National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

4 Priority Area: Address Compliance, Regulatory, and Policy Barriers for Daily Work
Pages 35-42

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 35...
... Depending on the clarity of guidance from government agencies, overly conservative interpretation of regulations at the organizational level can result in a less safe environment for patient care, as health workers lose time and cognitive bandwidth for clinical care while addressing multiplying administrative requirements throughout their daily work (Definitive Healthcare and Vocera, 2019; Padden, 2019)
From page 36...
... Fundamentally, health workers recognize what works in their local environments to execute a team-based model of care that meets patient needs and is positively linked to health worker well-being. A key way to maximize teamwork and efficiency in providing patient care is to fully leverage the training and education of all care team members (Smith et al., 2018)
From page 37...
... more time for meaningful professional activities and personal well-being. Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT)
From page 38...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Actors Companies Health Systems Health Workers 4.2.A.
From page 39...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Actors Companies Health Systems Insurers and Payers 4.3.A.
From page 40...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Companies Health Systems Actors Health Workers Insurers and Payers Private and Non-Profit Organizations 4.4.A.
From page 41...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Information Technology (IT) Companies Actors Health Systems Health Workers Insurers and Payers 4.5.A.
From page 42...
... • Guide: Lean Health Care: Eliminate Waste and Spend Mre Time with Patients (Sinsky, 2015) Examine Policies and Practices • Guide: Debunking Regulatory Myths (American Medical As sociation)

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