Extended Data Fig. 7: ATAC-seq analysis. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 7: ATAC-seq analysis.

From: Epigenetic recording of stimulation history reveals BLIMP1–BACH2 balance in determining memory B cell fate upon recall challenge

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, Gating strategies for sorting EYFP+ and RFPhi B1-8hi MBCs. b, Hierarchical clustering of ATAC-seq profiles of RFPhi B1-8hi MBCs, EYFP+ B1-8hi MBCs, GCs, and PCs from BARBE mice. c, Heatmaps showing GC-specific and PC-specific peaks. d, Heatmaps showing EYFP+ MBC-specific and RFPhi MBC-specific peaks. e, KEGG analysis of overlaps between PC-specific and YFP+ MBC-specific peaks. P values by two-sided Fisher exact tests. f-g, Metaplot analysis comparing ATAC-seq signals between RFPhi and EYFP+ MBCs at top 500 peaks containing BACH2-binding motifs (f) or BLIMP-1-binding motifs (g). Data are shown as mean ± s.d. of biological replicates (n=3). P values by two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. h, IGV tracks showing ATAC-seq signals at PAX5 and BACH2 loci in naïve B cells, GCs, MBCs, and PCs.

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