Evaluation of Outcomes of the StationMD Pilot Study

The Ohio State University Nisonger Center

Background: A pilot initiative from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) called the StationMD Pilot Project, provided StationMD services to 5,000 Ohioans with developmental disabilities at no cost to them. StationMD provides this description of their services on their website:

StationMD is a physician service that is available to individuals with intellectual disability and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) and related developmental conditions. The StationMD mission is to provide the highest quality of medical care for individuals with ID/DD, fostering independence and improving quality of life for their patients and those providing their care/supports.

The StationMD physicians are specially trained to address this population’s complex health needs, and they are able to treat patients through they user-friendly telemedicine platform.  StationMD reports that approximately 88% of calls made to StationMD physicians can be satisfactorily resolved without the patient needing to leave their home setting.

This evaluation will survey people enrolled in the StationMD Pilot Project and also their caregivers and direct support professionals. The evaluation will include surveys, focus groups, and Medicaid analysis.

Aim: The aim of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of using StationMD telehealth services to enhance health outcomes (reduced trips to emergency department, reduced days in hospital, increased medication adherence) and increased confidence in care provided (reduced stress of caregiver, ability to identify needs of adults with I/DD).

Objectives: Online Surveys will be distributed to (1) adults with IDD, (2) family members & caregivers and (3) providers/agencies. 6 focus groups with providers/agencies will take place in locations convenient to participants around Ohio. Some focus groups may be in person while others will be virtual. Lastly, analysis of Medicaid claims data of StationMD users over 6 months starting with date of first call to StationMD compared to same period of time one-year prior.

Outcomes: The anticipated outcomes for participants will be increased health outcomes, reduced stress for caregivers and provider agencies, and increased confidence in care provided.

Products: The expected products from this research study include the evaluation of the effectiveness of StationMD services, preparation of outreach materials, and information dissemination to stakeholders in “plain language,” stakeholder presentations of findings, and conference presentations.


What is the effectiveness of StationMD services when used by adult Ohioans with ID/DD with respect to improving health outcomes, and increasing confidence in care provided?


Marc J. Tassé, PhD (Principal Investigator)

Jordan B. Wagner, BA (Project Manager)

Xiaoya Zhang, BA (Research Technician)

Shea Tanis, PhD (Consultant)


For more information, contact:

Jordan B. Wagner
Project Manager, Technology Projects
Tel: (614-688-3155)

Approved IRB number: 2022B0339

Partners: This study is conducted in partnership with DODD

This project is supported by StationMD, as a part of a grant from DODD for StationMD Pilot Project