Poetry: AuDHD

autistic, adhd
autistic, adhd
this conflict is immense
where is my I of its hurricane?
order, chaos? 
messy, tidy? 
tidy mess, ordered chaos? 
a spectrum, consistently inconsistent
all that I am, I am me
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10 Responses

  1. In synergy they are immense,
    Out of touch they are at odds,
    Directions at odds,
    Motivations inconsistently consistent
    A shopping trolley with a steady wheel or 2

    Relationship harmony.
    This is the one time I want
    No need

    It is a relationship till death do is part,
    In sickness and in health,
    In joy and in struggle,
    And one day
    In love.

  2. That’s fantastic to hear about your self-discovery and your work as a writer and voice artist. It’s never too late to learn more about oneself and embrace neurodiversity. Finding out about being autistic with ADHD can bring new insights and understanding to your experiences and help shape your self-advocacy journey.

  3. That’s fantastic to hear about your self-discovery and your work as a writer and voice artist. It’s never too late to learn more about oneself and embrace neurodiversity. Finding out about being autistic with ADHD can bring new insights and understanding to your basket random and help shape your self-advocacy journey.

  4. “tidy mess, ordered chaos?
    a spectrum, consistently inconsistent
    all that I am, I am me”

    I really connected with that poem. It’s been 11 years since I was diagnosed with AuDHD. Every day can feel so messy and chaotic! Plus, I am a bipolar Gemini with OCD!

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