Bloomberg Law
Feb. 10, 2023, 2:25 AM UTCUpdated: Feb. 10, 2023, 9:45 PM UTC

California Bar Ex-Director Avoids Some Disciplinary Charges (2)

Joyce E. Cutler
Joyce E. Cutler
Staff Correspondent

A California State Bar Court judge dismissed some of the disciplinary case against former bar Executive Director Joseph Dunn Thursday, finding the charges were based on allegations investigated and dismissed eight years ago.

Judge Yvette D. Roland also dismissed as time-barred a charge alleging Dunn made misleading statements about pending legislation. Roland allowed the bar to argue moral turpitude claims for allegedly false remarks Dunn made to the board that no bar funds would be used to fund a January 2014 trip to Mongolia.

The bar filed disciplinary charges against Dunn last July, saying the charges were based on an ...

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