Extended Data Fig. 1: Gating strategies for different B cell subsets. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 1: Gating strategies for different B cell subsets.

From: Epigenetic recording of stimulation history reveals BLIMP1–BACH2 balance in determining memory B cell fate upon recall challenge

Extended Data Fig. 1

a, FACS plots to gate PC (B220loCD138hi), GC (B220hiCD138loFAShiGL7hiCD38lo), antigen-binding MBC (B220hiCD138loGL7loIgDloCD38+ NIP-binding), naïve B cells (B220hiCD138loGL7loIgDhi). The CD38 level used to gate MBCs is according to the CD38 level expressed by naïve B cells. The NIP-binding gate is set according to the unimmunized control. b, Representative FACS plots of naïve B cell, GC and MBC showing RFP and EYFP fluorescence intensities of the BARBE reporter or FMO controls of Blimp-1 EYFP or Bach2tdRFP/+ reporter.

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