
The latest in science news, from the depths of space to the quantum realm.

Camera captures the world as animals see it, with up to 99% accuracy

January 25, 2024
It’s easy to forget that most animals don’t see the world the way humans do. In fact, many perceive colors that are invisible to us. But now, for the first time, scientists have found a way to capture footage as seen by animals, and it's mesmerizing.


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  • How NASA and SpaceX will deorbit and destroy the ISS

    July 18, 2024
    NASA has revealed details about its plan to deorbit the International Space Station (ISS) after it's decommissioned in 2030. At a press conference, NASA explained how the US Deorbit Vehicle (USDV) being built by SpaceX will be used for the job.
  • China plans to deflect near-Earth asteroid in 2030

    July 17, 2024
    China is looking to get into the planetary defense business. A new paper by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) confirms that in 2030, the country plans to conduct a test mission to deflect a small asteroid from its current course.
  • Massive lunar cave: Prime real estate for an underground Moon base

    July 16, 2024
    If you've wondered where future Moon explorers will live, it may be in natural caves deep beneath the lunar crust. Radar data from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter confirms that giant lava tubes lead to tunnels large enough to house entire bases.
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Quantum Computing

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