Revoke your ID

If you have lost the private key for your Threema ID, or if it has been stolen, you can revoke your Threema ID by entering it along with the revocation password that you have set in the app.

Revocation will permanently delete your Threema ID and all associated information from the servers. There is no way to undo this operation.

After a Threema ID has been revoked, it will disappear from the contact lists of other users within 24 hours, and it will no longer be able to connect (may take up to one hour to apply).

The number of revocation attempts per day is limited, so please make sure you enter the right password.

Technical note: this page uses JavaScript to hash your revocation password in your browser. Only a small portion of the hash will be sent to the server as proof that you know the revocation password. The actual password will never be sent to the server.