Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Who was the first to depict long-tailed fauns?

I have seen several pieces of artwork that depict fauns with long, tufted tails. I initially thought this was just something that C.S. Lewis had made up*, but now I'm curious. Who was the first person ...

mythical-creatures roman  
user avatar asked by Talbot Score of 1

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

What is the difference between Ra and Horus?

I'm wondering what the difference is between Ra and Horus. I know there are both the gods of the sun/sky.

user avatar asked by cherryblossom Score of 7
user avatar answered by DukeZhou Score of 6

Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?

The following Bible passages mention “Anakim” and “Anak”: Num 13:22; 13:28; 13:33 Deut 1:28; 2:10-11; 2:21, 9:2 Josh 11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; 21:11 Judg 1:20. They sound similar. Is there ...

comparative sumerian anunnaki bible  
user avatar asked by kenorb Score of 8
user avatar answered by Gautier C Score of 8

Greek myths centered on self-sacrifice

One of them main themes within christianity is the idea of self-sacrifice: Jesus is said to have accepted crucification in order to save mankind. In contrast, in older mythologies, like the greek, the ...

greek sacrifice  
user avatar asked by Marcel Score of 3
user avatar answered by b a Score of 3

Why are Dido and Cleopatra in the second circle of Hell?

Dante places Cleopatra and Dido in the second circle of Hell, on account of their lust. However, both queens took their own lives. Shouldn't they be placed in the seventh circle, with the other ...

christianity dante inferno divine-comedy  
user avatar asked by Girsan Virlee Score of 5
user avatar answered by Lauren-Clear-Monica-Ipsum Score of 6

What is the symbolism behind Psyche's tasks?

The taskmaster in the story of Cupid and Psyche was Cupid's mother, the love goddess Venus or Aphrodite. Venus had never liked Psyche, so the opportunity of putting her to a series of tests gave Venus ...

greek roman symbolism interpretation  
user avatar asked by Hanilucas Score of 14
user avatar answered by Bread Score of 11

Why did humanizing Enkidu take a work of a prostitute and not of an ordinary woman?

The following lines suggest that Enkidu was humanized as a result of having sex with Shamhat: When with her delights he was fully sated he turned his gaze to his herd. The gazelles saw Enkidu, ...

sumerian gilgamesh  
user avatar asked by Elruz Rahimli Score of 5

What is the difference between a God and a Titan?

In Greek mythology, the words "Titan" and "God" seem to be used interchangeably. For example, Zeus is a God, but Cronus (his father) was a Titan. So what is the difference between a Titan and a God in ...

greek olympians titans  
user avatar asked by Dom Score of 43
user avatar answered by Piper Score of 36
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