-organized agile translation teams!

    Translating for us is another way to share knowledge and experience with agile retrospectives. Our volunteer teams consist of highly motivated driven people. They want to know about retrospectives and this is a way for them to learn the retrospective exercises and use them in their daily work. It also gives them an experience of working in a distributed, self-organized agile team. As authors we support them by explaining the exercises, answering questions and sharing our knowledge and experience. If you want to work with us in a similar way feel free to contact me.

    Our mission is to help many teams all around the world to get more value out of agile retrospectives!

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  • Workshop Valuable Agile Retrospectives

    Retrospective facilitators need to have a toolbox of retrospective exercises and the skills to design and lead valuable agile retrospectives. A great way to learn retrospectives is through experience by doing them yourself and participating in retrospectives. In this workshop you will practice different exercises from the Retrospective Exercises Toolbox to facilitate retrospectives. You will learn the “what” and “why” of retrospectives, the business value and benefits that they can bring for…

    Retrospective facilitators need to have a toolbox of retrospective exercises and the skills to design and lead valuable agile retrospectives. A great way to learn retrospectives is through experience by doing them yourself and participating in retrospectives. In this workshop you will practice different exercises from the Retrospective Exercises Toolbox to facilitate retrospectives. You will learn the “what” and “why” of retrospectives, the business value and benefits that they can bring for your team.

    This workshop is intended for:

    - Retrospective facilitators
    - Agile coaches
    - Scrum masters
    - Team, product or project managers
    - Anybody involved in retrospectives

    What will you get out of the workshop Valuable Agile Retrospectives

    - Understanding of the why, what and how of agile retrospectives
    - Practice different retrospective exercises
    - Know how to create a safe environment to run a retrospectives
    - Skills for facilitating retrospectives

    Attendant of this workshop will receive a free copy of the ebook Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives in English or a copy of a translated edition.

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  • Sharing my Experience

    - heden

    Sharing my Experience is my personal blog for you. I have been sharing experiences for a long time already. Initially I shared things within the companies that I worked with. Then I joined networks like SPIder, and started sharing things with professionals from other companies. I’ve given presentations at conferences, organized workshops, worked as an Editor, and facilitated networks. With my blog, I;m reaching people that I haven’t reached before. Also, posting my experiences together with…

    Sharing my Experience is my personal blog for you. I have been sharing experiences for a long time already. Initially I shared things within the companies that I worked with. Then I joined networks like SPIder, and started sharing things with professionals from other companies. I’ve given presentations at conferences, organized workshops, worked as an Editor, and facilitated networks. With my blog, I;m reaching people that I haven’t reached before. Also, posting my experiences together with papers and presentations helps to build an archive of knowledge and experience for present and future use.

    I'm blogging on topics like Software Quality, Improvements, Agile, Lean, Governance, and anything related to this that I consider important enough to discuss. Feel free to react, I like to hear your experiences so that we can have a discussion and learn from each other.

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  • Agile Self-Assessments

    - heden

    Agile is a journey where you learn and improve continuously. Agile Self Assessments help you to see where you are, and to decide what the next steps will be.

    If you want to become more Agile and Lean, my recommendation is to frequently ask yourself the following 3 questions:

    How Agile and Lean are you already?
    Where do you want to become more Agile and Lean? And why?
    What can you do to make a next step

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  • Voorzitter van SPIder van 2005-2008 (Nederlandse vaknetwerk voor Software Process Improvement)


    SPIder is een Nederlands netwerk van IT-professionals waarin kennis en ervaringen gedeeld worden op het gebied van software­ontwikkelmethodieken, processen en modellen, (software)­procesverbetering (SPI), kwaliteit, kwaliteitsboring (QA), ontwerp en test, metrieken en invoeringstrategieën.

    SPIder is een non-profit organisatie, in de vorm van een stichting. De missie in brede zin is: “Nederlandse software professionals samen brengen om te leren, inspireren en innoveren”.


  • English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • German

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • French

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid


  • eduScrum


    - heden

    eduScrum is een bewerking van Scrum voor het voortgezet onderwijs en middelbaar beroepsonderwijs.

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