New Earth and our Charter High School partner Da Vinci RISE provide our young people with the opportunity to earn a High School Diploma. Da Vinci RISE High seeks to create a highly responsive, holistic, and integrated educational model that meets the unique needs of youth navigating foster care, housing instability, probation, and/or other circumstances that have caused disruptions in their academic journeys. Through the facilitation of a flex-scheduling, credit recovery model, students are given the voice and choice needed to accomplish their academic goals while honoring the additional responsibilities they have in their lives. By engaging students through a relationship-focused learning experience we help our young people overcome individual obstacles and systemic barriers. 

Our dedicated team of Care Managers are there to listen, connect, and to provide support to students that need some extra help at school. 


Graduation Pathways

RISE students have three graduation pathways available that align to California regulations.

Flexible Schedules

School counselors collaborate with students and their parents/guardians to design a schedule that meets both their academic and personal needs

Blended Learning

The flexible schedule at RISE schools is made possible through the use of blended learning. 

Project-based learning

Teachers use interdisciplinary projects to connect students’ learning to their interests, passions, and strengths.

Mastery-and competency-based instruction

Students are evaluated based on the knowledge and skills they demonstrate rather than time in class or work completion.

Career Readiness

Students engage in a variety of activities to expose them to postsecondary options and prepare them for life after graduation.

New Earth

12100 W Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

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