MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential

MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential

Services personeelszaken

Eindhoven, North Brabant 229 volgers

Gestructureerd, effectief en gemakkelijk leren van elkaar.

Over ons

Verhoog het succes van je bedrijf met training op maat en geavanceerde mentoring voor professionals. Vertrouwd door marktleiders. Samen leren, groeien en ontwikkelen!

Services personeelszaken
2-10 medewerkers
Eindhoven, North Brabant
Particuliere onderneming
Mentoring, HR consultancy, Leren van elkaar, Informeel Leren en HR Software ontwikkelaar


Medewerkers van MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential


  • Learning to tailor empathy to the individual as a Confidential Advisor; wouldn't that be perfect? Imagine if every time someone approached the confidential advisor within your organization, they always felt heard and understood. Many find it easy to address rational concerns: "How do we plan this project?" or "Which software do we use for this task?" However, when emotions come into play, situations become more delicate. Emotional experiences can disrupt rational thinking, making it crucial to address emotions first before engaging in a rational conversation. "Get through the emotional, to get to the rational". Additionally, psychological and emotional needs vary for 75% of people. A Confidential Advisor must not only master empathy but also learn to adapt it to different individuals. This ensures employees feel heard, valued, and taken seriously. We are proud to announce that our training, 'Empathetic Connection for Confidential Advisors,' has recently been accredited by Landelijke Vereniging van Vertrouwenspersonen and Hobéon, Huis van het Onderwijs. In collaboration with these esteemed organizations, our trainers are eager to equip Confidential Advisors to provide safety and emotional vitality to those seeking their support. Having quality confidential advisors is crucial in 2024. In fact, this year, a regulation was proposed in the Netherlands mandating that every company with more than 10 employees must appoint a confidential advisor who meets established quality standards. Meet the trainers: Gerard Dekkers, Rowen Dekkers *Upon completing this training, registered Confidential Advisors will earn 9 permanent education points (BSN hours).

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    Profiel weergeven voor Gerard Dekkers, afbeelding

    Ik help ondernemers en organisaties medewerkers excelleren via interne mentoring.

    In 5 stappen naar persoonlijk leiderschap De GROW-methodologie, geïdentificeerd in 1980, bestaat uit de stappen Goal, Reality, Options en Way Forward. Deze universele stappen, gepionierd door Graham Alexander, Alan Fine en Sir John Whitmore, hebben in de loop der jaren talloze mensen geholpen hun doelen te bereiken. In mijn 25 jaar ervaring met deze methodiek hebben de gecertificeerde professionals bij MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential en ik al veel mentees met grote tevredenheid kunnen helpen. 📈 Wat is de iGROW® Methode? 📈 De iGROW® methode is een verrijking van de klassieke GROW-methodologie, waarin we persoonlijke communicatiestijlen integreren om nog meer diepgang te bieden. Dit is gebaseerd op het idee dat mensen verschillende voorkeuren hebben voor hoe ze hun leven structureren. Of je nu iemand bent die houdt van duidelijke stappen of meer een "Go With the Flow" houding hebt, iGROW biedt een raamwerk dat je helpt je doelen te bereiken door zelfontdekking en gerichte actie. 🔍 De Kracht van Structuur 🔍 Jung benadrukte ooit dat mensen verschillende neigingen hebben om hun leven in te richten. Door een gestructureerde aanpak te volgen, vinden veel cliënten het gemakkelijker om stappen te maken in hun ontwikkeling. Sommigen willen "geleid" worden zonder zich bewust te zijn van de stappen, terwijl anderen een duidelijk stappenplan nodig hebben voordat ze beginnen. Het beantwoorden van de vragen in het iGROW®-model onthult nieuwe informatie over je uitdagingen en doelen. Dit creëert een enorm potentieel om jezelf ten goede te veranderen. Je verkent strategieën (via Opties) om obstakels te overwinnen en identificeert de 'Way to Act' die bij je past. De laatste stap omvat focus, het vaststellen van concrete acties en je eraan committeren. 🏆 Inspiratie van de Inner Game 🏆 De GROW-methode is ook beïnvloed door Timothy Gallwey's "Inner Game". Gallwey, een tenniscoach, ontdekte dat spelers hun spel konden verbeteren door zich te concentreren op één aspect van hun gedrag, zoals het zeggen van 'stuiteren' bij het stuiteren van de bal en 'slaan' bij het slaan van de bal. Dit eenvoudige mentale spel hielp spelers zonder veel moeite te verbeteren. Zowel de Inner Game- als de GROW-methode suggereren dat veel mensen moeite hebben met het bereiken van doelen omdat ze niet leren van hun ervaringen en zich niet bewust zijn van reeds aanwezige kennis. Door de iGROW® methode omarm je een eenvoudige, duidelijke en transparante aanpak die je helpt diep in je uitdagingen te duiken. Als mentor, therapeut of coach begeleiden we mensen door het proces, zodat ze kunnen ontdekken waar ze het meest behoefte aan hebben. Er is meer om te vertellen over deze methode dan dat er in een enkele post past, dus laat gerust in een reactie achter wat je nog meer zou willen weten. 💬

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  • 😀 WE SHOULD GOSSIP A LOT MORE! Yet it's a shame that gossiping carries such a negative connotation. Truly, gossiping about someone's behaviour is super valuable. But it should come from full attention to yourself and the person you're gossiping about! You gain insight into who you are and the deep motivations you normally hold back because you can't say 'this or that'! Don't you agree!!! You gain insight into how others' behaviour affects you! What annoys or frustrates you? Extremely meaningful, right? 🙏 And, of course, it would be great to share your gossip with the person it's about. Of course, you say, but then it's no longer gossiping. That's true, but you do start gossiping and should do that unrestrainedly first. And then reflect on yourself first, of course. Only then about the other person. Because you are naturally the most important! Who wouldn't want to experience 'YOU' in completeness? ☝ In various peer coaching methods, gossiping is incorporated. During the second to last phase, the 'presenter' turns around, and the others extensively gossip about the case presenter without any restraint. The presenter listens and tries to be attentive to the insights, advice, judgments, and interpretations of others and to extract value from them. In full trust in each other. Why not do it in real life? Get a life, and gossip more about each other. It provides deep insights into yourself and may also be very useful for others. One more warning: Do not hold back; otherwise, it becomes a trick, and you gain nothing from it. Enjoy! People are great, and I love interaction immensely!

    • A Woman Whispering to the Ear of Another Woman
  • MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential heeft dit gerepost

    Wil jij jouw ervaring omzetten in herregistratie punten voor het schoolleidersregister? Meestal komt de ervaring die je als schoolleider opdoet tijdens kwaliteitsprojecten in aanmerking voor waardering achteraf. Wij werken daarvoor samen met MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential een door het Schoolleidersregister gecertificeerd bureau. Heb je hier vragen over of ga je binnenkort een verbetertraject doen of een ontwikkeling starten op school? Neem dan contact op om na te gaan of je hiervoor herregistratie punten kunt krijgen:

    Herregistratie Schoolleider - Roerconsult | Kwaliteitszorg

    Herregistratie Schoolleider - Roerconsult | Kwaliteitszorg

  • 🌱 Time to Cultivate Genuine Connections with Our Farmers! 🚜 Recently, we got to train another dedicated group of employees from De Heus Voeders, who play a crucial role in supporting farmers worldwide. De Heus helps farmers by providing good nutrition to give their animals a healthy life, together with their advisors. They aren't just a supplier of the farmers, but they stand next to them; that's what makes them so special. As we often tell our participants: “You have one of the few jobs where you still join your customers at the dinner table and have a cup of soup with them” For over 12 years, we have been proudly assisting them in living up to their name. Every year, new De Heus employees participate in our Social Communication Styles training, just like this group did. The week's cohort, like many before, embraced the opportunity to learn how to connect to the individual farmer without judgment. They learned to understand the psychological nuances that shape both the farmer's behavior and ours. Our relationship with De Heus is more than a partnership; it's a shared commitment to excellence. From our trainers spending a day in the field with advisors (so they understand their challenges) to continuously refining our services together, our journey has been about aligning with the vision of De Heus and, in turn, the vision of the farmers they serve. Congratulations to our latest group for finishing the social styles training, and we wish you all to have great connections with those that you encounter. Congratulations to our latest graduates! 🎓 We wish you fulfilling connections as you apply the principles of Social Communication Styles in your interactions. Let us know your vision on the importance of genuine connections in your industry. 🌐🤝 #ConnectingWithFarmers #MentesMeTraining #SocialCommunication #BusinessPartnership

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    🎓 Certificaat in the pocket! Vorige week heeft ons team een leuke sessie gehad met Rowen Dekkers van MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential over sociale stijlen! 🤝 Leerzaam om meer inzicht te krijgen in hoe we beter kunnen samenwerken en communiceren binnen ons team bij Fontys Consultancy. Klaar voor de uitdagingen die voor ons liggen! 💼 #FontysConsultancy #SocialStyles

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    Vanochtend hebben we een ontbijtbijeenkomst gehad over hoe we ons studentenadviesbureau Fontys Consultancy naar een hoger plan kunnen tillen. Het was een prima bijeenkomst! Ondanks dat niet iedereen erbij kon zijn, willen we graag iedereen bedanken voor de bereidheid om mee te denken. Speciale dank aan Piet van der Wielen, die namens Brainport Development gastheer was van de bijeenkomst, Ad Van Ginneken van Kamer van Koophandel Eindhoven, Lianne Van den Boogaard van WTC/e Brainport Eindhoven, Jeroen Brinkhoff van Govers Accountants / Adviseurs en onze partners Gerard Dekkers en Rowen Dekkers van coachingsbureau MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential.

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  • Every organization regularly makes tables, schemas and project overviews to be able to step back and view the whole picture. You also need to take a step back now and then if you want to make your personal life, career, or even business develop and grow. 🧠The reason why this happens is natural. Our brains like short-term results. Because of our rational thinking, we think of the long-term result, but instinctively, we like the cookie closest to us. Why else would you eat junk food? It tastes good at that moment, although everybody knows it's not good for you in the long run. You can compare that to what happens when you don't take a step back to review your progress regularly. When you're constantly part of the action, what is needed at that moment will always tempt you. A couple of ways to step back can be: 👉 Write everything down on a whiteboard and physically take a step back to view it. 👉 Go on a holiday if your time and wallet allow it. If not, schedule a weekend where you do nothing that is even related to what's going on. 👉 Ask others how they perceive what you're doing. This subject will be discussed more in-depth during a Work Talks podcast episode, so share your experience in a comment, and maybe Gerard and Rowen will put their heads together about it. 🎙️ #CareerGrowth #WorkTalksPodcast #ProgressReview

    • A looking glass that zooms in on a stick figure that is standing confidently with the text "zoom out"
  • 🎆🎇MentesMe wishes everyone a happy 2024 filled with growth and development! 🧠 New Year's resolutions have been a struggle for as long as most of us can remember. Many people don't like them, don't know how to properly make them, or lose discipline halfway through the year. A study published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology even showed that only roughly 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions. Just like with professional goal settings, there are methods to help you be a part of that 8%. That's why we wrote down five tips to help you achieve your goals for 2024! Want to brainstorm more with us about how your employees can achieve their goals better? 📧 Contact us through direct messaging or by sending an e-mail to #Happy2024 #NewYearsResolutions #AchieveYourGoals

    • Text saying: 5 tips for setting new year's resolutions. 1/7
    • Text saying: According to a study published in the journal of clinical psychology, only about 8% of people achieve their new year's resolutions. the following tips tackle the main factors that impact this statistic. 2/7
    • Text saying: tip 1, Start with introspection. Reaching a destination becomes harder if you don‘t know the vehicle you are driving. Know your strengths, flaws, and tendencies. 3/7
    • Text that says: Try and set goals in different categories of
your life like Career, 
Social, Physical health, and Mental health. 4/7
    • Text that says: Tip 3, Use your reflection on 2023 to anticipate obstacles for 2024! 5/7
  • MentesMe - Connecting Human Potential heeft dit gerepost

    Let's reflect! ✍️ Which question helps you the most? Of course, we have already reflected on our 2023. Thanks to the input of our staff and all of you, dozens of improvements are already planned for our Social Styles app, The Metro platform, our programs, and the iGROW note for 2024! Now it's your turn. 💪 #reflection #2023 #NewYearNewMentesMe

    • Text saying "7 Questions to reflect at the end of the year"
    • Text saying "Reflection is vital in reaching goals. If we don't, we are likely to make the same mistakes. Yet, we set new year's resolutions, but we don't reflect on our old ones. Do what you did, and you will get what you got."
    • Text that says "Question 1: What tendency do I have that I need to take into account when I try this again?"
    • Text that says "Question 2: When was the moment I fell behind schedule and why?"
    • Text that says: "Question 3: With what am I not comfortable admitting being a reason for not succeeding?"

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