Success at Apache — 赢在 Apache: If it helps others, all the better.

by Sally Khudairi, with contributions by Ignasi Barrera, Von Gosling, Luke Han, Kevin A. McGrail, and Anthony Shaw. Translations by Ted Liu and David Zhenwei Dong. I became active in The Apache Software Foundation at its inception in 1999. I am responsible for elevating the ASF’s visibility, and supporting the Foundation by counseling 350+ Apache projects […]

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Success at Apache: Open Innovation from a Non-native English Country

by Von Gosling When I saw the "Success at Apache" series, I thought about writing something about my, being from a non-native English country, Open Source experience these past few years. Last year, RocketMQ graduated from the Apache Incubator and became one of the Apache Top-Level Projects. As one of the original co-founders of RocketMQ, […]

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Success at Apache: Contributing to Open Source even with a high-pressure job

by Anthony Shaw I believe in the mission of the ASF for many reasons, but the first is the reason why I got into open-source software- free and open access to knowledge. Back when I was age 12 (1998), I started to learn to program in dBase 4. dBase 4 and the compiler Clipper were […]

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Success at Apache: What a Long Strange (and Great) Trip It’s Been

By Jim Jagielski It is normally during this time of year that people get awful retrospective. We look over the last 12 months and come to terms with what kind of year it has been. We congratulate ourselves on the good and (hopefully) learn from the bad. We basically assess the ending year and start […]

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Success at Apache: JFDI –the unconditional love of contributors

by Daniel Gruno In many respects, The Apache Software Foundation is like a dog. Some people like dogs, some like cats. The ASF doesn’t care, it still loves you. Some people are female, some are male, some don’t share the narrow dichotomy of the masses. The ASF doesn’t care, it still loves you. Some people […]

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