New Earth Alumni 2017
Employed full-time by New Earth as the Facility Coordinator

I was always easily distracted. So some teachers thought I was dumb and stubborn, but really – I just didn’t feel understood. I was told I wouldn’t graduate, and I was routinely discouraged because I simply didn’t learn like everyone else, I was told I was likely to drop out.  

Then I found New Earth.

My sister, who was in juvenile hall at the time, told me there was this place that can’t be explained, only experienced. My little sister opened that door for me, the door that changed my life.  New Earth welcomed me and helped me overcome a dark side of myself that told me I wasn’t worth it. Day by day the staff showed me through words, actions, and trust that I was more than worth it.

I received my High School Diploma through New Earth’s services and now I’m proud to say I work at New Earth helping young people just like me.   



New Earth Alumni 2018, Employed Full-Time by New Earth as our Office Coordinator

Before I found New Earth, I was struggling. I would run away from home, be in the streets with drugs, hang with gangs; I knew I needed a healthy place, but had no idea how to get there.

I was traumatized in school, so I dropped out. My patterns of abuse continued, and I thought that was just going to be my life. Then something miraculous happened, I got pregnant. And I knew I had to do better for my child.  

Then I found New Earth.

My first day in 2015, Yana, the Co-Founder of New Earth, approached me, barely knowing me, and said “You can do so much more than you can even imagine. You can achieve anything.”  No one had ever looked at me that way, had ever spoken to me that way. New Earth taught me what respect and inspiration looks like. What words and positive actions look like. What home looks like.

I graduated with my high school diploma through New Earth. I stayed at New Earth because I felt safe and seen. Now, I have the privilege of working at New Earth and creating a safe space for others.

I am grateful for everything that has happened because it led me here, to this beautiful moment in my life.



New Earth Alumni, 2020. Now employed by New Earth as a Youth Navigator

I have to be really suffering mentally for you to see my cry. I was told to never cry. I liked being tough in school, I got into fights, and was recruited into gangs until the district kicked me out of all public schools. So, the only way to get my degree was to go to a non-public school

Then I found New Earth.

I refused to speak to anyone, I just wanted to graduate. One day, I tried to fight one of the substitute teachers at New Earth. I thought for sure, I was going to get kicked out. But then, Harry Grammer, the founder of New Earth, asked me “Are you alright?” And he meant it. He always offered his shoulder, so I wouldn’t feel like I was alone. If it wasn’t for the teachers and staff at New Earth, I wouldn’t be here. New Earth staff showed up to court and advocated for me. They motivated me to graduate high school, they not only showed me how much they care, but showed me how much I should care – because they saw something in me that I couldn’t. New Earth got me my first job and now I work here, and it’s a gift to work with the people who changed my life.

In 2021, my best friend suddenly died. I came to New Earth, walked into Harry Grammer’s arms and cried into his shoulder.

New Earth is a safe space for all. New Earth is home.


New Earth

12100 W Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

Site design by Volume