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Deploy cloud infrastructure, management and orchestration for Virtual Machines and Container-based software

Transition to cloud-native

The Telco cloud is in transition. Networks are shifting from monolithic Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) running on Virtual Machines (VMs) to Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) running as micro-services in containers.

The shift promises greater choice in deployment environments (private or public cloud), locations (data center or edge), and a more efficient use of computing resources. It also promises simpler, less costly and less risky application and infrastructure enhancements and upgrades through fully automated software onboarding, installation and verification testing functions. These characteristics are practically pre-requisites to support 5G’s use cases. 

ETSI NFV deployments

Nokia is well positioned to assist you with this transition. For starters, Nokia’s CloudBand software is a widely deployed system for ETSI NFV MANO (management and orchestration), with commercially proven reliability, automation, repeatability and security.

Our CloudBand portfolio makes it simple to host, orchestrate, automate, and manage VNFs and it manages tens of thousands of servers across more than 200 service providers around the globe.

Cloud-native deployments

Nokia cloud management solutions ease the transition to cloud-native infrastructures. Cloud-native environments are managed differently and use different open source tools for container and application lifecycle management needs.

Nokia Container Services provides a pre-integrated, carrier-grade set of software functions that are needed to fully control the cloud-native environment. Already Nokia Container Services (NCS) is deployed for dozens of cloud-native micro-services container-based systems.

Critical challenges

As your network offer evolves and adapts to meet 5G’s challenges, where operation must be automated and service operation must be fast and efficient, you need to rely on cloud infrastructure and management software that meets many challenges:

  • Openness and universal applicability are required to be competitive with traditional and web-scale service providers.
  • Security, which has always been a key priority for infrastructure and services becomes still more important as the scope of services goes broader, such as industries, IoT or 5G network slicing.
  • Management of mixed Telco cloud environments, transitioning at your own pace, by accommodating the operations of both Virtual Machines (VM) and cloud-native applications and networks. 
  • Supporting new cloud and application architectures that involve public cloud and private cloud, and deployments ranging from central data centers, to regional, to the edge. 
  • A continued commitment to leveraging and participating in open source community projects.

Nokia can help

Our cloud management portfolio makes it simple to host, orchestrate, automate, and manage VNFs, CNFs and services. Our scalable and flexible software helps you reduce time to revenue for new services and use automation and optimization to make network operations agile and efficient. With Nokia, you benefit from the rapid pace of open-source innovation and get a carrier-grade product that is ready for deployment.

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