Financial Support

IDD psychology students are eligible for University and Department funding and most students admitted to the IDD psychology program are guaranteed 5 years of funding (tuition waiver and stipend).

Students receive funding from a variety of sources including fellowships and associateships in teaching, clinic, or research. While students are not expected to work during the period of their fellowship, they are expected to spend 20 hours per week devoted to associateships. Additional details regarding different types of funding support are included below:

  • University Fellowships: Upon acceptance to the program, the IDD psychology faculty nominate students for a variety of university fellowships. Typically, IDD psychology students are awarded 1-3 years of fellowship funding. Fellowships are awarded at the university, college, and department level. More information about the university fellowships competitions and requirements can be found here.
  • Teaching Associateships: Most IDD psychology students spend one or more years as a psychology department Teaching Associate. Teaching associate duties vary and include course assisting (e.g., grading, etc.), teaching introductory psychology courses, and other departmental teaching duties (e.g., coordination of other student instructors).
  • Research Associateships: Some students may be appointed in research positions on specific funded research projects. Research associate duties vary across projects depending on the needs of the project and faculty advisor.
  • Clinical Associateships: Advanced students may have the opportunity to participate in a clinical position with the Nisonger Behavior Support Services program. Students in this position provide direct clinical services to children and adults with IDD experiencing significant challenging behaviors, with supervision from a staff psychologist/BCBA.
  • Other Predoctoral Fellowships: Students are encouraged to apply for predoctoral fellowships both within the university (e.g., OSU Presidential Fellowship) as well as outside the university (e.g., National Institutes of Health, Autism Science Foundation, etc.)

Stipend levels for financial packages vary slightly depending on the type of appointment. All financial packages include:

  • Monthly Stipend: Students admitted with a funding package are guaranteed 5 years of funding for the 9-month school year. Depending on fellowships awarded, some students may have a higher stipend rate (click here for more information). Funding during the summer months is not guaranteed; however, most students are able to receive funding from a variety of sources during their summers in the program, including fellowships, teaching positions, or department summer awards.
  • Tuition Waiver: Full tuition and general fee authorizations that include instructional, general fees, and non-resident fees.
  • Health Insurance: 100% subsidy for Student Health Insurance premiums.
  • More information about graduate associate benefits can be found here.