
A New Earth volunteer is committed to partnering with staff to fulfill our mission. Together, we are a consistently growing engine that upholds and demonstrates the organization’s key values of collaboration, integrity & communication.

Your Information


An Academic Dreamer (Classroom Volunteer) is a New Earth volunteer who dedicates their time, guiding and assisting students, at our Arts & Leadership Center. Activities and responsibilities may include, but aren’t limited to – answering student’s questions, assisting students & teachers, maintaining a positive environment & safe space and being an open ear to our members.


A Workshop Leader is a facilitator of an elective class at our Arts & Leadership and/or at our various sites in which we conduct F.L.O.W. (writing & music program). Workshop positions include, but aren’t limited to, Poetry, Public Speaking, Music Programming, Yoga, Hip Hop, Visual Arts, Dance, Song & more. 


A New Earth Administrative volunteer who offers office support. This volunteer spends most of their time in our office in Culver City, working closely with management and supervisors. Responsibilities may include – student recruitment, data entry, organizational research & more. 


Expression Mondays volunteers are performance artists and individuals who are excited about our open mic that takes place every second Monday of the month. These volunteers help bring the night to life and create new ways for us to gather and connect. Roles include: greeters, setup/break down, DJ, social media, photographers, videographers and street team members.  


A F.L.O.W. [Fluent Love of Words] volunteer is a skilled poet, writer, hip hop artist or other performance artist who assists the New Earth F.L.O.W. Instructors during poetry and music workshops. This team joins Instructors at detention camps, group homes, and/or at the Arts & Leadership Center, to provide performances for our students and contributing their assistance and expertise to the environment. 


A Down to Earth volunteer is a horticulturist, gardener or landscaper that has a passion for our natural world, as well as a holistic understanding of gardening. This person will assist students and the New Earth Down to Earth Instructor in our gardens, mostly located at detention centers in Los Angeles County. Down to Earth is a New Earth gardening program in which gardens are maintained at our program locations and students can get hands-on experience with gardening and life lessons.


Social Media & Marketing volunteers help to strengthen the online and public presence of New Earth and the volunteer department, as well as promote organizational activities and events. Volunteers on this team maintain a consistent, professional and appealing presence on social media and in advertisement. Members of this team include graphic designers, social media experts and photographers. 


A New Earth Photography volunteer is part of the Social Media & Marketing Team. A photographer utilizes their professional skills to capture the memorable and captivating moments at special events, school activities and various professional engagements. 


Beyond Boundaries is our Wilderness program. Extensive knowledge in wilderness activities needed. More information given upon orientation and/or request. 

New Earth

12100 W Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

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