National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being (2024) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

3 Priority Area: Support Mental Health and Reduce Stigma
Pages 25-34

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From page 25...
... . For health care workers specifically, the nature of their clinical training and work is linked to substantial increases in depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and other mental health conditions upon entering the profession, with high rates persisting through their careers (Bellini et al., 2002; Mata et al., 2015; Melnyk et al., 2020)
From page 26...
... This requires appropriate triage by skilled mental health professionals at the individual level who can distinguish between burnout and mental and behavioral health issues and make an accurate referral for treatment. Health workers struggling with addiction and fearful of losing their licenses should have assistance, since there are significant consequences -- not only to themselves but also for their patients -- if they remain untreated (Butler Center for Research, 2015)
From page 27...
... . These licensing updates would be consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination against those with mental health conditions.
From page 28...
... Actions 3.1.C. Continue to address the lack of pay parity between health professionals providing mental health services and those who provide other forms of treatment.
From page 29...
... Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Systems Health Workers Actors Insurers and Payers Private and Non-Profit Organizations Professional and Specialty Societies 3.2.A. Provide supportive mental health services for health workers involved in safety events and other traumatic events as part of a system's layered protections against medical er rors.
From page 30...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Health Systems Actors Health Workers Media and Communications Private and Non-Profit Organizations Professional and Specialty Societies 3.3.A. Increase awareness of mental health issues and servic es through routine communications, such as rounds or regu larly scheduled meetings, and other dissemination efforts.
From page 31...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Actors Health Systems Insurers and Payers 3.4.A. Align questions about personal health information with the Americans with Disabilities Act to inquire only about current impairments that may affect their ability to provide care due to a health condition rather than a past or current diagnosis or treatment for a mental health condition.
From page 32...
... Academic Institutions, Clinical Training Programs, and Accreditation Bodies Federal, State, and Local Governments Actors Health Systems Professional and Specialty Societies 3.5.A. Track the use of mental health services and programs (e.g., Employee Assistance Program)
From page 33...
... • Organizational Guide: Preventing Physician Suicide: Identify and Support At-Risk Physicians (Brooks, 2016) • Individual Support Guide: Provider Well-Being for Behavior al Health Professionals (Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network)

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