Author Archives: New Media Film Festival

About New Media Film Festival

New Media is an infinite catalyst for story & technology. Best Digital Festival - Luxe Living Makes the Cutting Edge accessible - HuffPo Worth the entry fee - MovieMakerMag "For those uncomfortable of the term 'new media,' fear not. This is a festival that makes the cutting edge accessible by seamlessly weaving the tried and true with the next wave. Perhaps best exemplified by 21-year-old opening night musician Charles Eliasch singing 19t- century opera by Bellini immediately followed by a presentation of edgy 3D films. So what is 'new media' exactly? Festival founder Susan Johnston defines it as "infinite possibilities." While that may seem broad, new media is broad. It's a vast realm with ever-changing tools and techniques encompassing any emerging methods of producing, delivering, and viewing of content from now into the unforeseeable future. The festival's categories might present the clearest picture of what new media can consist of. While there are no features on the schedule, webseries ("the new TV shows" says Johnston), animation, music videos, shorts, APPs and documentaries abound. In addition, technology is represented by categories including Shot on Red, mobile (cellphone created), machinima (video for the gamer lifestyle featuring 3D real time graphics and judged in competition by none other than the creator of Star Wars' R2D2), STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math - cool, educational programming on the digital space), Sniplers (30-second snippets of trailers), and Trailers - which, in the new media cinemascape, are statements in and of themselves - as important as the feature they are encapsulating." - Huffington Post 20 Categories - $45,000 in Awards, Screening, Distribution Opportunities. Meet the Filmmakers, Celebrities and Industry Leaders at the festival. Submit year round. Attend in June in Los Angeles CA

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