Level2 Ventures

Level2 Ventures

Durfkapitaal en privévermogen

Amsterdam, North Holland 1.387 volgers

We make achieving global success easy through true managerial support and the provision of capital. Venture Capital Fund

Over ons

We know how much determination and hard work, as well as trials and mistakes it takes to achieve success. We also know the importance of capital to the growth of a company. However, we see it only as the first level of the support that you require. Managerial experience, talent recruitment, marketing, training, and proven operability are only part of what you can expect from us. Because we are Level2

Durfkapitaal en privévermogen
2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
venture capital, development capital, managerial support for startups, development strategy, business support for startups en smart money


Medewerkers van Level2 Ventures


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    ✨👏Exciting News! 👏✨ We are thrilled to announce that WIMBA, our portfolio company and a pioneer in advanced custom-fit pet orthotics, has formed a strategic partnership with INTRAUMA S.P.A., a leader in veterinary orthopedic solutions. This collaboration represents a groundbreaking step forward in veterinary care, combining Intrauma's high-tech expertise with WIMBA's cutting-edge innovations to revolutionize pet orthopedics through 3D-printed orthotic devices. This partnership is a strong confirmation of WIMBA's advanced technology and its ability to meet market needs. By addressing the growing demand for innovative orthotic devices that integrate seamlessly with pre- and post-operative protocols, and support non-surgical cases, WIMBA continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovation and excellence in pet care. Read more👇 #pettech #vettech #3Dprintedpetorthotics

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    WIMBA announces partnership with INTRAUMA S.P.A. to revolutionize veterinary orthopedics We are excited to announce that #WIMBA has formed a strategic partnership with #Intrauma, a leading provider of orthopedic solutions. This collaboration represents a significant milestone in veterinary care, combining our high-tech expertise to redefine pet orthopedics with 3D-printed orthotic devices. - Intrauma is dedicated to advancing orthopedic implant solutions that enhance surgical outcomes and simplify procedures. Our collaboration with WIMBA represents a fusion of expertise and innovation aimed at providing the best possible care for veterinary patients. Intrauma’s mission has always been to supply the best quality implants and building golden standards in veterinary traumatology. Teaming up with WIMBA aligns perfectly with this vision, offering innovative orthotic devices that will align with pre and post operative protocols, and support non surgical cases - says Stefano Del Medico, General Manager of the VET LINE at Intrauma. Read more in the press release below:

    Intrauma Partners with WIMBA to Empower Vets with Advanced 3D-printed Orthotics

    Intrauma Partners with WIMBA to Empower Vets with Advanced 3D-printed Orthotics

    WIMBA op LinkedIn

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    BioCam, our portfolio company, has signed letters of intent for commercial cooperation with the largest veterinary corporations in Central and Eastern Europe, Vet Agro, a leader in the production of veterinary drugs, and Regis Corporation, which has Vetfood and ToolVet in its portfolio and is more widely known for its Activlab and Activlab Pharma brands. The cooperation with Vet Agro and Regis is the next step in the commercialization of the endoscopic capsule for animals. The company plans to begin this process in the veterinary market at the end of 2024. In parallel, preparations are underway for an IPO on NewConnect planned for early 2025. BioCam is developing a remote and painless system for diagnosing and monitoring the health of the digestive system using an AI-powered smart pill. Along with the endoscopic capsule, the company has developed an AI-supported image analysis system. The AI-powered animal endoscopic capsule is the company's second development area, after the capsule for human digestive system diagnostics. ___ PL BioCam, nasza spółka portfelowa, podpisał listy intencyjne dotyczące współpracy komercyjnej z największymi korporacjami weterynaryjnymi w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, Vet Agro, liderem w produkcji leków weterynaryjnych oraz korporacją Regis, posiadającą w swoim portfolio Vetfood i toolVet, a szerzej jest znana z marki Activlab i Activlab Pharma. Współpraca z Vet Agro i Regis to kolejny krok na drodze do komercjalizacji kapsułki endoskopowej dla zwierząt. Spółka planuje rozpocząć ten proces na rynku weterynaryjnym pod koniec 2024 r. Równolegle trwają przygotowania do debiutu giełdowego na NewConnect.  BioCam tworzy zdalny i bezbolesny system do diagnostyki i monitorowania zdrowia układu pokarmowego przy pomocy smart-pigułki napędzanej AI. Wraz z kapsułką endoskopową, firma opracowała system analizy obrazowej wspierany AI. Kapsułka endoskopowa dla zwierząt wspierana AI to drugi, po kapsułce przeznaczonej do diagnostyki ludzkiego układu pokarmowego, obszar rozwojowy spółki. Więcej o dynamicznym rozwoju spółki w wywiadzie z Maciej Wysocki w PAP👇 #endoscopiccapsule #animaldiagnostics #partnership #startup

    BioCam planuje debiut na NewConnect; w ramach pre-IPO chce pozyskać 8-10 mln zł (wywiad)

    BioCam planuje debiut na NewConnect; w ramach pre-IPO chce pozyskać 8-10 mln zł (wywiad)


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    Strategies for Cost-Cutting in Startups during a downturn: Optimizing operations In challenging economic times, building resilience is key to a startup’s survival and growth. One crucial strategy is optimizing operations. Efficiency and productivity are paramount, and maximizing the resources you have can make all the difference. Streamlining processes, automating tasks, and adopting new technologies can significantly cut costs and boost your startup's competitiveness. Here are some specific areas where automation can make a big impact: 🔹 Invoicing and Billing: Automate your invoicing with software that saves time, ensures accuracy, and guarantees timely payments. 🔹 Social media management: Utilize social media automation tools to schedule posts, track engagement metrics, and manage multiple accounts efficiently. 🔹 Inventory management: Implement inventory management software to track stock levels, reorder products, and generate reports, reducing manual labor and improving accuracy. 🔹 Customer Support / Customer Success: Deploy chatbots and other automation tools to handle routine inquiries, allowing your customer support team to focus on more complex issues. Adopting new technologies is another effective way to optimize operations. Software solutions for automating accounting and financial reporting can significantly reduce the time and costs associated with these tasks. Similarly, implementing CRM software can streamline sales and marketing efforts. Additional ideas for optimizing operations in a startup👇 🔹 Outsourcing non-core tasks: Consider outsourcing tasks like HR, IT support, and graphic design. This can reduce costs and allow your team to focus on core business activities. 🔹 Data-driven decision-making: Use analytics tools to gather insights on customer behavior, sales trends, and operational efficiency. Data-driven decisions can lead to more effective strategies and reduced waste. 🔹 Lean startup methodology: Adopt lean startup principles to minimize waste, optimize resources, and validate business ideas quickly and cost-effectively. 🔹 Remote work and flexibility: Encourage remote work to save on office space and utilities. Tools like Slack, Zoom, and Asana (and others!) can keep your team connected and productive. 🔹 Project management tools: Use project management software like Trello, Jira, or others (there are many to choose from) to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and team collaboration, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget. 🔹 Process standardization: Standardize your processes to reduce variability and improve efficiency. Documenting and following standard operating procedures (SOPs) can streamline operations and reduce errors. Optimizing operations is about making the best use of your resources and maximizing productivity. By doing so, you can improve your bottom line and enhance your startup's resilience✨. #optimizingoperations #startup

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    The newest Pro Progressio yearly report for 2023 is available! If you're looking for insights on the business services sector, this report is one of the best sources. In-depth analysis and subjective insights into the development of the modern business services sector (#BSS) in Poland and abroad, forecasts for 2024, a discussion of key developments in the BSS market, and many more✨ The report also recognizes individuals who contribute to the development of the sector. Adam Rudowski and Piotr Pawłowski were recognized among Business Tigers 💪✨. Thank you, Pro Progressio! #proprogressio #BSSreport

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    ✨Diversifying revenue streams in startups✨ Relying on a single source of revenue can make your startup vulnerable when the economy is not in your favor and fundraising is a struggle. Diversification can help you mitigate risk and ensure long-term growth. Of course, building additional revenue streams is possible when you have already built a steady stream of revenues from your core product and have confirmed product-market fit. Typically, the right moment to start diversifying your revenue streams is at the series A stage. There are many ways you can diversify revenue streams in a startup. Here are a few of the most popular examples: ➡️ Product extensions: You can develop new products or services that complement their existing offerings. This can help attract new customers and generate additional revenue streams. For instance, a company that offers a software solution for data analysis could extend its product line to include related services such as data cleaning or additional reporting modules. ➡️ Subscription models: Subscription-based revenue models can provide you with a predictable, recurring revenue stream. VCs prefer monthly subscriptions as they are more foreseeable and easier to present. ➡️ Licensing: You can license your products or services to other companies. This can help generate revenue through royalties or fees. Of course, this additional revenue will not be available for all types of businesses. ➡️ Partnerships: Partnering with other companies can provide new revenue streams by offering complementary products or services and providing a more comprehensive solution.   Diversifying revenue streams can also help you adapt to changing market conditions. If one revenue stream becomes less profitable or less viable, other revenue streams can help offset the loss. Furthermore, diversification can help you expand into new markets and reach new customers, providing opportunities for growth and increased revenue. Building resilience in a startup's business model involves more than just cutting costs and optimizing operations. Diversifying revenue streams is a key strategy for ensuring long-term success.  #strategy #startup #businessresilience

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    The latest issue of FOCUS ON Business | media magazine, is now available, with an article by Magdalena Pawłowska on go-to-market strategy in startups. Are you curious how to start, and what not to miss when creating one? 🤔📈 What approach to choose to make it efficient?🎯 Check it out 👇 ➡️ https://lnkd.in/ddrsrt6V (EN) ➡️ https://lnkd.in/desrz2W4 (PL), Paper issues are available in Empik stores. #gotomarketstrategy #startup #growth

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    ✨Building a strong, complex, and diverse team in a startup – the most important thing you can and should do as a Founder.✨ ➡️ Building a resilient startup, part 2 ⬅️ It is a truth in saying that a great team will succeed even if the product/service is not the best in the world. But when a team is not brilliant, you may have the best product/service and won’t be successful☝️. One of the key factors that separates the successful from the unsuccessful is the strength of their team. Building a strong team with diverse skill sets is essential to a successful startup. Especially when there is no traction or product yet, the team is what we invest in 💪🙂💵. Firstly, it's critical to have a diverse team, encompassing not just gender, race, and ethnicity but a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets. With a team possessing a range of perspectives and expertise, complex challenges can be approached with more creativity and innovation, and potential risks and opportunities that might otherwise be missed can be identified. Secondly, ensuring ongoing training is crucial for a team to remain up-to-date with industry trends, new technologies, and evolving best practices. Employee development should be invested in, and a culture that values continuous learning should be fostered. This will not only keep the team sharp and adaptable, but it will also show potential investors that you're committed to staying ahead of the curve. Finally, it's essential to cultivate a culture of resilience to navigate the inevitable challenges and setbacks of building a startup. A mindset of problem-solving, risk-taking, and persistence should be instilled among team members. Additionally, it's important to foster a supportive and inclusive workplace where team members feel empowered to take ownership of their work and collaborate effectively with others. Ultimately, building a resilient startup is about creating a team that can adapt, learn, and thrive in the face of uncertainty and change. This requires careful planning and intentional investment in your team's development and well-being. It's not just about hiring the best people, but about creating an environment where those people can grow and succeed together💪🚀🎯🤝. #stratupresilience #startupteam #venturecapital

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    As we know from the recent report ‘Polish VC Market Outlook Q1 2024' by PFR Ventures and Inovo.vc, the Polish startup ecosystem in Q1 2024 decreased by 76% YoY in the number of transactions, and by 55% YoY in capital invested. The VC market in Poland nowadays is very difficult for startups. We have very few new investments and by the end of 2024, no sudden shift is expected. When chances of securing new funding are low, building strategic resilience in a startup is getting more and more important... Building resilience into a startup's business model, especially during a downturn is one of the most important elements of development strategy. Resilient startups are better equipped to weather economic shocks and emerge stronger from challenging times. So, how can startups build resilience into their business model during a downturn? You may want to consider: ➡️Cut costs strategically by renegotiating contracts, reducing headcount, or cutting unnecessary expenses to improve financial position. ➡️Optimize operations by streamlining processes, automating tasks, or adopting new technologies to reduce costs and improve competitiveness. ➡️Diversify revenue streams by expanding into new markets, launching new products or services, or exploring new distribution channels to create a more sustainable business model. ➡️Build a strong team with diverse skill sets, ongoing training, and a culture of resilience.   It's important to remember that building resilience is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and innovation. It's not a shift you make overnight. Sometimes difficult choices and burdensome decisions are a must. #startups #economicdownturn #VCmarket

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    Our portfolio company, Talent Alpha, a complete Talent Intelligence & Marketplace Platform for organizations that know effective digital talent management is mission-critical, just reached 1000 partners! We're proud to back you💪 PS. It's great to see you in Times Square🚀🚀🚀 #startup #venturecapital #portfoliosuccess #goodnews

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    We are Talent Alpha and we are 1000! We are excited to share that our platform has now reached 1000 partners! There was even a buzz about our success in Times Square in New York - check out the video 😊 Big thank you to our partners and clients for their trust.  One platform, one contract, 1,000 IT service providers – Talent Alpha! 

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    📈Post-Investment Partnership: Maximizing the value of your VC relationship🎯   Securing venture capital funding is often celebrated as a monumental milestone for startups. Yet, what unfolds after the initial excitement can significantly influence a startup's trajectory. A robust post-investment partnership doesn't just leverage the financial aspects but harnesses the full spectrum of resources that investors bring to the table. There are a few effective strategies for startups to maximize the benefits of their relationships with venture capital partners: ➡️Establishing effective communication channels Clear and consistent communication forms the foundation of any successful relationship, including the one between a startup and its investors. Establish a routine of structured updates and regular check-ins, such as monthly newsletters paired with quarterly meetings. These interactions should not only report on financials and key performance metrics but also explore strategic discussions and solicit guidance. A transparent approach fosters trust and respect, facilitating a more engaged and supportive investment partnership. ➡️Leveraging investor expertise for strategic advantage Venture capitalists bring knowledge and a unique perspective, informed by diverse experiences with both successful ventures and instructive failures. Startups should consider actively seeking their investors' insights on significant business decisions. Whether contemplating market expansion, adjusting business models, or navigating complex regulatory environments, investors can provide invaluable guidance. Want to know more? Check out👇 #ventureinvestment #startup #investorrelations #VC

    Post-Investment Partnership: Maximizing the value of your VC relationship - L2V

    Post-Investment Partnership: Maximizing the value of your VC relationship - L2V


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