Extended Data Fig. 5: Inducible BACH2 and BLIMP-1 expression by retroviral transduction. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 5: Inducible BACH2 and BLIMP-1 expression by retroviral transduction.

From: Epigenetic recording of stimulation history reveals BLIMP1–BACH2 balance in determining memory B cell fate upon recall challenge

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Diagrams of the MSCV construct for BACH2 or BLIMP-1 induction (left) and relevant alleles in Cd79cre/+;Rosa26LSL-rtTA3 mice. b, The experimental design. c, A representative FACS plot for gating the mCherry+ induced and mCherry- uninduced cells. d, Representative FACS profiles of secondary PCs or GCs derived from GFP+ B1-8hi donor cells that were uninduced (top, mCherry-) or underwent successful induction of BACH2 or control mCherry or BLIMP-1 (bottom, mCherry+). e, GC% and PC% formed by MBCs that did not (top two, mCherry-) or did undergo successful BACH2 or control mCherry or BLIMP-1 induction (bottom two, mCherry+). This calculation minimizes effects caused by different induction efficiencies (indicated by mCherry signals) in order to compare those with induced expression and those without. f, GC% and PC% in total infected cells formed by MBCs that did not (top two, mCherry-) or did undergo successful BACH2 or control mCherry or BLIMP-1 induction (bottom two, mCherry+). e, f, Data were pooled from 3 independent experiments. Each symbol indicates one mouse (n=9 per group), and lines denote means. P-values by two-sided Mann-Whitney test.

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