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Traders of Environmental Progress

Over ons

We are STX. We are traders of environmental progress, at the forefront of global change away from the pollution and depletion of natural resources. We trade environmental commodities and connect the dots in the global decarbonization economy. Our work ensures that money flows into the hundreds and thousands of projects that make the world a greener place. We see through the complexity of the global regulatory environmental maze and help governments and corporations achieve their sustainability goals. We are leading environmental commodity traders with our headquarters located in Amsterdam. We also operate from offices in Europe, America, and Asia-Pacific, consulting globally with clients in their own language.

Financiële diensten
201 - 500 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Renewable Energy Certificates, Energy Efficiency Certificates, Biofuels, Carbon, Biomethane, Climate Solutions, EACs, Carbon Offset, Biogas, Compliance, THG-Quote, Environmental Commodities en Trade


Medewerkers van STX


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    The pulp and paper sector, responsible for under 2% of all industrial emissions in 2022 according to IEA, faces mounting pressure as paper production is projected to increase by 2030. The industry's reliance on forestry, land use and energy-intensive processes makes reducing emissions intensity crucial. Moving away from fossil fuels and accelerating energy efficiency improvements are key strategies. Substantial efforts to deploy industrial heat pumps and innovate technologies for pulp and paper drying are increasingly important, especially as the share of recycled paper pulp—more reliant on fossil fuels—continues to grow. Our STRIVE by STX guide delves into the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) requirements for companies in the sector, focusing on both energy/industry (non-FLAG) targets and Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) targets. Key insights include: ▪ Dual target approach: Pulp and paper companies need to set both energy/industry and FLAG targets. ▪ Carbon removals: An overview of eligible projects and criteria for inclusion in FLAG targets. ▪ Scope 3 emissions: Potential updates and the role of environmental certificates. How does SBTi consider and accept various mechanisms like Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), carbon credits, Guarantees of Origin, energy efficiency and biofuels in the context of reducing emissions? What role do these elements play in achieving science-based targets and supporting the global transition to green energy? Explore these aspects to better understand SBTi requirements and strategies for achieving sustainability goals in the pulp and paper industry. Read the full guide to gain deeper insights:

    Navigating SBTi Requirements in the Pulp & Paper Industry

    Navigating SBTi Requirements in the Pulp & Paper Industry

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    For the past few weeks, our client DILLINGER France, a leader in sheet metal production, has been entrusting the transportation of one of its freight flows to Fret SNCF. To decarbonize transportation, one of the favored solutions is modal shift, that is, transferring freight from road transport to more efficient modes, such as rail or inland waterways. We at STX Group are glad to help finance part of this project via French Energy Savings Certificates (#CEE), which value and reward the energy savings generated.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    Sophie Casenave, Policy Affairs Manager at STX Group, had the pleasure of discussing the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) with Mike Scott at Reuters. Sophie shared her thoughts on the implications of the directive for businesses and differences between the regulation and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), explaining that “while CSRD forces companies to talk about their risks, CSDDD is about doing.” Find out more here:

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    Recent changes in the sustainability reporting regulatory landscape are impacting chemical businesses. How can companies in the industry adapt as expectations shift?  Sophie Casenave, Policy Affairs Manager at STRIVE by STX, was invited by S&P Global's Chemical Week podcast, hosted by Vincent Valk, Senior Editor at S&P Global, to discuss the topic. In the EU, the recent Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) enters into application and will ultimately covers some foreign companies with significant business in Europe, while in the US and elsewhere climate disclosure rules are being discussed. This can put chemical companies, often with a global footprint, in a conundrum, with different rules to comply with in the future and heightened expectations for decarbonisation. A variety of instruments are available to the chemical industry to manage their emissions, including the use of renewable energy across their entire value chain, energy efficiency optimization, bio-feedstocks and voluntary carbon markets.  Find out more here: #ChemicalWeek

    What do updated climate disclosure rules mean for industry? - IHS Chemical Week's podcast - Podcast en iVoox

    What do updated climate disclosure rules mean for industry? - IHS Chemical Week's podcast - Podcast en iVoox

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    Biofuel supply is currently outpacing demand and many companies are opting for cheaper fossil fuels due to inflation, political uncertainty and a lack of legislation. Koen Heesbeen, Managing Partner at STX Group, spoke to Carel Grol from Het Financieele Dagblad, on the current state of investment in the biofuels industry. “We expect the market to continue to grow over the next few years as there will be better clarity in European legislation and political priorities, incentivizing demand for more sustainable fuels,” said Koen. Click here to read the interview (in Dutch, requires a log-in):

    Biobrandstoffen: groot potentieel, beroerde markt 

    Biobrandstoffen: groot potentieel, beroerde markt

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    Alexandra Veroude from STX Group’s Strategic Projects team, alongside Ruben Tins, Business Development Director focused on biofuels, recently participated in a FuelEU Maritime webinar with NorthStandard and Arcsilea. “Even in its early stages, most operators using conventional marine fuels will need to immediately assess their options to reduce emissions. This can include many LNG vessels, where methane slip can push emissions over the limit. But even for compliant vessels, the regulation will still have influence,” said Alexandra. FuelEU Maritime sets the maximum limits for the yearly average greenhouse gas usage by ships trading in the EU/EEA from 2025. There will be an initial 2% reduction from the current baseline, with further reductions every five years and reaching an 80% reduction by 2050. Biofuels play a key part in the effort to decarbonize the sector. With annual emissions greater than that of Germany, the international shipping industry will need to blend innovation, investment and expertise to continue the transition to net zero.

    Thank you for joining us: FuelEU Maritime - Impact on Shipping

    Thank you for joining us: FuelEU Maritime - Impact on Shipping

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    We are pleased to take an active part and share our views at the Green Gas Mobility Summit in Madrid this week, the leading sustainable transport event in the Iberian Peninsula. Over the past two days, experts in their fields have analyzed what we can do to reach climate goals and improve air quality through modern and future technologies like biomethane, hydrogen and its derivatives. Zvonko Ikic, originator in the biomethane team at STX Group, had the pleasure of speaking at the "BioLNG in Europe: driving the energy transition and decarbonizing transport” roundtable, which looked at adoption challenges and innovative solutions such as our partnership with Hapag-Lloyd and Titan Clean Fuels. "The pressure to decarbonize shipping is intensifying due to regulations and customer demand for greener options. A mix of fuels will be essential, with biofuel blends serving as key short-term solutions and methanol and ammonia scaling up by the decade's end,” Zvonko said. "While the long-term future remains uncertain, BioLNG emerges as the most cost-effective biofuel for the marine industry, offering low carbon intensity, easy implementation and significant emission reduction potential".

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    IETA and Natural Climate Solutions Alliance have unveiled a new paper on the urgent need to finance natural climate solutions. For all our corporate clients out there, here is why we believe it's essential to invest into nature-based climate solutions and why now. The case to invest in NCS today is underpinned by four realities discussed in this paper: 1) The mitigation potential of NCS is higher relative to other abatement options currently available 2) Nature loss is driving near-term threats to economic growth, putting billions of dollars of assets at risk of becoming stranded within the next 5 to 10 years 3) The potential for nature to support mitigation decreases after 2030 as ecosystem functionality and natural carbon sinks pass crucial tipping points due to land conversion 4) NCS can help address challenges beyond climate and economic risk mitigation, and can bring significant benefits to people, communities, and biological diversity. Find out more here: - The Content Delivery platform that truly Hops! - The Content Delivery platform that truly Hops!

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    This week, STX Group made a significant impact at the I-REC Standard Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Our Head for Latin America, Julio César Santiago, delivered an insightful presentation on Global EAC Markets. He delved into the basics of these powerful instruments, demonstrating their role in tracking GHG emissions and how they are utilized. Also, our Head of IREC Trading, Vladimir Grigorov, tackled a crucial question in EAC markets: how much are they worth? The session dealt with benchmark pricing and we empowered participants – end-users, power generators and brokers – to make informed decisions for their 2024 sales and procurement activities.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor STX, afbeelding

    23.817 volgers

    Jose María García Berrendero, Head of STRIVE by STX in Latin America, shared his views with REVISTA NEGOCIO & CONSTRUCCIÓN regarding decarbonization challenges in cement and concrete due to the high costs of technologies and competition from sustainable alternatives. Also, stricter regulations, like the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, add pressure. Strategies exist to reduce emissions, such as energy efficiency, kiln electrification and carbon capture. However, these face economic and regulatory barriers, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. Jose Maria dives into effective decarbonization strategies addressing the entire value chain, from raw material extraction to final distribution. Click here to read the interview (Spanish):



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