National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

5 Priority Area: Engage Effective Technology Tools
Pages 43-50

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 43...
... Often the administration, who do not know what it's like to be swamped in the trenches of illness and disease, are the ones making the decisions." - Frontline Health Worker1 Well-designed health information technology (IT) can support the delivery and management of care and disease prevention, but poorly designed health IT can introduce frustration and errors into the care process, making it more difficult (NASEM, 2019)
From page 44...
... Health IT companies, via the EHR and other digital platforms, can have a tremendous effect on well-being if the private sector develops greater will to invest resources in well-designed health IT to serve all users, especially health workers.
From page 45...
... standards co-designed with users. Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT)
From page 46...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Companies Actors Health Systems Health Workers Patients 5.2.A.
From page 47...
... Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Companies Health Systems Actors Health Workers Patients Professional and Specialty Societies 5.3.A.
From page 48...
... Automate processes to streamline the health care team's workflow (e.g., ambient artificial intelligence, virtual scribes, or voice assistants) to allow health workers to focus on listening to patients, rather than manually documenting notes at the computer, and increase patient safety.
From page 49...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Health Information Technology (IT) Companies Health Systems Actors Health Workers Insurers and Payers Patients 5.5.A.
From page 50...
... Strengthen Leadership Behaviors • Webinar: Integrating Patient Safety and Clinician Wellbeing (Privitera and MacNamee, 2021) 2 For additional resources, visit the NAM's Resource Compendium for Health Care Worker Well-Being webpage at:

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More information on Chapter Skim is available.