Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery Digital Marketing

In industries as competitive as plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, marketing and website design are what help you showcase the work that makes you stand out from your competitors – and earn the trust of your patients. But how do you know which marketing strategies are right for your practice? MyAdvice utilizes 6 of the most effective plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery digital marketing channels so you can decide which is right for you.

Looking for a more customized approach? Schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgery marketing experts. They'll offer Advice and solutions tailored specifically to your business and your budget.

example image of MyAdvice's aesthetic website design

The Ultimate Plastic Surgery Marketing Strategy

Is your plastic surgery practice's marketing bringing you new patients?

Regardless of how long you’ve been in business, marketing is how you attract and retain patients, which makes it key to sustaining your plastic surgery practice for years to come. There are lots of companies out there that claim to know how to do it – but how do you really know who to trust? How do you even know where to start?

We created our Pyramid of Success guide to answer these questions (and more) and to help you see how each piece of a digital marketing strategy fits in with the whole picture to help you achieve marketing success.

Marketing Essentials

1 | Plastic Surgery Website Design

Let’s start with the essentials - establishing an online presence with a great looking, user-friendly website.



of people make judgements about a company's credibility based on its web design.

Source: Forbes

A strategic plastic surgery website design integrates effective calls to action (CTAs) throughout the website. Whether it's encouraging visitors to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, subscribe to newsletters for updates, or engage with the practice on social media, CTAs guide plastic surgery patients toward meaningful interactions and conversions.

In the dynamic world of plastic surgery marketing, where aspirations for self-improvement are woven with personal narratives, a website's design becomes an instrument for both artistic expression and functional purpose. It's an interface that delicately balances aesthetic allure with informative substance, forging a connection with individuals seeking transformation. Through captivating visuals, seamless navigation, trust-building elements, educational resources, and strategic CTAs, a well-designed cosmetic surgery website breathes life into the practice, embodying its commitment to enhancing beauty, boosting confidence, and facilitating a journey of positive change.

Website Management for Your Plastic Surgery Practice

Website hosting for plastic surgeons is a crucial component of online presence and practice marketing. It provides a reliable digital space where plastic surgeons can showcase their expertise, services, and before-and-after photos to potential patients. Opting for a secure and fast hosting service ensures that their websites load quickly, enhancing user experience and search engine rankings. With the sensitive nature of medical information, robust hosting also guarantees data security and compliance with healthcare regulations, reassuring patients about their privacy. A securely hosted website enables plastic surgeons to engage with their audience through blogs, appointment scheduling, and contact forms, fostering a strong patient-doctor relationship. In today's digital age, effective website hosting is an indispensable tool for plastic surgeons to reach, inform, and connect with patients seeking aesthetic enhancements.

MyAdvice will always ensure your website is up-to-date, secure, and fully functional. We address problems as they arise and seek the fastest solutions to make sure temporary hiccups don't cause severe headaches.

We offer Signature Websites on dynamic themes that can easily be personalized, in addition to appointment confirmation websites with the copy coming from our extensive content library. This allows us to accommodate all budgets.

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Marketing Essentials

2 | SEO and local search for your cosmetic surgery practice.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for plastic surgeons is a critical digital marketing strategy aimed at improving the online visibility and accessibility of your practice to potential patients. Plastic surgery is a highly competitive field, and a well-executed SEO strategy can help surgeons stand out in search engine results. Key elements of SEO for plastic surgeons include optimizing their website with relevant keywords and phrases related to their services, ensuring mobile-friendliness for a seamless user experience, and improving page load speeds for better search engine rankings.

Creating high-quality, informative content that educates patients about various cosmetic procedures, recovery processes, and potential risks can also boost SEO. In a competitive digital landscape, effective SEO for plastic surgeons can not only increase their website's visibility but also build trust with potential patients, ultimately driving more inquiries and appointments.

We can help you improve your online visibility and easily get found by appearing in relevant searches for your practice's key procedures.

Every search engine has one goal: to provide users with the most relevant results as quickly as possible. Google looks at signals to determine if your website is relevant, trustworthy, and deserving of being ranked higher in search results. Download our SEO checklist for a quick guide to some of the things your practice can do to get started today.

Local SEO Marketing for Cosmetic Surgeons

Local SEO is essential for plastic surgeons looking to attract patients in their specific geographic area. Here are some strategies for optimizing local SEO for plastic surgeons:

  1. Google My Business (GMB) Optimization: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing. Ensure that your profile is complete with accurate contact information, business hours, and high-quality images. Encourage patients to leave reviews on your GMB page and respond to these reviews promptly.
  2. Local Keywords: Use local keywords in your website content, meta descriptions, and title tags. Incorporate location-based keywords, such as the city or neighborhood where your practice is located, along with relevant plastic surgery terms.
  3. Local Citations: Ensure that your practice's name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online directories, including healthcare directories, local business listings, and review websites. Inaccurate or inconsistent NAP information can negatively impact your local SEO.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Optimize your website for mobile devices. Many potential patients use smartphones to search for healthcare providers, and Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in local search results.
  5. Local Content: Create content that addresses local concerns or topics related to plastic surgery in your area. This could include blog posts about local events, community involvement, or patient success stories from your region.
  6. Schema Markup: Implement schema markup on your website to provide search engines with structured data about your practice, such as your location, services, and patient reviews. This can improve the visibility of rich snippets in search results.
  7. Online Reviews: Encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Healthgrades. Positive reviews not only improve your online reputation but also boost your local SEO.
  8. Local Link Building: Build relationships with local organizations, other healthcare providers, and businesses. Seek opportunities for local backlinks to your website, which can help improve your website's authority in local search results.
  9. Local SEO Tools: Use local SEO tools and platforms to manage your online presence and track your local SEO performance. These tools can help you monitor your rankings, reviews, and NAP consistency.
  10. Local Social Media Engagement: Actively engage with your local community on social media platforms. Share relevant content, participate in local events, and interact with followers to increase your practice's visibility.

By implementing these local SEO strategies, plastic surgeons can increase their online visibility among local patients who are actively searching for their services, ultimately driving more traffic to their websites and attracting new clients from their geographic area. MyAdvice created Local Power to help make managing these pieces of your local search strategy easy.


Blog Posting

Consistent blog posting on local news, state laws, new procedures, and other relevant plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery topics provide additional resources and value to your website. Frequent posts educate potential patients, assist with search engine visibility, and help establish your practice as an authoritative and reliable source of information.

Marketing Essentials

3 | Manage your reputation.



of people’s purchasing decisions are impacted by reviews.

Source: Podium


of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Source: Forbes

Reputation Management for Plastic Surgeons

New patient reviews are increasingly becoming a key component of successful plastic surgery marketing. This happens because 80% of patients read a review before booking, and patient reviews are a key factor in ranking highly on local searches. The software is based on HIPAA to allow physicians with reputation management software to easily submit e-mails or messages to patients without disruption. Review services. You can easily get patient reviews. Boost review rankings for Google, health rating sites, and many others.

Reputation management is crucial for plastic surgeons as their reputation heavily influences patient trust and the success of their practice. Here are some key strategies for effective reputation management for plastic surgeons:

  1. Deliver Exceptional Patient Care: The foundation of a positive reputation is providing excellent patient care. Ensure that every patient has a positive experience, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. Address their concerns, provide clear communication, and prioritize their safety and well-being.
  2. Online Reviews: Actively encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, Healthgrades, and RealSelf. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, professionally and empathetically. Address any concerns raised in negative reviews and demonstrate your commitment to patient satisfaction.
  3. Website Testimonials: Display patient testimonials and before-and-after photos prominently on your website. Ensure that these testimonials are genuine and portray real patient experiences. Highlight the outcomes and improvements achieved through your services.
  4. Social Media Presence: Maintain an active and professional presence on social media platforms. Share informative content about plastic surgery procedures, and patient success stories (with consent), and engage with your followers by answering their questions and addressing their comments and concerns.
  5. Educational Content: Create and share informative content on your website and social media platforms. Write blog posts, produce videos, or host webinars that educate patients about various procedures, recovery processes, and what to expect during their plastic surgery journey. Position yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted expert.
  6. Transparency: Be transparent about your qualifications, certifications, and experience. Clearly communicate your practice's values, mission, and commitment to patient safety and satisfaction on your website and marketing materials.
  7. HIPAA Compliance: Ensure that your practice complies with all healthcare regulations, including HIPAA, to protect patient privacy and data security. Patients need to trust that their personal information is safe in your care.
  8. Monitor Online Reputation: Regularly monitor online mentions of your practice using online reputation management tools. Be proactive in addressing any negative comments or reviews that may arise.
  9. Professional Networking: Build relationships with other healthcare providers and professionals in your area. Referrals and endorsements from trusted colleagues can enhance your reputation.
  10. Continual Improvement: Continuously seek ways to improve your practice and patient experiences. Encourage feedback from patients and staff, and use this input to make positive changes.

Effective reputation management for plastic surgeons requires a proactive and ongoing effort to build and maintain trust with patients. By delivering outstanding care, actively engaging with patients and online reviews, and sharing informative content, plastic surgeons can establish and protect a positive reputation in their field.

Review Power

MyAdvice's Review Power tool takes the entire process of requesting and responding to reviews across multiple platforms and brings it under one dashboard. Suggested responses make it easy and fast to respond to any review.

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Marketing Essentials

4 | Expand your reach.



of the population is utilizing social media platforms.

Source: Pew Research

Social Media Marketing for Plastic Surgery Clinics

Social media is a powerful tool for plastic surgeons to connect with patients, showcase their expertise, and grow their practice. Here are some strategies for effectively using social media for plastic surgeons:

  1. Choose the Right Platforms: Identify which social media platforms are most relevant to your target audience. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are often popular choices for plastic surgeons, as they allow for visual content sharing.
  2. Educational Content: Share informative content that educates your audience about various procedures, recovery processes, and potential risks. This helps potential patients make informed decisions and positions you as an expert in the field.
  3. Before-and-After Photos: Share high-quality before-and-after photos of your patients (with their consent) to showcase your skills and the outcomes you can achieve. Ensure that these photos adhere to patient privacy regulations.
  4. Engage with Followers: Respond promptly to comments and messages from your followers. Engaging with your audience shows that you care about their questions and concerns.
  5. Live Q&A Sessions: Host live question-and-answer sessions where you address common patient queries, discuss recent advancements in plastic surgery, and share insights into your practice.
  6. Patient Testimonials: Share videos or written testimonials from satisfied patients to build trust and credibility. Authentic testimonials provide social proof of your expertise and patient satisfaction.
  7. Behind-the-Scenes Content: Offer a glimpse into your daily practice with behind-the-scenes content. This can include videos or posts showing your workspace, staff, and the safety measures you take to ensure patient well-being.
  8. Promotions and Special Offers: Use social media to promote special offers, discounts, or seasonal promotions for specific procedures. Create visually appealing graphics or videos to accompany these promotions.
  9. Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed. Use social media scheduling tools to plan your posts in advance.
  10. Stay Professional: Maintain a professional tone and image on social media. Avoid controversial topics and focus on providing valuable, accurate information.
  11. Monitor Your Reputation: Regularly monitor your social media mentions and reviews. Address any negative comments or concerns promptly and professionally.
  12. Comply with Regulations: Ensure that your social media content complies with healthcare regulations, including patient privacy (HIPAA) and advertising guidelines. Avoid sharing sensitive patient information.
  13. Analytics and Insights: Use the analytics and insights provided by social media platforms to track the performance of your posts and campaigns. Adjust your strategy based on what works best for your audience.
  14. Paid Advertising: Consider using paid advertising on social media to reach a broader audience. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer targeted advertising options to connect with potential patients.

Effective use of social media can help plastic surgeons establish a strong online presence, attract new patients, and build lasting relationships with their audience. By providing valuable information, showcasing successful outcomes, and engaging with followers, plastic surgeons can leverage social media to enhance their practice's visibility and reputation.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Plastic Surgery Practices

Paid search marketing, often referred to as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, can be a highly effective digital marketing strategy for plastic surgeons looking to attract potential patients actively searching for their services. Here's a guide on how plastic surgeons can utilize paid search marketing:

  1. Keyword Research: Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords related to plastic surgery. Consider both general terms (e.g., "plastic surgeon") and specific procedure-related keywords (e.g., "rhinoplasty surgeon").
  2. Create Compelling Ad Copy: Craft compelling and informative ad copy that speaks directly to potential patients' needs and concerns. Highlight your expertise, board certifications, and any unique selling points that set your practice apart.
  3. Landing Page Optimization: Ensure that your landing pages are optimized for conversions. These pages should provide detailed information about the procedures you offer, showcase before-and-after photos, and include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) for scheduling consultations or requesting more information.
  4. Geo-Targeting: Utilize geotargeting to focus your ads on the specific geographic areas you serve. This ensures that your ads are shown to potential patients in your practice's vicinity.
  5. Ad Extensions: Take advantage of ad extensions to enhance your ad's visibility and provide additional information. Use site link extensions to direct users to specific pages on your website, callout extensions to highlight benefits or offers, and location extensions to display your practice's address.
  6. Negative Keywords: Implement a negative keyword strategy to filter out irrelevant search queries that may trigger your ads. This helps improve the quality of your traffic and reduces wasted ad spend.
  7. Ad Scheduling: Optimize your ad schedule to display your ads at times when potential patients are most likely to be searching for plastic surgery services. Adjust your bid strategies accordingly.
  8. Budget Management: Set a clear budget for your PPC campaigns and monitor spending regularly. Use the budget allocation wisely to prioritize high-converting keywords and ads.
  9. Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking on your website to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Track important actions like appointment requests, phone calls, and form submissions to assess your ROI.
  10. A/B Testing: Continuously run A/B tests on your ad copy, landing pages, and ad extensions to identify what resonates best with your target audience. Make data-driven adjustments to improve your campaign performance.
  11. Quality Score: Work to improve your ad quality score by creating highly relevant ads and landing pages. A higher quality score can lead to lower ad costs and better ad placement.
  12. Mobile Optimization: Given the significant use of mobile devices in healthcare-related searches, ensure that your PPC campaigns are optimized for mobile users. Use responsive design for landing pages and consider mobile-specific ad copy.
  13. Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage users who have previously visited your website but didn't take immediate action. This can help remind them of your services and encourage them to schedule a consultation.
  14. Competitor Analysis: Keep an eye on your competitors' PPC strategies. Analyze their ad copy, keywords, and landing pages to identify opportunities to differentiate yourself and stay competitive.
  15. Compliance and Regulations: Be aware of advertising regulations specific to the healthcare industry and plastic surgery. Ensure that your ads adhere to these guidelines, including HIPAA compliance and restrictions on making false claims.

Paid search ads offer a foolproof way to market your plastic surgery practice since they show up at the number one spot in Google's search results, but these campaigns come at a cost that can quickly climb. Without an experienced person behind the wheel, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery PPC marketing can be expensive. MyAdvice can manage your campaigns for you, keeping you within budget and happy with your results.

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