The New Cross-Cultural Playbook for Global Arbitration

Cross-cultural differences and the misunderstandings that often arise from them play a powerful role in how businesses build relationships and conduct their commercial and legal affairs. At a time of expansive growth in transnational business, trade, and investment, a lack of knowledge about local culture, values, and customs in business and legal dealings are leading to ever more complex and tense international legal disputes.

As lawyers and arbitrators, it is critical to foster a deeper understanding of how cultural and emotional factors along with behavioral tendencies impact business decisions and the practice of arbitration worldwide. Addressing these issues in the context of business-to-business (B2B) relationships, a recent report by the International Chamber of Commerce, Jus Connect, and McCann Truth Central found that a new set of principles—based on emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, and cultural fluency—is required to create a cross-cultural playbook for arbitration and re-imagining dispute outcomes.

Global leaders surveyed said that arbitration is still the preferred way to resolve cross-border disputes over litigation. If a contract fails, 60% prefer arbitration to legal proceedings in a court. Overall, arbitration has increased significantly over the past decade, reaching an estimated $80 billion in 2022. Some 37,000 new cases were registered between 2018 and 2022, an increase of nearly 30% between 2013 and 2017. While this represents a mere fraction of the $121 trillion in international trade in 2022, arbitration is growing twice as fast as global trade as clients recognize the speed, efficiency, transparency, and flexibility it offers to resolve disputes compared to traditional litigation.

Cultural Miscues

In my travels as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, I have heard countless stories about the influence of cross-cultural differences on business and legal affairs, including arbitration. And with good reason: every country has unique and often contrasting attitudes about dispute resolution and misunderstanding them can add layers of difficulty during legal proceedings for both general counsel and arbitration lawyers.

Based on extensive interviews and quantitative data, the ICC report divides cultural attitudes and approaches into four generalized categories and suggests which countries fit into each one. The Innovative Explorer, for example, including France and Saudi Arabia, seeks collaboration and co-creation, looks for emotional chemistry, and tends to stretch goals. For their part, India and Nigeria can be seen as a Strategic Balancer, eager for collaboration and co-creation, along with emotional chemistry, and ready to stretch goals.

Brazil and Mexico are among the countries regarded as a Decisive Custodians, in that they tend to value structure and contracts as part of a more direct, yet discrete approach and in addition, prefer working with senior partners. Finally, as the name indicates, the Pragmatic Realist—including the U.K. and Switzerland—takes a reasoned and practical approach, with an appreciation for clear expectations meeting agendas, and giving parties a second chance.

These attitudes are reflected in the different approaches that countries have toward contracts. Some want a clear scope, set in stone. Others put more focus on outcomes and fluidity in delivery. For instance, while Mexico and Brazil prefer structured approaches in contract agreements, India and Saudi Arabia are open to collaboration and co-creation in a scope of work. France and China prefer to stretch sometimes-unrealistic goals, but India and Nigeria, want realistic and achievable ones.

Chameleon U.S.

Digging deeper into the analysis shows that in some ways, the U.S. has a lot in common with Brazil and China when considering the role of hierarchy and discretion in a business situation. If someone in business makes a mistake, Americans prefer to promptly resolve disputes, even if a party might get offended and are also unlikely to copy their boss on an email.

These categories help explain many business decisions and actions and can guide teams to recognize and overcome cultural differences. But they don’t always tell the whole story: cultural nuances add even more complexity to cross-border business and legal dealings.

The U.S., for example, can be described as a chameleon or shapeshifter that doesn’t always neatly fit any descriptor. In my experience, U.S. business representatives will typically revise their approach depending on what the customer or counterparty needs. This flexibility is likely due to the presence of diverse and multicultural U.S. business teams compared to some other countries. As one senior arbitrator said in the report, “In the U.S., the common denominator is understanding what the customer needs.”

Small Behavior, Big Impact

Mapping the world by culture rather than geographic positioning offers valuable insights that can improve cultural fluency and ensure that geography alone does not influence expectations and approaches. The report showed how small behaviors point to larger cultural priorities. Teams from France and Saudi Arabia don’t necessarily need an agenda to attend a meeting, but those from India and Nigeria would usually prefer a detailed agenda. Acknowledging these cultural differences, however small and seemingly inconsequential, provides a framework for anticipating and resolving friction and helping teams adapt.

One of the most interesting aspects of the study is that business teams and leaders say they want lawyers involved earlier in the B2B process—and more deeply integrated into the journey—with a focus on win-win outcomes. This is consistent with the changing role of in-house counsel, particularly in the U.S., where in house counsel work more closely with business teams to develop strategy and structure the deal. Given the growing complexity of today’s global regulatory environment, business teams can no longer negotiate the deal first and then bring the terms to the in-house team to document.

While the study focused on cultural differences, it also found a commonality across cultures: a growing preference for non-legal dispute resolution. Some 77% favored an amicable, interest-based resolution—through internal or contract review, or direct negotiations between legal teams—compared to 52% favoring a rights-based resolution using arbitration or legal proceedings in a court. Only about one-third chose a so-called power-based resolution, such as a canceled contract, a report to a regulator, a post on social media, or a leak to the press.

Key Truths

Understanding the diverse world of business culture reveals several truths about B2B relationships. One is that emotion and culture have a significant impact on business—perhaps more than many realize—because the B2B journey comprises the human experience. Contrary to the commonly held perceptions that B2B interactions are largely transactional or purely functional, and free of emotions, the report found that they are emotionally charged, from initial engagement with parties and contracts to long-term partnerships.

I have experienced this firsthand when representing a multinational company in a very complex arbitration involving the calculation of damages. I needed to prepare the CEO for cross-examination. Yet his analysis was not entirely data-driven decision-making: emotions were also a big part of his thinking. When describing his approach and his meeting with his CEO counterpart, he just kept telling me, “This is so emotional.”

Another truth is that by effectively navigating cultural differences and overcoming communication barriers, we can improve business relationships. In this context, business attitudes toward particulars such as contracts and meeting styles reflect cultural priorities and offer relevant cultural cues. At first, these may appear to be minor details but unveil deeper cultural attitudes concerning hierarchy, orderliness, adaptability, and creativity.

When I was in China earlier this year, I was surprised by the number of back-channel conversations that took place to determine how many people we could bring to a meeting and the level of seniority so that the Chinese delegation would have the same. There were also discussions about attire—including whether men should wear a tie—so that nobody would feel out of place.

Cross-Cultural Playbook

With these truths in mind, a new cross-cultural playbook for global arbitration should include the following actions. First, integrate legal teams as early as possible into the process and keep them engaged via partnerships with business teams. Train teams to understand emotional intelligence and be more culturally aware so they can become more adept at relationship building and managing shifting emotions during the B2B journey. Ensure teams can interpret subtle behavioral and cultural cues to make informed decisions and improve communications. Equally important, prioritize direct negotiation channels for dispute resolution, reserving legal action for failed negotiations.

More than ever, we must emphasize the role of emotion and human interaction in business and how important it is in building trust: the report noted that half of all B2B disputes are likely caused by the breakdown of human interaction rather than solely by contractual issues. With heightened sensitivity to cultural differences, we can better understand the complexities of the B2B journey, minimize business and legal disputes, and successfully apply these truths to resolving conflicts through arbitration.

How Lawyers Can Effectively Leverage Their Published Articles

Writing and publishing articles or blog posts can be a powerful branding and business development tool for lawyers. Not only do they demonstrate your expertise in your practice area, but they also significantly enhance your visibility and credibility.

However, your work doesn’t end once the article is published – in fact, it’s just beginning. Here are some tips to maximize the value, reach and impact of your published work.

1. Optimize for Online Search First and foremost, ensure your article is search engine optimized (SEO). This means incorporating relevant keywords that potential clients might use to find information related to your legal expertise. SEO increases the visibility of your content on search engines like Google, making it easier for your target audience to find you.

2. Share on Social Media Utilize your personal and professional social media platforms to share your article. LinkedIn, Twitter and even Facebook are excellent venues for reaching other professionals and potential clients. Don’t just share it once; periodically repost it, especially if the topic is evergreen. Engage with comments and discussions to further boost your post’s visibility.

3. Incorporate Into Newsletters If you or your firm sends out a regular newsletter, include a link to your article. This not only provides added value to your subscribers but also keeps your existing client base engaged with your latest insights and activities. This approach can help reinforce your position as a thought leader in your field. Also, consider launching a LinkedIn newsletter. LinkedIn’s platform offers a unique opportunity to reach a professional audience directly, increasing the potential for networking and attracting new clients who are actively interested in your area of expertise.

4. Speak at Conferences and Seminars Use your article as a springboard to secure speaking engagements. Conferences, seminars and panel discussions often look for experts who can contribute interesting insights. Your article can serve as a proof of your expertise and a teaser of your presentation content, making you an attractive candidate for these events.

5. Create Multimedia Versions Expand the reach of your article by adapting it into different formats. Consider recording a podcast episode discussing the topic in depth, or creating a short-form video for LinkedIn and YouTube. These formats can attract different segments of your audience and make the content more accessible.

6. Network Through Professional Groups Share your article in professional groups and online forums in your field, as well as alumni groups (law school, undergrad school and former firms). This can lead to discussions with peers and can even attract referrals. Active participation in these groups, coupled with sharing insightful content, can significantly expand your professional network.

7. Use as a Teaching Resource Offer to guest lecture at local law schools and use your article as a teaching resource. This not only enhances your reputation as an expert but also builds relationships with the upcoming generation of lawyers who could become colleagues or refer clients in the future.

8. Repurpose Content for Blogs or Articles Break down the article into smaller blog posts or develop certain points further into new articles. This can help maintain a consistent stream of content on your website, which is good for SEO and keeps your audience engaged over time.

9. Monitor and Engage with Feedback Keep an eye on comments and feedback from your article across all platforms. Engaging with readers can provide insights into what your audience finds useful, shaping your future writing to better meet their needs. It also helps in building a loyal following.

10. Track Metrics Utilize analytics tools (web, social media and email) to track how well your article performs in terms of views, shares and engagement. This data can help you understand what works and what doesn’t, guiding your content strategy for future articles.

11. Leverage the Power of Content Repurposing Content repurposing can significantly extend the life and reach of your original article. By transforming the article into different content formats—such as infographics, webinars, slide decks or even e-books—you cater to various learning styles and preferences, reaching a broader audience. This strategy not only maximizes your content’s exposure but also enhances engagement by presenting the information in new, accessible ways. Repurposing content can help solidify your reputation as a versatile and resourceful expert in your field.

Publishing an article or blog post is just the beginning. By strategically promoting and leveraging your published works, you can enhance your visibility, establish yourself as a thought leader and attract more clients. Every article has the potential to open new doors; it’s up to you to make sure it does!

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Bill to Ban TikTok Unless Divested from ByteDance

Yesterday, with broad bipartisan support, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (352-65) to support the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, designed to begin the process of banning TikTok’s use in the United States. This is music to my ears. See a previous blog post on this subject.

The Act would penalize app stores and web hosting services that host TikTok while it is owned by Chinese-based ByteDance. However, if the app is divested from ByteDance, the Act will allow use of TikTok in the U.S.

National security experts have warned legislators and the public about downloading and using TikTok as a national security threat. This threat manifests because the owner of ByteDance is required by Chinese law to share users’ data with the Chinese Communist government. When downloading the app, TikTok obtains access to users’ microphones, cameras, and location services, which is essentially spyware on over 170 million Americans’ every move, (dance or not).

Lawmakers are concerned about the detailed sharing of Americans’ data with one of its top adversaries and the ability of TikTok’s algorithms to influence and launch disinformation campaigns against the American people. The Act will make its way through the Senate, and if passed, President Biden has indicated that he will sign it. This is a big win for privacy and national security.

Copyright © 2024 Robinson & Cole LLP. All rights reserved.
by: Linn F. Freedman of Robinson & Cole LLP

For more news on Social Media Legislation, visit the NLR Communications, Media & Internet section.

How to Maximize February’s Holidays for Your Social Media Content Calendar

February, though the shortest month, is rich with opportunities for lawyers and law firms to deepen connections with their audience and spotlight their commitment to pivotal social causes. From raising awareness on privacy and internet safety to celebrating historical contributions and advocating for health, this month is ripe for engagement. Here’s a guide on leveraging these special days to not only boost your firm’s social media footprint but also to underscore your expertise and societal commitments.

  • Engage with #PrivacyAwarenessWeek (First Week of February): Kick off the month by demystifying privacy laws and sharing protective measures for personal data. Consider hosting webinars or interactive Q&A sessions to discuss privacy-related topics.
  • Participate in #SaferInternetDay (Second Tuesday of February): Highlight the importance of cybersecurity with informative articles or infographics. Provide valuable insights through free digital security workshops or consultations.
  • Celebrate #WorldJusticeDay (February 20): Showcase your firm’s dedication to justice by spotlighting pro bono work and initiatives that champion social justice. Share impactful stories that illustrate your contributions to upholding justice.
  • Honor #BlackHistoryMonth (Throughout February): Dedicate the month to celebrating the achievements of African American legal luminaries. Engage in discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the legal field and share how your firm is actively supporting these values.
  • Promote #AmericanHeartMonth (Throughout February): Focus on heart health awareness, sharing wellness tips and how your firm supports the well-being of its people and clients. This is an excellent opportunity to show the human side of your firm. Organize or partake in health-focused community events and share wellness tips that encourage a balanced professional life.
  • Reflect on #PresidentsDay (Third Monday of February): Delve into the legal legacies of U.S. Presidents and their influence on current laws. Host enlightening discussions or debates on historical legal precedents and their relevance today.
  • Recognize #InventorsDay (February 11): For IP-focused firms or firms with IP practices, spotlight groundbreaking inventors and their journeys through the legal system. Share advice on navigating the patent process and protecting intellectual property.
  • Embrace #RandomActsOfKindnessDay (February 17): Inspire your team and followers by engaging in and sharing acts of kindness within your community. This day is a great opportunity to humanize your firm and reflect its values.
  • Inform during #ConsumerProtectionWeek (Last week of February): End the month by enlightening the public on consumer rights and the legal frameworks that protect them. Host free legal clinics or informative sessions to empower consumers with knowledge.
  • Celebrate #ValentinesDay (February 14): Utilize this day to express appreciation for your clients and colleagues. A simple message of thanks can go a long way in strengthening relationships.
  • Leverage #GroundhogDay (February 2): Incorporate Groundhog Day as a fun way to engage your audience. Perhaps draw a light-hearted parallel between the groundhog seeing its shadow and predicting weather patterns to the predictability and preparation in legal processes. It’s an opportunity to showcase your firm’s personality and connect with your audience on a relatable level.

When using hashtags, be strategic and relevant; use popular hashtags like #ValentinesDay, #BlackHistoryMonth or #PresidentsDay to increase visibility, but also incorporate niche or branded hashtags to stand out and engage directly with your target audience. Always ensure your content is respectful, inclusive and aligns with your brand’s values. Creatively linking your products or services to these holidays can boost engagement, foster a deeper connection with your audience and enhance your brand’s presence on social media.

February’s diverse holidays present a unique platform for law firms to engage with their audience on a deeper level. By actively participating in these observances, your firm not only enhances its visibility but also fortifies its relationship with the community. This strategic approach to social media not only highlights your expertise and services but also showcases your firm’s dedication to important societal issues and causes.

Locking Tik Tok? White House Requires Removal of TikTok App from Federal IT

On February 28, the White House issuedmemorandum giving federal employees 30 days to remove the TikTok application from any government devices. This memo is the result of an act passed by Congress that requires the removal of TikTok from any federal information technology. The act responded to concerns that the Chinese government may use data from TikTok for intelligence gathering on Americans.

I’m Not a Federal Employee — Why Does It Matter?

The White House Memo clearly covers all employees of federal agencies. However, it also covers any information technology used by a contractor who is using federal information technology.  As such, if you are a federal contractor using some sort of computer software or technology that is required by the U.S. government, you must remove TikTok in the next 30 days.

The limited exceptions to the removal mandate require federal government approval. The memo mentions national security interests and activities, law enforcement work, and security research as possible exceptions. However, there is a process to apply for an exception – it is not automatic.


Even if you are not a federal employee or a government contractor, this memo would be a good starting place to look back at your company’s social media policies and cell phone use procedures. Do you want TikTok (or any other social media app) on your devices? Many companies have found themselves in PR trouble due to lapses in enforcement of these types of rules. In addition, excessive use of social media in the workplace has been shown to be a drag on productivity.

© 2023 Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

8 Best Lawyer Forums Online

Though unorthodox for a traditional profession like the law, remote work is becoming a more realistic option for lawyers all over the country. With the help of tools like legal practice management software and options to practice law in multiple states, lawyers everywhere are tackling the challenges of remote work.

But one obstacle that remains is networking. Remote lawyers need to put extra work into maintaining professional connections and building an online presence, both of which are made easier with online forums designed specifically for legal professionals.

What Is an Online Forum?

An online forum is an internet space dedicated to conversation using questions, answers, responses, and prompts. Typically, online forums are asynchronous — users post a question, then other users respond at their leisure.

Posts in forums are archived and arranged into categories like post date, popularity, and more. Discussions can last for hours, days, months, or possibly years, as long as users continue to contribute.

Why Should Lawyers Use Online Forums?

After the rapid shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of industries saw the value of allowing employees to work from home – including law firms. More and more lawyers are working remotely, but that could come at the cost of networking.

Networking doesn’t have to mean interactions that take place over coffee, lunch, cocktails, golf excursions, or big events. In the strictest sense, networking is any meeting between people, whether in a group or one on one, online or in-person, which can be done using online forums.

Online forums dedicated to lawyers and the legal industry are an effective way to facilitate networking opportunities when in-person meetings aren’t an option. Getting involved in online forums help lawyers discuss industry topics with experts and thought leaders, stay current on trends and technology, and learn valuable tips from other lawyers.

Top 8 Online Forums for Lawyers

Curious about online forums? Here are the best options for lawyers and legal professionals to engage with other legal professionals and build a network as a remote attorney:

1. Quora

Quora is a broad forum that covers a variety of topics in question-and-answer formats, including the legal industry. You can easily search for questions or topics that are trending in the legal industry and contribute expert answers to boost your credibility. The more answers you provide, and the more other users engage with you, the closer you can get to becoming a thought leader in the space.

2. Bar Association Forums

Bar association forums are always a benefit to lawyers, remote or otherwise. There are plenty of options to choose from, including local bar associations or forums dedicated to your practice area. Best of all, you’ll be engaging with other knowledgeable legal professionals to connect and network.

3. Social Media Groups

Social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn have dedicated groups that bring together users based on interests or industries, such as the legal industry. These two platforms are among the best for getting into a private or public group and enhancing your online presence. Keep in mind that you are representing yourself as a lawyer in these groups, so use a professional social media account, not your personal one.

The Thomson Reuters Legal Community is an exclusive option for customers of Thomson Reuters that brings together a virtual community of lawyers to network and engage in group settings. You can connect with lawyers from all different practice areas, both locally and nationally, and gain valuable insights from industry experts.

5. The Lawyerist Community

The Lawyerist is an online community dedicated to small firm lawyers to provide coaching, podcasts, books, guides, and other insights. The company has its own online lawyer forum – The Lawyerist Community – on Facebook to discuss law firm best practices, trends, and ideas.

6. Reddit

Reddit has some of the best online forums for a range of different topics, from broad subjects like sports to niche communities dedicated to obscure literature. There’s also a legal forum, r/LawFirm, that’s an informal community for lawyers to discuss running a law firm and the legal industry as a whole. There’s also a lawyer subreddit that you can join if you’re licensed.

7. Slack

Slack is a top-rated collaboration platform that offers individual channels for groups of users. There are several communities dedicated to the law, including LawyerSmack, which is comprised of private attorneys.

8. Law School Alumni Forums

Some law schools have online forums for alumni to stay connected with faculty and colleagues. While not every school offers an online forum for networking, if yours does, you can build vital industry contacts and further your practice. You’ll also get updates on news, trends, and in-person network events by participating in the forum.

Outlook on Online Forums

Remote and hybrid working models are the “new normal,” even for lawyers. Now that law firms and lawyers have seen the benefits in productivity, work-life balance, and enhanced communication afforded by remote work, there’s no going back.

Still, lawyer networking is essential for lawyers to grow their practice, no matter if it’s online or in-person. Along with joining forums to engage in discussions with other industry professionals, you can enhance your remote work with law practice management software. The right law firm software empowers lawyers to manage their practice from anywhere.

Start Networking Remotely

Networking is a big part of successful client acquisition for lawyers. Though it takes a little more work to keep up with networking as a lawyer working remotely, online lawyer forums can keep you connected to other industry professionals. And because you can engage with lawyers all over the country, you can find even more opportunities online than in person at networking events.

© Copyright 2023 PracticePanther

University of Texas at Austin Permanently Blocks TikTok on Network

On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the University of Texas at Austin announced that it has blocked TikTok access across the university’s networks. According to the announcement to its users, “You are no longer able to access TikTok on any device if you are connected to the university via its wired or WIFI networks.” The measure was in response to Governor Greg Abbott’s December 7, 2022, directive to all state agencies to eliminate TikTok from state networks. Following the directive, the University removed TikTok from university-issued devices, including cell phones, laptops and work stations.

Copyright © 2023 Robinson & Cole LLP. All rights reserved.

For  more Cybersecurity Legal News, click here to visit the National Law Review.

NFT Endorsed by Celebrities Prompts Class Action

Since the early days of the launch of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible tokens (NFTs), several celebrities have promoted the NFTs. On Dec. 8, 2022, plaintiffs Adonis Real and Adam Titcher brought a lawsuit against Yuga Labs, creators of the BAYC, alleging that Yuga Labs was involved in a scheme with the “highly connected” talent agent Greg Oseary, a number of well-known celebrities, and Moonpay USA LLC, a crypto tech company. According to the complaint:

  1. Yuga Labs partnered with Oseary to recruit celebrities to promote and solicit sales of BYAC;
  2. Celebrities promoted the BAYC on their various platforms;
  3. Oseary used MoonPay to secretly pay the celebrities; and
  4. The celebrities failed to disclose the payments in their endorsements.

According to the complaint, as a result of the various and misleading celebrity promotions, trading volume for the BYAC NFTs exploded, prompting the defendants to launch the ApeCoin and form the ApeCoin decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Investors who had purchased the ApeCoin allegedly lost a significant amount of money when the value of the coins decreased.

This case highlights the potential risks that may arise in connection with certain endorsements. In addition to the FTC, the SEC also has issued guidance on requirements in connection with promotional activities relating to securities, which may include digital assets, such as tokens or NFTs. Under SEC guidance, any paid promoter, celebrity or otherwise, of a security, including digital assets, must disclose the nature, scope and amount of compensation received in exchange for the promotion. This would include tv/radio advertisements and print, in addition to promotions on social media sites.

©2022 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. All rights reserved.

How Many Websites Now Have Cookie Banners?

A “cookie banner” refers to a pop-up notice on a website that discusses the site’s use of cookies. There is little standardization concerning how cookie banners are deployed. For example, websites can position them in different places on the screen (e.g., across the top of the screen, across the bottom of the screen, in a corner of the screen, or centered on the screen). Cookie banners also utilize different language to describe what cookies are and use different terms to describe options consumers may have in relation to the deployment of cookies. Some cookie banners require that a consumer interact with the banner (e.g., accept, cancel, or click out of) before the consumer can visit a website; other cookie banners are designed to disappear from view after several seconds.

As of October 2022, 45% of Fortune 500 websites were utilizing a cookie banner.[1] That represents an 11-point increase since 2021.[2]

[1] Greenberg Traurig LLP reviewed the publicly available privacy notices and practices of 555 companies (the Survey Population). The Survey Population comprises companies that had been ranked within the Fortune 500 at some point in the past five years as well as additional companies selected from industries that are underrepresented in the Fortune 500. While the Survey Population does not fully match the current Fortune 500 as a result of industry consolidation and shifts in company capitalization, we believe that the aggregate statistics rendered from the Survey Population are representative of mature companies. Greenberg Traurig’s latest survey was conducted between September and October 2022.

[2] Greenberg Traurig LLP conducted a survey in December 2020 which showed that 34.2% of websites had cookie banners.

©2022 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. All rights reserved.

ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLAR CASE:? TikTok Hit in MASSIVE CIPA Suit Over Its Business Model of Profiting from Advertising by Collecting and Monetizing User Data

Data privacy lawsuits are EXPLODING and one of our country’s most popular mobile app — TikTok’s privacy issues keep piling up.

Following its recent $92 million class-action data privacy settlement for its alleged violation of Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), TikTok is now facing a CIPA and Federal Wire Tap class action for collecting users’ data via its in-app browser without Plaintiff and class member’s consent.

The complaint alleges “[n]owhere in [Tik Tok’s] Terms of Service or the privacy policies is it disclosed that Defendants compel their users to use an in-app browser that installs JavaScipt code into the external websites that users visit from the TikTok app which then provides TikTok with a complete record of every keystroke, every tap on any button, link, image or other component on any website, and details about the elements the users clicked. “

Despite being a free app, TikTok makes billions in revenue by collecting users’ data without their consent.

The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”

While we’ve discussed before, many companies do collect data for legitimate purposes with consent. However this new complaint alleges a very specific type of data collection practice without the TikTok user’s OR the third party website operator’s consent.

TikTok allegedly relies on selling digital advertising spots for income and the algorithm used to determine what advertisements to display on a user’s home page, utilizes tracking software to understand a users’ interest and habits. In order to drive this business, TikTok presents users with links to third-party websites in TikTok’s in-app browser without a user  (or the third party website operator) knowing this is occurring via TikTok’s in-app browser. The user’s keystrokes is simultaneously being intercepted and recorded.

Specifically, when a user attempts to access a website, by clicking a link while using the TikTok app, the website does not open via the default browser.  Instead, unbeknownst to the user, the link is opened inside the TikTok app, in [Tik Tok’s] in-app browser.  Thus, the user views the third-party website without leaving the TikTok app. “

The Tik-Tok in-app browser does not just track purchase information, it allegedly tracks detailed private and sensitive information – including information about  a person’s physical and mental health.

For example, health providers and pharmacies, such as Planned Parenthood, have a digital presence on TikTok, with videos that appear on users’ feeds.

Once a user clicks on this link, they are directed to Planned Parenthood’s main webpage via TikTok’s in-app browser. While the user is assured that his or her information is “privacy and anonymous,” TikTok is allegedly intercepting it and monetizing it to send targeted advertisements to the user – without the user’s or Planned Parenthood’s consent.

The complaint not only details out the global privacy concerns regarding TikTok’s privacy practices (including FTC investigations, outright ban preventing U.S. military from using it, TikTok’s BIPA lawsuit, and an uptick in privacy advocate concerns) it also specifically calls out the concerns around collecting reproductive health information after the demise of Roe v. Wade this year:

TikTok’s acquisition of this sensitive information is especially concerning given the Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade and the subsequent criminalization of abortion in several states.  Almost immediately after the precedent-overturning decision was issued, anxieties arose regarding data privacy in the context of commonly used period and ovulation tracking apps.  The potential of governments to acquire digital data to support prosecution cases for abortions was quickly flagged as a well-founded concern.”

Esh. The allegations are alarming and the 76 page complaint can be read here: TikTok.

In any event, the class is alleged as:

“Nationwide Class: All natural persons in the United State whose used the TikTok app to visit websites external to the app, via the in-app browser.

California Subclass: All natural persons residing in California whose used the TikTok app to visit websites external to the app, via the in-app browser.”

The complaint alleges California law applies to all class members – like the Meta CIPA complaint we will have to wait and see how a nationwide class can be brought related to a CA statute.

On the CIPA claim, the Plaintiff – Austin Recht – seeks an unspecific amount of damages for the class but the demand is $5,000 per violation or 3x the amount of damages sustained by Plaintiff and the class in an amount to be proven at trial.

We’ll obviously continue to keep an eye out on this.

Article By Puja J. Amin of Troutman Firm

For more communications and media legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

© 2022 Troutman Firm