Achieving Science with CubeSats Thinking Inside the Box (2016) / Chapter Skim
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4 Science Impact and Potential
Pages 33-54

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From page 33...
... Science papers from NASA-funded CubeSat science missions are not expected until after they launch, starting in 2016 and later. Refereed publications in astronomy and astrophysics or planetary sciences are mostly focused on the description of new measurement techniques or data strategies enabled by CubeSats.
From page 34...
... of refereed papers is engineering-focused, but the number of science-related papers is increasing over time. The majority of science papers is in the field of space physics and is based on NSF-funded CubeSats.
From page 35...
... In addition to the baseline recommendation of completing the ongoing science program, the first recommendation of the decadal survey was to implement the DRIVE initiative to "diversify" observing platforms in solar and space physics, "realize" the scientific potential of already existing assets, "integrate" observing platforms into successful investigations, "venture" forward with technology development, and "educate" the next generation. CubeSats diversify by providing stand-alone, unique measurements and measurements that increase the sciencereturn of larger facilities; venture forward by driving technology development; and educate, as discussed in Chapters 1 and 3.
From page 36...
... Thus far, most of these successes come from the NSF CubeSat program. There are two general categories where CubeSats have the most potential to contribute to space physics research: targeted science investigations with either unique orbits or new instruments and constellation missions.
From page 37...
... These and other CubeSat missions under development may be viewed as pathfinders to future space physics missions that will use many spacecraft to carry out critical multipoint measurements necessary for understanding the coupled Sun-Earth system. CubeSats, or the technology they enable, may be the most effective path toward large constellation missions.
From page 38...
... In the area of solar and space physics, CubeSats are particularly useful for achieving targeted science provided by novel measurements or augmentation of larger facilities and for enabling constellation and swarm missions. 6  NASA Science and Technology Definition Team, 2004, Global Dynamics of the Structured Magnetotail: Updated Synopsis of the Report of the NASA Science and Technology Definition Team for the Magnetospheric Constellation Mission,
From page 39...
... USGS looks to ensure continuity of data from its Landsat series of spacecraft. To meet current and future needs, the relevant agencies are challenged with the need to "accomplish more with less." Thus, for example, language in the survey's task statement asks the steering committee to make their recommendations to NASA cognizant of the likely emergence of new technologies; for NOAA and USGS, recommendations are to be made "with the expectation that the capabilities of non-traditional providers of Earth observations continue to increase in scope and quality."10 The History and Current Role of CubeSats in Earth Science and Applications from Space CubeSats launched to date have primarily focused on education, technology development, solar and space physics science (see "Solar and Space Physics" above)
From page 40...
... Near-Term Future Science Opportunities for CubeSats in Earth Science and Applications from Space Even though not yet proven in flight, it is likely that CubeSats and missions derived from CubeSat technology have the potential to address decadal survey Earth science goals through targeted investigations (e.g., CubeSats 11  NASA, "Earth Science Technology Office Portfolio,", accessed April 8, 2016. 12  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, "GEO-CAPE ROIC In-Flight Performance Experiment (GRIFEX)
From page 41...
... A single spacecraft in LEO provides high-spatial-resolution imaging, but poor temporal coverage; a single geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) spacecraft provides diurnal temporal coverage, but at the expense of spatial resolution.
From page 42...
... is a precise, cost-effective technique for measuring Earth's atmosphere from space, leveraging existing global navigation satellite systems,17 and providing atmospheric measurements similar to those obtained from weather balloons, on a global scale. There are commercial efforts under way utilizing CubeSat technology with the potential of making GNSS-RO measurements analogous to the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC)
From page 43...
... PLANETARY SCIENCE Science Priorities in Planetary Science -- Decadal Survey Highlights The 2011 planetary science decadal survey, Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022,20 revolved around the following three major themes: • Building new worlds -- understanding solar system origins, • Planetary habitats -- searching for the requirements for life, and • Workings of solar system -- revealing planetary processes through time. 20  NRC, 2011, Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
From page 44...
... Priorities for the next PI-led New Frontiers missions include a comet surface sample return, a Lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin sample return mission, as well as three other missions. The History and Current Role of Deep Space CubeSats for Planetary Science There are currently no deep space CubeSats in flight launched by NASA or NSF, hence no track record of success, no heritage hardware, and no lessons learned.
From page 45...
... currently in Phase A.25 Near-Term Future Science Opportunities for CubeSats in Planetary Science CubeSats and platforms taking advantage of CubeSat technology have the potential to make unique contributions to planetary science by creating unique vantage points or multipoint measurements (e.g., in situ package(s) complementary to an orbiter)
From page 46...
... However, they can have unique challenges: the traditional form factor may not be appropriate, and there may be lower risk tolerance due to the nature of single mission opportunities and potential risk to a mothership. ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS Science Priorities in Astronomy and Astrophysics -- Decadal Survey Highlights The science goals for 2012-2021 put forward in the astronomy and astrophysics decadal survey report New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics,27 called "Astro2010," are the following: 26  A
From page 47...
... However, there is little mention of much smaller systems, such as CubeSats or nanosatellites, in the decadal survey. Furthermore, the astrophysics community's interest in the use of CubeSats has continued to lag behind that of other NASA science divisions because there are unique challenges in astrophysics.
From page 48...
... 48 ACHIEVING SCIENCE WITH CUBESATS FIGURE 4.6  The BRITE (Bright Target Explorer) constellation consists of six 20-cm cube satellites, each employing one of two different optical filters to study variations in the intensity of massive stars.
From page 49...
... The AAReST (Autonomous Assembly of a Reconfigurable Space Telescope) mission is a proof of concept mission to demonstrate the autonomous assembly of a large primary mirror using small independent spacecraft, each with a single mirror.32 Summary: CubeSats in Astronomy and Astrophysics The small aperture size and pointing accuracy currently available with CubeSats has so far limited the use of the platform for astronomy and astrophysics.
From page 50...
... BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN SPACE Relevant Science Priorities in Biological and Physical Sciences in Space from the Decadal Survey This section addresses other areas where CubeSats have proved or have the potential to advance scientific knowledge, encompassing biology research in natural gravity and radiation environments and microgravity research for material physics. A comprehensive list of science objectives are presented in the 2011 biological and physical sciences in space decadal survey report Recapturing a Future for Space Exploration: Life and Physical Sciences Research for a New Era.33 Some example objectives potentially relevant to CubeSats include the following: • Plant and microbial growth and response to the space environment, • Study of complex fluids and soft matter in the microgravity laboratory, and • Advanced materials design and development for exploration.
From page 51...
... Brisset, and A Dove, 2015, "A CubeSat Microgravity Experiment on Collisions in the Proto­ lanetary Disk," presented at 5th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom.
From page 52...
... The small resources available to the science experiment limit the extent of testing and monitoring. The small CubeSat form factor may introduce boundary effects in material physics experiments, which decreases the effective volume usable for science observations.
From page 53...
... The set of science goals where the use of CubeSats would be enabling is evolving too quickly to comprehensively list, and, per the statement of task in Appendix A, this committee has not been tasked with prioritizing CubeSat missions. However, the following provides a sampling of high-priority science goals that could potentially be pursued using the CubeSats: • Solar and space physics, Earth science and applications from space -- Exploration of Earth's atmospheric boundary region.
From page 54...
... Conclusion: Constellations of 10 to 100 satellites can provide transformational science, particularly in solar and space physics and Earth science where high-cadence or multipoint measurements are essential for studying highly coupled systems. Constellations or swarms may also provide important science capabilities in astronomy.

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