National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (2024) / Chapter Skim
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6 Priority Area: Institutionalize Well-Being as a Long-Term Value
Pages 51-58

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 51...
... This affected my personal mental health because I felt like I was fighting this invisible war every day, watching people die all the time, dealing with a very sick patient whose family doesn't believe COVID is real." - Frontline Health Worker1 Health care teams and public health workers experienced extraordinary fear, fatigue, isolation, and moral distress and injury during COVID-19, and recommendations for resilience often place the onus on the individual rather than the system. The nation must acknowledge that the health workforce will require recovery from the trauma of the pandemic, and that stress and distress are longterm issues that must be addressed with longitudinal, long-term solutions.
From page 52...
... . It is important that public health and health care systems guard against "active forgetting," emphasize lessons learned from the pandemic, and address emerging questions on how the nation might prepare for the next pandemic or national emergency.
From page 53...
... reflected in, and operationalized in strategic plans and core values. Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT)
From page 54...
... 6.2.F. Grant relief on timeframes related to pre- and post admission patient assessments and evaluation criteria-both to ensure patients are treated in a timely manner and to al low health care settings and health workers to better manage an influx of non-COVID-19 patients returning for care, in recognition of health workforce shortages and administra tive flexibilities allowed during COVID-19.
From page 55...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Actors Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Systems 6.3.A. Invest in cross-cutting foundational public health capabilities, including threats assessment and monitoring, all-hazards preparedness, public communication and educa tion, community partnership development, and program management and leadership.
From page 56...
... • Organizational Graphic: Psychological PPE: Promote Health Care Workforce Mental Health and Well-Being (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) • Overview of COVID-19 Resources by Roles: COVID-19: Stress and Coping Resources (American Hospital Association)
From page 57...
... • Guide: Appreciative Inquiry Principles: Ask "What Went Well" to Foster Positive Organizational Culture (Frankel and Beyt, 2016) • Guide: Cultivating Leadership: Measure and Assess Leader Behaviors to Improve Professional Well-Being (Swenson and Shanafelt, 2020)

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More information on Chapter Skim is available.