
Since 2005, New Earth has been teaching F.L.O.W. (Fluent Love of Words) throughout youth detention facilities, LAUSD schools, group homes, and at our Arts & Leadership Center to youth ages 13-25. Our flagship poetry and music program focuses on inspiring young people to discover and craft their inner voice, share their experiences, and express themselves through art. F.L.O.W. uses a project-based learning curriculum that teaches students about the structure of poetry and then guides them to tell their own stories through poetry pieces. They then create musical beats and record their poetry to the beats. Once the music is recorded, students learn how to edit and engineer their own songs. Each module concludes with a showcase where students share their work in a public group of peers and facility staff. The class promotes literacy and enhances writing skills through English writing, reading comprehension, and critical thinking instruction based on the California Language Arts Standards of education.  




of F.L.O.W. participants increased their GPA

of F.L.O.W. participants increased their capacity for leadership

of F.L.O.W. participants increased their ability to manage emotions

Beyond Boundaries

Beyond Boundaries wilderness expeditions take outstanding alumni on day trips and weeklong camping trips, allowing them time for reflection and restoration before they return to their home environment. The program offers system-impacted young people an opportunity to leave the confines of the neighborhood and communities in which they live and gain a different perspective about the world around them. The stillness of nature and the quiet of retreat allows them the space to consider their future lifestyle choices while facilitating their ability to tap into their true identity through rooting themselves in nature. 

“In my neighborhood, I worry about bullets, but out here, the only bullets I worry about are mosquito bites.” Raul, Beyond Boundaries participant 

Some of our past expeditions include a four-day hiking, rock-climbing, and camping journey in Joshua Tree National Park; a four-day rafting trip on the Sacramento River; a four-day hiking trip to Alta Peak in the Sequoia National Park; day hikes to the Santa Monica Mountains; and LA Waterkeeper boat trips. 

Down to Earth

Gardening is proven to be an effective therapeutic tool that is known to decrease stress levels and anxiety. This sense of peace helps our students face their frustrations and challenges while giving them a positive outlet for their expression. In a therapeutic sense, if students enjoy the fruits of their labor, they are more inclined to complete and enjoy their personal goals. 

Down to Earth teaches students that growing a garden is like growing into a man or a woman. This powerful analogy gives students a sense of purpose by working with the earth and planting seeds that result in an abundance that is tangible in their own lives. Down to Earth is taught at Probation Camp schools throughout Los Angeles County and at New Earth’s Arts & Leadership Center.

“I love this class because I’m learning that I can make healthy choices in what I eat. Now I’m starting to understand that I have choices in how I act and react in situations, too. This class has been a great experience.”

“I’m learning how to plant vegetables and survival skills. I’m learning new things about plants that I never knew before and it’s given me a new respect for nature.” 

“This class gives me training on how to become a gardener or landscaper. I learn techniques on how to plant and treat plants properly. After experiencing this class, I want to start my own gardening business.”  

Down to Earth is based on the California Biology Standards and also provides job training skills in horticulture and landscaping by teaching about tools, equipment, and techniques. Throughout the course, our young people gain understanding about sustainability, basic plant care, soil composition, composting, assembling window boxes and container gardens, vegetable and herb gardening, garden design, and garden installation.  




have No Further Involvement with Police 

 have Positive Youth Development Outcomes 

have Positive Restorative Justice Outcomes 



have Improved Vocational Outcomes 

have Improved Housing Status 

have No Contact with the Criminal Justice System 

New Earth

12100 W Washington Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA