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Why UC Merced?
Find out what UC Merced has to offer!
Progress to Degree
See the requirements students will complete alond the path toward their degree.
Graduate Orientation Week
Don't forget to register for Graduate Orientation Week by July 26th.
Research Opportunities at UC Merced
Learn about the different research partnerships with UC Merced.

How Can We Help?

Graduate Student Programs staff is dedicated to assisting students navigating their graduate career within the School of Natural Sciences. Graduate students play vital roles in the discovery of new knowledge and in helping our undergraduates share in those discoveries — making graduate students crucial to the University’s research and teaching mission. To that end, our goal is to provide an inclusive and supportive environment in which all our students can reach their greatest intellectual potential. From recruitment and admissions to academic requirements and student funding, we provide information and guidance on an array of policies, procedures and services. In other words, we are here to help students through every step of their journey here.



Featured News

July 22, 2024

Three faculty members have joined the prestigious ranks of Hellman Fellowship recipients this year. Applied mathematics Professor Tomas Rube, who studies mathematical biology, Professor Andrea...

A great white shark passes the diving cage holding Professor Sora Kim.
July 3, 2024

UC Merced's resident shark expert, Professor Sora Kim, will be featured on the prime-time, premiere-night episode of Discovery’s Shark Week discussing an enormous, legendary sea creature that takes...

Professor Kinjal Dasbiswas
June 27, 2024

A group of researchers, including physicists from UC Merced, has made discoveries about the mechanics of blood clots that could help in the development of biomaterials for tissue engineering and...

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