National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Summary and Conclusion
Pages 69-72

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From page 69...
... These actions must include individual health systems and training programs -- both large and small -- committing to a baseline understanding of burnout and distress in their workforce. Then, interventions must be implemented with frontline health workers that include public and private payers streamlining processes and requirements, providing reimbursements for mental health care, and supporting efforts to enhance well-being; developers of health IT improving EHRs and innovating to be more human-centered; and federal and state governments investing in wide scale research, as well as tracking and removing barriers to allow funding to flow to work and learning environments.
From page 70...
... Key indicators of progress are more health systems using validated surveys to track health worker well-being and burnout, and training programs that integrate health worker well-being into their strategic plans and educational curricula. Other signs of positive change at the national level include increased funding streams and evidencebased policy making that support health workforce well-being, and the design, deployment, and accessibility of human-centered technologies that increase the efficiency and safety of the health workforce and simultaneously enhance patient care.
From page 71...
... We cannot witness and not act, as our health workers continuing to sound the alarm for reprieve from the multitude of stressors that have strained and drained our health workforce. Immediate and sustained action to address health worker burnout and improve wellbeing is imperative to ensure that the United States has a health workforce that can support our population now and in the future.

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
More information on Chapter Skim is available.