


Amsterdam, North Holland 661 volgers

Unifying health access

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NCDconnect is an innovative and pioneering disease-focused procurement platform made-to-measure for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). With customised, tailored catalogues and self-management tools, NCDconnect makes quality medicines, medical supplies and diagnostics for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accessible to all. Join us in advancing universal health coverage through enhanced access to essential healthcare supplies.

201 - 500 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland


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    🌐 Public Financial Management as a Path to Universal Health Coverage 🌐 UHC is a human right and a central goal of #NCDconnect & IDA Foundation! A recent study analysed the interplay of devolution, health financing, and public financial management (PFM) in low- and middle-income countries (#LMICs), offering insights on advancing toward universal health coverage (#UHC). Key Insights: 🔍 Primary Health Care: Subnational governments play a critical role in service delivery. 🔍 Dependence on Central Funding: Subnational governments rely heavily on funding from the central level. In Uganda, 100% of district health budget is through transfers from the central level! 🔍 Expenditure Management: Delays and complex, cumbersome administrative procedures disrupt subnational expenditure (leading to inefficient spending, and inconsistent supply). 🔍 Strategic Purchasing: Devolution can promote strategic purchasing, as local authorities have more knowledge about local needs. However, strict line-item budgets limit their ability to purchase strategically. How to improve? 💡 Boost local health budgets and ensure return on health impact with conditional grants to subnational levels. 💡 Improve budgeting capacity and coordination. 💡 Simplify approval processes with digital systems. 💡 Shift to strategic purchasing where subnational governments have spending authority to shift to output-oriented payment methods (directly linked to health needs and provider performance). Find the full article here & leave your thoughts below: By addressing these challenges, we can better align resources and needs, ultimately enhancing health outcomes and moving closer to #UHC. #HealthCare #PublicHealth #HealthFinancing #Devolution #UniversalHealthCoverage #GlobalHealth #LMICs #HealthSystems #PublicFinance #NCDconnect

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    For governments, civil societies, and international organizations, tackling Non-Communicable Diseases and mental health challenges is a major undertaking. Multisectoral collaboration is essential! Want to learn from real-world experiences? Discover insightful tools and key lessons from the World Health Organization's Compendium report, demonstrating how multisectoral efforts are crucial in addressing NCDs and mental health issues. #GlobalHealth #NCDs #MentalHealth #WHO #HealthForAll

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    🌍 17 country case studies 💡 5 key steps to accelerating multisectoral action 📖 1 dedicated compendium report 🛠 additional tools and resources on multisectoral action Discover more on how World Health Organization supports countries in adopting multisectoral actions: 👉

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    🎉 NCDconnect is celebrating its 6-month anniversary! Here's a glance at our journey and swipe for more 👇 ✨What we've accomplished? A strong one-stop shop for NCD procurement, offering 67 oncology medicines, 25 anti-diabetics, and 19 diagnostics. Thanks to a strong ecosystem approach and pivotal partnerships with ATOM (Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)), FIND and Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines & Products.  🌐 Looking ahead, the future is bright and bustling with promises: expanding diagnostics, launching cardiovascular and respiratory products, and forging more strategic partnerships. As we continue this journey, our mission remains steadfast—to contribute to a healthier world by enhancing accessibility to essential NCD health products. #NCDconnect #HealthForAll #AccessToMedicines #ProcurementInnovation 💙

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    Our very own Eghosasere Ramnaps was at the QUAMED asbl 2024 General Assembly last week. 💡 It was an invaluable opportunity for NCDconnect to engage, share our progress, and learn from global health stakeholders committed to ensuring access to quality medicines for all. Here are four key takeaways from the event: 1️⃣ Continuous Capacity Development: Institutional and individual capacity development across the medicine life cycle is critical for securing quality health products. QUAMED supports this through educational opportunities for individuals via QUAMED Learning and for institutions via the Quality Compliance Program (QCP). 2️⃣ Collaborative Efforts: No single organisation can solve the issue of poor-quality medicines alone. Coordination, collaboration, and partnerships are essential. 3️⃣ Regulatory System Strengthening: Strengthening regulatory systems is crucial for accessing quality health products. The WHO Global Benchmarking Tool exemplifies capacity-building by categorizing systems into maturity levels. Ensuring quality medicines also requires GMP, GSDP, and MQAS audits, supplier vetting, market assessments, compliance with GSDP, and robust pharmacovigilance. 4️⃣ Policy as a Driver: Strong QA policies are vital for ensuring that only quality medicines are manufactured, procured, and distributed. 🗨 Let’s keep the conversation going and maintain high standards for quality medicines worldwide!   Want to learn more about NCDconnect and IDA Foundation’s QA commitments?  #GlobalHealth #QualityMedicines #pharmacovigilance #QualityAssurance #HealthForAll

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor NCDconnect, afbeelding

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    Did you know? NCDs are the most underfunded global health issue relative to the billions of people impacted. Why is NCD financing important? 💙Saves lives and improves livelihoods 🏥 Declutters the healthcare system 💸 Decreases healthcare expenditure by investing in better processes and innovations 📈 Boosts the economy by reducing the impact of NCDs on human capital and productivity Tools like the WHO's Best Buys demonstrate that investing in NCDs can yield a return potential as high as $7 for each dollar invested! NCDconnect calls for governments to take bold actions on NCDs financing! Ensuring access and affordability to high-quality products will be a critical outcome of this investment, significantly impacting patient care and health outcomes. Want to learn more? Check out this insightful piece from NCD Alliance: #NCDconnect #HealthForAll #NCDFinancing #GlobalHealth #InvestInHealth

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor NCDconnect, afbeelding

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    Imagine ordering all your NCD health products from one online shop. Sounds convenient, right? At NCDconnect, our goal is to make that happen for you. Enjoy: ✅ Cost savings ✅ Time savings ✅ Easier management ✅ Seamless supply chain ✅ Improved accuracy ✅ Unique customer support Experience the future of NCD health product procurement today! Book a demo: #NCDconnect #HealthForAll #Eprocurement #HealthcareInnovation

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    🚨 WHO Issues Warning on Falsified Medicines for Diabetes Treatment and Weight Loss 🚨 The recent World Health Organization warning about falsified medicines used for diabetes treatment and weight loss is a stark reminder of the critical importance of ensuring the quality and authenticity of medical products. At NCDconnect, we are deeply committed to safeguarding patient health by providing access to only high-quality, rigorously vetted NCD medicines and supplies. Our approach includes: 🔹 Partnering with trusted suppliers and manufacturers who meet WHO-PQ, SRA, or IDA’s stringent dossier review standards 🔹 Continuously monitoring and ensuring the integrity of our supply chain 🔹 Leveraging over 50 years of IDA Foundation's experience in the procurement and distribution of essential medicines We believe that access to safe, effective, and affordable medicines is a fundamental right, and we are dedicated to upholding this standard for all patients in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (#LMICs). Join us in our mission to eliminate the threat of falsified medicines and enhance global health outcomes. Read the full WHO article here: #NCDconnect #HealthForAll #QualityAssurance #GlobalHealth #AccessToMedicines

    WHO issues warning on falsified medicines used for diabetes treatment and weight loss

    WHO issues warning on falsified medicines used for diabetes treatment and weight loss

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    Thank you to Carlijn Spijker, who has just completed her thesis project with NCDconnect & IDA Foundation! The project focused on the maturity of antidiabetic #supplychains in six countries. This project has been both challenging and rewarding, offering valuable insights into the complexities of global healthcare logistics! 🔍 Methodology: The research employed an abductive, exploratory approach, combining existing literature and best practices with new qualitative data. This dual approach was first used to develop a tailored antidiabetic maturity model and then to assess the six focus countries. 📊 Maturity Levels: The assessment revealed varying maturity levels across the countries studied. Mali and Mozambique were at level 1 (ad hoc), indicating the need for foundational improvements. Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, and Uganda were at level 2 (defined), showing more structured processes but still with room for growth. Tanzania reached level 3 (linked), demonstrating more advanced and interconnected supply chain practices. Do you agree with these findings? Leave a comment with your discussion & thoughts! 🔑 Key Finding: The most critical need across all focus countries is to enhance forecasting structures and improve data quality. Accurate and representative data is essential for effective planning and forecasting, which in turn helps prevent both overstocking and understocking of antidiabetic medications and reduces costs. This project has provided a broad overview and a critical starting point for understanding the maturity of antidiabetic supply chains. From here, structured approaches can be undertaken to bridge the gaps and enhance access to diabetes care. #NCDconnect #ProcurementInnovation #SupplyChain #LastMile #Diabetes #Medicines #Diagnostics #Coldchain #GlobalHealth

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor NCDconnect, afbeelding

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    🎉 NCDconnect is celebrating its 6-month anniversary! Here's a glance at our journey and swipe for more 👇 ✨What we've accomplished? A strong one-stop shop for NCD procurement, offering 67 oncology medicines, 25 anti-diabetics, and 19 diagnostics. Thanks to a strong ecosystem approach and pivotal partnerships with ATOM (Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)), FIND and Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines & Products.  🌐 Looking ahead, the future is bright and bustling with promises: expanding diagnostics, launching cardiovascular and respiratory products, and forging more strategic partnerships. As we continue this journey, our mission remains steadfast—to contribute to a healthier world by enhancing accessibility to essential NCD health products. #NCDconnect #HealthForAll #AccessToMedicines #ProcurementInnovation 💙

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