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MIT Solve announces 2024 Global Challenges and Indigenous Communities Fellowship

Over $1 million in prize funding available for tech-enabled solutions to the 2024 Global Challenges.
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Maya Bingaman
Phone: 717-803-6921
MIT Solve
28 people stand in two rows, smiling, on a city block with a large glass building in the background
The 2023 Solver Class in New York City during the Solve Challenge Finals. These innovators will visit the MIT campus in May.
Photo courtesy of MIT Solve.

The driving mission of MIT Solve is inviting new voices and proposed solutions to world problems as a way to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future for all. To that end, Solve recently announced the 2024 Global Challenges and the Indigenous Communities Fellowship to help find and scale the best. 

Solve invites anyone from anywhere in the world to submit a solution to this year’s Global Challenges by April 18. Solve is seeking solutions that use technology in innovative and equitable ways to make learning more inclusive, mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis, improve access to quality health care, build peaceful and prosperous economies, and strengthen Indigenous communities.

Selected innovators will form the 2024 Solver Class, pitch their solutions during U.N. General Assembly Week, and share over $1 million of available funding. Innovators also take part in a nine-month support program that includes capital, leadership, and community support to scale their solutions.

"MIT Solve is on a quest to find the amazing innovators solving the pressing challenges of their communities and the world. And once we select the best, we mobilize the Solve community to help them scale," says Hala Hanna, executive director of MIT Solve. "We can't do this without our generous and foresighted supporters."

Funding available for selected Solvers and fellows includes:

  • MIT Solve funding: $10,000 to each Solver and fellow selected;
  • GM Prize (supported by General Motors) for solutions that help create smart, safe, and sustainable communities around the world, selected from the 2024 Global Learning Challenge, the 2024 Global Climate Challenge, and the 2024 Indigenous Communities Fellowship;
  • GSR Foundation Prize (supported by GSR Foundation) for solutions that use technology in an innovative way to address pressing issues in their communities, especially solutions that remove barriers to financial inclusion and place a strong emphasis on learning, selected from any 2024 Global Challenge;
  • Morgridge Family Foundation AI Innovation Prize (supported by Morgridge Family Foundation) for solutions that use AI to boldly spark change through innovation, disruption, and transformation, selected from any 2024 Global Challenge or from any Solver class;
  • AI for Humanity Prize (supported by The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation) for solutions that leverage data science, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning to benefit humanity, selected from any 2024 Global Challenge; and
  • Prince Albert II of Monaco Ocean Innovation Prize (supported by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation) for a solution that supports innovation for coasts, oceans, and the broader blue economy, selected from the 2024 Global Climate Challenge.

Additional prizes will also be announced.

The Solve community will convene on MIT’s campus for its flagship event, Solve at MIT, May 22-23 to celebrate the past 2023 Solver Class. Members of the public may request an invitation, while press interested in attending the event should contact

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